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What If I'm Born Gay?

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My biggest issue/sin is anger.
I've learned some years back how to control it much better and how to react to things better with regards to my emotions. I wasn't born angry.
Many variables on why someone has higher tendencies. With anger, I was exposed to it more growing up with a racist stepfather who, over time, we learned was sick and got angry easier. As a child/teenager they tend to emulate what they see most.
Born into, IMO, is wrongful wording. Born being more exposed to fits better.
On topic, a young child who sees that being Alphabet or an "ally" of such thing as "ok and normal" when they are not, will influence that kid to be an ally or even much more accepting of being that.
Children and teens are highly susceptible to influence and want to be accepted even if it's in a group that's not good.
That anger lead to some choice words and also into a lifestyle I'm not proud of. However, who I used to be taught me to be better. Even before I was a Christian I didn't really see gay people as that bad but they weren't going after children and flaunting themselves so openly as they are and have been in recent years.
Being Alphabet or an ally is disgusting.
It's a spit in the face of God centered marriage and the human standard. Unrepentant ones are a spit in the face of marriage, good, normal, moral, ethical , logical, and common sense. It's why two male ends or two female ends of something never work.
There's no evidence of being born Alphabet. Lying, stealing, and sex addicts and such are all learned tendencies by one's nature and nurture. Physical addictions from the womb to birth and on are the fault of the parents.
I agree. Subjective preferences are simply that.
In normal human development when sexuality emerges both sexes will not be gay and in fact would be repulsed by any of it directed at them. When things go wrong.....that is where few can "feel" they were/are since "I was born this way." which again, is not possible. God doesn't make sexually active/Alphabet babies.
Lastly, we're not mean to be alone. A man, innately desires to find a woman to spend his life with and a woman desires to find a man to spend her life with.
Rejection of that is rejection of self.
Yes. God is more than and not just "love".
God loves Lucifer. He is Holy and Perfect and Love but He is also the Creator, Judge, and Father in all things.
He punished his child, Lucifer. A good parent punishes their children when they do wrong.
Staying on topic, no one is born Alphabet. There's no evidence and the few studies that "suggest" they are are flawed and debunked.
A true Christian cannot and does not alter/compromise God, what He's said, and the Bible for anyone; not even family or close friends.
Accepting God into one's life requires sacrifice.
Many of the Alphabet people have turned from that therefore being "that" is a choice. Their choice is to embrace those sins and untreated mental illness or abandon them for God and what is good, normal, moral, ethical, logical, and common sense.

What is '''alphabet'' ?? You mean LGBTQ++?

If so, then yes, I agree with your post. I would just add 1. that when God punishes, He does so righteously 2. Only Christians are children of God .The devil, angels and the unsaved people of the world are not children. They are creations with high intelligence. We, Christians are adopted children. Grafted into His family with a blood covenant from Jesus's sacrifice on the cross.
What is '''alphabet'' ?? You mean LGBTQ++?

If so, then yes, I agree with your post. I would just add 1. that when God punishes, He does so righteously 2. Only Christians are children of God .The devil, angels and the unsaved people of the world are not children. They are creations with high intelligence. We, Christians are adopted children. Grafted into His family with a blood covenant from Jesus's sacrifice on the cross.
God knows us before he forms us in the womb, I'm pretty sure we are his Children.
God knows us before he forms us in the womb, I'm pretty sure we are his Children.

God knowing us does not equate to us being His children. You are only adopted when you are saved. This discussion will derail this thread, if you want to properly discuss it, we can open a new thread.
God knowing us does not equate to us being His children. You are only adopted when you are saved. This discussion will derail this thread, if you want to properly discuss it, we can open a new thread.
Biblical evidence?
"Properly discuss" By your standards?
God created every human and as Father IS one of his many titles, we are His children whether one rejects, accepts, or even suggests what you think.
Biblical evidence?
"Properly discuss" By your standards?
God created every human and as Father IS one of his many titles, we are His children whether one rejects, accepts, or even suggests what you think.

No one is born gay or Alphabet. There are no Alphabet genes.
Any "parent" that says their underage child "always has been" is nothing but a pedo groomer.
Any person who "feels" they have been all their life is wrong and in rejecting self, reject what is normal, good, moral, ethical, logical, and common sense.
No one is born a murderer or a thief either it's the walk we walk n what we r influenced by.

