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What would YOU like to see on Talk Jesus?

A young adults fellowship forum for ages 18-30, I believe it'll draw in a lot of new members.

The young adults here could like my comment and see if we can get a lot of likes and garner enough interest.
Staff Member
A young adults fellowship forum for ages 18-30, I believe it'll draw in a lot of new members.

The young adults here could like my comment and see if we can get a lot of likes and garner enough interest.

I feel old lol. I started this site when I was just 23 but now 39. Time is, disgusting.

Joking aside, good idea. I have been thinking about an add on that allows members to create social groups. Private or public. May consider this soon.
I feel old lol. I started this site when I was just 23 but now 39. Time is, disgusting.

Joking aside, good idea. I have been thinking about an add on that allows members to create social groups. Private or public. May consider this soon.

Cool. It won't be long until I'm 30, oh dear lol.
I would like to see more joy and laughter!

Is there perhaps a program you can instill that will
tickle peoples funny bones? :confused:
Good grief Coconut! Don't laugh...Somebody will accuse you of being hysterical! No lie!
Staff Member
I feel old lol. I started this site when I was just 23 but now 39. Time is, disgusting.

Joking aside, good idea. I have been thinking about an add on that allows members to create social groups. Private or public. May consider this soon.

Greetings old man @Chad :grin:

The chat room was very popular a few years ago.
Interactive fellowship may be a real blessing to some