I doubt a man child comes out thinking imma b a rapist so is the same for being same sex attraction I highly doubt a boy child came out thinking imma like men.. its not for us to pass judgement..

So when that adult whom has been groomed since a wee little one has feelings for the same sex badgering them about when they themselves believe they became gay isn't gonna do on lick of good but push them away from what eva it is they believe you believe just like the catholics did with my dad..

It's easy to push one away the challenge is help bringing them closer by allowing YH to use you..

I've known men that were gay up into their 70s frfr then bam a 180

So while you wanna b all high n mighty

Such is the way of an adulterous woman; She eateth, and wipeth her mouth, And saith, I have done no wickedness.

Do not think that they r beyond saving...

Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too difficult for Me?”

For the kingdom of heaven of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 And after agreeing with the workers for the standard wage, he sent them into his vineyard. 3 When it was about nine o’clock in the morning, he went out again and saw others standing around in the market place without work. 4 And he said to them, “You go into the vineyard too and I will give you whatever is right.” 5 So they went. When he went out again about noon and three o’clock that afternoon, he did the same thing. 6 And about five o’clock that afternoon he went out and found others standing around, and he said to them, “Why are you standing here all day without work?” 7 They said to him, “Because no one has hired us.” He said to them, “You go and work in the vineyard too.”

8 When it was evening, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager, “Call the workers and give the pay starting with the last hired until the first.” 9 When those hired about five o’clock came, each received a full day’s pay. 10 And when those hired first came, they though they would receive more. But each one also received the standard wage. 11 When they received it, they began to complain against the landowner, 12 saying, “These last fellows worked one hour, and you have made them equal to us who bore the hardship and burning heat of the day.

13 And the landowner replied to one of them, “Friend, I am not treating you unfairly. Didn’t you agree with me to work for the standard wage? 14 Take what is yours and go. I want to give this last man the same as I gave to you. 15 Am I not permitted to do what I want with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous? 16 So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

For God does not show favoritism.”

Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness

You yourselves used to be in the darkness, but since you have become the Lord's people, you are in the light. So you must live like people who belong to the light,

And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God; not as a result of [your] works [nor your attempts to keep the Law], so that no one will [be able to] boast or take credit in any way [for his salvation].

N so while you wanna make urself feel above those who are in this particular spiritual battle for that is just what it is...you yourself are sitting in darkness n the more you continue to do this the more in darkness u will be..

So if ya wanna continue to point out others weekness as if u have none so b it..

U seem that I n others are supporting that the gays is right we r not we r telling you what u r doin how ya goin about exhaulting urself as if u r better is not of YH you know the one ya r supposed to b following or so u say.. but your deaf to it ur just worried about how wrong tye gays are smh..

The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.

Seems ya got some hatred towards them n ya got your own self ambition agenda to

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Tell me where is gentleness or kindness where is the love.. if ya can't show these then ya need to work on yourself instead of worrying about those ya don't wanna have no dealing with.. cause it seems u have damned them thinking they to evil or what eva to b able to ever change

Twistie :broken_heart:
No one is born a murderer or a thief either it's the walk we walk n what we r influenced by.

I doubt a man child comes out thinking imma b a rapist so is the same for being same sex attraction I highly doubt a boy child came out thinking imma like men.. its not for us to pass judgement..

So when that adult whom has been groomed since a wee little one has feelings for the same sex badgering them about when they themselves believe they became gay isn't gonna do on lick of good but push them away from what eva it is they believe you believe just like the catholics did with my dad..

It's easy to push one away the challenge is help bringing them closer by allowing YH to use you..

I've known men that were gay up into their 70s frfr then bam a 180

So while you wanna b all high n mighty

Such is the way of an adulterous woman; She eateth, and wipeth her mouth, And saith, I have done no wickedness.

Do not think that they r beyond saving...

Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too difficult for Me?”

For the kingdom of heaven of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 And after agreeing with the workers for the standard wage, he sent them into his vineyard. 3 When it was about nine o’clock in the morning, he went out again and saw others standing around in the market place without work. 4 And he said to them, “You go into the vineyard too and I will give you whatever is right.” 5 So they went. When he went out again about noon and three o’clock that afternoon, he did the same thing. 6 And about five o’clock that afternoon he went out and found others standing around, and he said to them, “Why are you standing here all day without work?” 7 They said to him, “Because no one has hired us.” He said to them, “You go and work in the vineyard too.”

8 When it was evening, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager, “Call the workers and give the pay starting with the last hired until the first.” 9 When those hired about five o’clock came, each received a full day’s pay. 10 And when those hired first came, they though they would receive more. But each one also received the standard wage. 11 When they received it, they began to complain against the landowner, 12 saying, “These last fellows worked one hour, and you have made them equal to us who bore the hardship and burning heat of the day.

13 And the landowner replied to one of them, “Friend, I am not treating you unfairly. Didn’t you agree with me to work for the standard wage? 14 Take what is yours and go. I want to give this last man the same as I gave to you. 15 Am I not permitted to do what I want with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous? 16 So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

For God does not show favoritism.”

Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness

You yourselves used to be in the darkness, but since you have become the Lord's people, you are in the light. So you must live like people who belong to the light,

And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God; not as a result of [your] works [nor your attempts to keep the Law], so that no one will [be able to] boast or take credit in any way [for his salvation].

N so while you wanna make urself feel above those who are in this particular spiritual battle for that is just what it is...you yourself are sitting in darkness n the more you continue to do this the more in darkness u will be..

So if ya wanna continue to point out others weekness as if u have none so b it..

U seem that I n others are supporting that the gays is right we r not we r telling you what u r doin how ya goin about exhaulting urself as if u r better is not of YH you know the one ya r supposed to b following or so u say.. but your deaf to it ur just worried about how wrong tye gays are smh..

The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.

Seems ya got some hatred towards them n ya got your own self ambition agenda to

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Tell me where is gentleness or kindness where is the love.. if ya can't show these then ya need to work on yourself instead of worrying about those ya don't wanna have no dealing with.. cause it seems u have damned them thinking they to evil or what eva to b able to ever change

Twistie :broken_heart:
Here we go again with the same bad arguments and excuses.
No one is born a murderer or a thief either it's the walk we walk n what we r influenced by. - No and that's not the topic here.
Again, rape is not the topic. Stop using off topic examples.
So when that adult whom has been groomed since a wee little one has feelings for the same sex badgering them about when they themselves believe they became gay isn't gonna do on lick of good but push them away from what eva it is they believe you believe just like the catholics did with my dad.. -
Groom. That adult is at fault and optimally that child is rescued/taken away from such evil pedo groomer "parents" and then educated in the truth, normal, moral ethical, logical, and common sense in regarding heterosexuality as well as what was done to them. The abnormal homosexual behaviors and thoughts can not be encouraged.

"I've known men that were gay up into their 70s frfr then bam a 180" - So? Again, no minority defines the majority or what is good, normal, moral, ethical, logical, and common sense.

"So while you wanna b all high n mighty" - There it is. Assuming that is how I feel and then since you've nothing else of value to add, you attack a person you don't agree with nor can provide where "LGB+ is normal" or biological.

"Such is the way of an adulterous woman; She eateth, and wipeth her mouth, And saith, I have done no wickedness. Do not think that they r beyond saving...
Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too difficult for Me?”
That has nothing to do with this topic.
Typing a lot of wards that directly has nothing to do with this adds nothing. Trying to inflate a response this way doesn't add anything.

"Seems ya got some hatred towards them n ya got your own self ambition agenda to" - Opinion and assumption in one statement.

The Truth is far better than a "nice lie". If you know and believe in the God, the Bible, and how you post so many verses in every response you know their destination if they do not change. They can go as far as being as sin-LESS as possible but still "embrace and accept being Alphabet" that's not going to save them.
They, like all Christians must accept all of what God has said and is going to happen. Truly accepting God into one's life requires sacrifice and that will include permanent loss of family, friends, and in staying on topic their obsession with LGB+ sins.
If you look into various parts and Revelation, you'll see who won't be around after Jesus comes back. There will be a great time of sadness and anguish before all tears are gone. I don't wish these people to be lost but as prophesy states those still in unrepentant sin, regardless of which one, will not be in Heaven or the New Earth with God and Christians.

"Tell me where is gentleness or kindness where is the love." It's there and you've shows all who read this you don't understand.
For the 4th time you reference me when 1) I'm not the topic here. What I deal with is not relevant. I'm not Alphabet.
No, their actions will damn them and that power and Authority comes from God. There are several websites (and more) from a quick search on any search engine of many LGB+ people who've abandoned those lifestyles and many of them are married with kids and God at the center of their lives.
The human life is tiny in comparison to what God offers. At some point after your death, no one will ever speak your name and eventually your life and image will be forgotten forever. If you or they do not change that will happen.
Here we go again with the same bad arguments and excuses.
No one is born a murderer or a thief either it's the walk we walk n what we r influenced by. - No and that's not the topic here.
Again, rape is not the topic. Stop using off topic examples.
So when that adult whom has been groomed since a wee little one has feelings for the same sex badgering them about when they themselves believe they became gay isn't gonna do on lick of good but push them away from what eva it is they believe you believe just like the catholics did with my dad.. -
Groom. That adult is at fault and optimally that child is rescued/taken away from such evil pedo groomer "parents" and then educated in the truth, normal, moral ethical, logical, and common sense in regarding heterosexuality as well as what was done to them. The abnormal homosexual behaviors and thoughts can not be encouraged.

"I've known men that were gay up into their 70s frfr then bam a 180" - So? Again, no minority defines the majority or what is good, normal, moral, ethical, logical, and common sense.

"So while you wanna b all high n mighty" - There it is. Assuming that is how I feel and then since you've nothing else of value to add, you attack a person you don't agree with nor can provide where "LGB+ is normal" or biological.

"Such is the way of an adulterous woman; She eateth, and wipeth her mouth, And saith, I have done no wickedness. Do not think that they r beyond saving...
Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too difficult for Me?”
That has nothing to do with this topic.
Typing a lot of wards that directly has nothing to do with this adds nothing. Trying to inflate a response this way doesn't add anything.

"Seems ya got some hatred towards them n ya got your own self ambition agenda to" - Opinion and assumption in one statement.

The Truth is far better than a "nice lie". If you know and believe in the God, the Bible, and how you post so many verses in every response you know their destination if they do not change. They can go as far as being as sin-LESS as possible but still "embrace and accept being Alphabet" that's not going to save them.
They, like all Christians must accept all of what God has said and is going to happen. Truly accepting God into one's life requires sacrifice and that will include permanent loss of family, friends, and in staying on topic their obsession with LGB+ sins.
If you look into various parts and Revelation, you'll see who won't be around after Jesus comes back. There will be a great time of sadness and anguish before all tears are gone. I don't wish these people to be lost but as prophesy states those still in unrepentant sin, regardless of which one, will not be in Heaven or the New Earth with God and Christians.

"Tell me where is gentleness or kindness where is the love." It's there and you've shows all who read this you don't understand.
For the 4th time you reference me when 1) I'm not the topic here. What I deal with is not relevant. I'm not Alphabet.
No, their actions will damn them and that power and Authority comes from God. There are several websites (and more) from a quick search on any search engine of many LGB+ people who've abandoned those lifestyles and many of them are married with kids and God at the center of their lives.
The human life is tiny in comparison to what God offers. At some point after your death, no one will ever speak your name and eventually your life and image will be forgotten forever. If you or they do not change that will happen.
Ok I got what u is u is soo prideful all u can do is point fingers n this is what my Lord tells me

but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.

n there is only One of them frfr

Then, when the Righteous Judge comes and judges the world, all those who have trusted in Jesus Christ will be deemed righteous, and may enter into His eternal heaven, but all those who haughtily try to stand on their own righteousness will be deemed unrighteous, and will suffer the eternal penalty for their sin.

But I get it u right I'm wrong the others r wrong u are perfect

N I hear what YH tells me about you

This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’

No worries I will not give u no more of my pearls to trample I know what u is

Blind n deaf the Truth has blinded you:eyes:

Twistie :broken_heart:
Here we go again with the same bad arguments and excuses.
No one is born a murderer or a thief either it's the walk we walk n what we r influenced by. - No and that's not the topic here.
Again, rape is not the topic. Stop using off topic examples.
So when that adult whom has been groomed since a wee little one has feelings for the same sex badgering them about when they themselves believe they became gay isn't gonna do on lick of good but push them away from what eva it is they believe you believe just like the catholics did with my dad.. -
Groom. That adult is at fault and optimally that child is rescued/taken away from such evil pedo groomer "parents" and then educated in the truth, normal, moral ethical, logical, and common sense in regarding heterosexuality as well as what was done to them. The abnormal homosexual behaviors and thoughts can not be encouraged.

"I've known men that were gay up into their 70s frfr then bam a 180" - So? Again, no minority defines the majority or what is good, normal, moral, ethical, logical, and common sense.

"So while you wanna b all high n mighty" - There it is. Assuming that is how I feel and then since you've nothing else of value to add, you attack a person you don't agree with nor can provide where "LGB+ is normal" or biological.

"Such is the way of an adulterous woman; She eateth, and wipeth her mouth, And saith, I have done no wickedness. Do not think that they r beyond saving...
Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too difficult for Me?”
That has nothing to do with this topic.
Typing a lot of wards that directly has nothing to do with this adds nothing. Trying to inflate a response this way doesn't add anything.

"Seems ya got some hatred towards them n ya got your own self ambition agenda to" - Opinion and assumption in one statement.

The Truth is far better than a "nice lie". If you know and believe in the God, the Bible, and how you post so many verses in every response you know their destination if they do not change. They can go as far as being as sin-LESS as possible but still "embrace and accept being Alphabet" that's not going to save them.
They, like all Christians must accept all of what God has said and is going to happen. Truly accepting God into one's life requires sacrifice and that will include permanent loss of family, friends, and in staying on topic their obsession with LGB+ sins.
If you look into various parts and Revelation, you'll see who won't be around after Jesus comes back. There will be a great time of sadness and anguish before all tears are gone. I don't wish these people to be lost but as prophesy states those still in unrepentant sin, regardless of which one, will not be in Heaven or the New Earth with God and Christians.

"Tell me where is gentleness or kindness where is the love." It's there and you've shows all who read this you don't understand.
For the 4th time you reference me when 1) I'm not the topic here. What I deal with is not relevant. I'm not Alphabet.
No, their actions will damn them and that power and Authority comes from God. There are several websites (and more) from a quick search on any search engine of many LGB+ people who've abandoned those lifestyles and many of them are married with kids and God at the center of their lives.
The human life is tiny in comparison to what God offers. At some point after your death, no one will ever speak your name and eventually your life and image will be forgotten forever. If you or they do not change that will happen.
Welcome to Americas Christianity where most of them have lost their compassion for people and have become as cold as the machines they read write work and play on where they tell their phones to awake for information
where they have given the power to Satan to blaspheme the Word of Most Holy where they do nothing but send their money to the rich for blessings and call a dead building a church where they say taking poison is good for healing people and curse what Most Holy Supplied them with for remedies they know nothing about
where they Love sitting in ignorance instead of gaining knowledge welcome to the world of Americas Christianity where they walk pass the hungry n homeless to go in a temple to praise their god

welcome to Americas Christianity where the dead things comes BFORE the living eats

Welcome to Americas Christianity where most drink out of others cisterns in stead of their own

YH desires mercy n knowledge of Him above all else n you have neither

This seems to fit u to a tea

Twistie :broken_heart:
Welcome to Americas Christianity where most of them have lost their compassion for people and have become as cold as the machines they read write work and play on where they tell their phones to awake for information
where they have given the power to Satan to blaspheme the Word of Most Holy where they do nothing but send their money to the rich for blessings and call a dead building a church where they say taking poison is good for healing people and curse what Most Holy Supplied them with for remedies they know nothing about
where they Love sitting in ignorance instead of gaining knowledge welcome to the world of Americas Christianity where they walk pass the hungry n homeless to go in a temple to praise their god

welcome to Americas Christianity where the dead things comes BFORE the living eats

Welcome to Americas Christianity where most drink out of others cisterns in stead of their own

YH desires mercy n knowledge of Him above all else n you have neither

This seems to fit u to a tea

Twistie :broken_heart:
Welcome to Americas Christianity where most of them have lost their compassion for people and have become as cold as the machines they read write work and play on where they tell their phones to awake for information - Evidence? IDK who taught you to argue but they did a bad job of it or if you learned on your own yours isn't good.
What are you rambling on about? Break up your run-on sentences.
Making absurd statements with no evidence adds nothing to this.
Again, you bring me into this b/c you've nothing of value to say in this.
Welcome to Americas Christianity where most of them have lost their compassion for people and have become as cold as the machines they read write work and play on where they tell their phones to awake for information - Evidence? IDK who taught you to argue but they did a bad job of it or if you learned on your own yours isn't good.
What are you rambling on about? Break up your run-on sentences.
Making absurd statements with no evidence adds nothing to this.
Again, you bring me into this b/c you've nothing of value to say in this.
As far as I know, there's only two forms of sexual attraction; of man, to the first; feminine. Of woman, to the first; masculine. Then there's man/woman and woman/man to the second; feminine to feminine and masculine to masculine. Whatever that lgbq stuff is, there really is only gay or not gay.

I think you would benefit from polarity therapy. I will not condemn you. Rather, I would pose a suggestion: learn about mating polarities, and discover more about yourself.


1. What is your own dominant polarity; masculine, or feminine.
2. Are you dominant, or submissive.
3. Is your attraction to males towards dominant males, or submissive males.
4. What was the most prominant polarity trait in your youth that others exposed you to; feminine energy, or masculine energy.
5. Was your biological father, or the males you were exposed to most often, submissive, or dominant, and what about the women, and your mother; was she taking on alpha traits, or was she able to freely operate in her feminine self.

The list can grow and many, many more questions can be added to it for you to learn more about you and those whom you were raised up by.

I honestly don't care about others' sexual interests until idiots like our disgraced president, Joe, is supportive of unthinkable abominations against children--all to harvest minority votes for his campaign.

I think you can begin this process with a blank sheet of paper and write on it: 'Am I actually gay?'

A lot of people think they're gay, and the reality of the matter is that they are confused. And whose business is it really, ours, or yours?

Jesus saved the adulterous woman from her prosecutors that were going to kill her, and what did he say? Are there any here that persecute you? 'No.' Neither do I. Go, and sin no more.

Jesus knew full well that she slept with many men, and he did not condemn her. There are more believers than you can count to in an entire year that will throw stones at you, but take heed in the words they use to stone you. Often, the words of others will reveal them, that they are ignorant--be attentive to the one that offers more than a stone, who gives you bread appropriate for your season. This is your season to find your truth, and this is business, private, between you, God, and to whomever you are joined to; while a male and a male cannot be joined as one flesh, it is not the same of the Spirit--for it is the soul that we love, which is greater than the body.

I am sorry that you are facing this difficulty--but let no person create a rift between you and God.

I wish you all the best, and I bless you on your journey.

On the day of judgement, we will all know this one thing: there is only one sin that cannot be forgiven, and many of us will stand in the front as a shield for them whom we give account, and are ourselves judged according to this rule: he who has been set to rule over a house will be charged to bare the iniquities of its residents, and his human term will be spent wiping away the sins of his people, and also, he is charged to judge the people righteously, and with equity.

I can give no more words on this subject and this is everything I am capable of providing for you.
As far as I know, there's only two forms of sexual attraction; of man, to the first; feminine. Of woman, to the first; masculine. Then there's man/woman and woman/man to the second; feminine to feminine and masculine to masculine. Whatever that lgbq stuff is, there really is only gay or not gay.

I think you would benefit from polarity therapy. I will not condemn you. Rather, I would pose a suggestion: learn about mating polarities, and discover more about yourself.


1. What is your own dominant polarity; masculine, or feminine.
2. Are you dominant, or submissive.
3. Is your attraction to males towards dominant males, or submissive males.
4. What was the most prominant polarity trait in your youth that others exposed you to; feminine energy, or masculine energy.
5. Was your biological father, or the males you were exposed to most often, submissive, or dominant, and what about the women, and your mother; was she taking on alpha traits, or was she able to freely operate in her feminine self.

The list can grow and many, many more questions can be added to it for you to learn more about you and those whom you were raised up by.

I honestly don't care about others' sexual interests until idiots like our disgraced president, Joe, is supportive of unthinkable abominations against children--all to harvest minority votes for his campaign.

I think you can begin this process with a blank sheet of paper and write on it: 'Am I actually gay?'

A lot of people think they're gay, and the reality of the matter is that they are confused. And whose business is it really, ours, or yours?

Jesus saved the adulterous woman from her prosecutors that were going to kill her, and what did he say? Are there any here that persecute you? 'No.' Neither do I. Go, and sin no more.

Jesus knew full well that she slept with many men, and he did not condemn her. There are more believers than you can count to in an entire year that will throw stones at you, but take heed in the words they use to stone you. Often, the words of others will reveal them, that they are ignorant--be attentive to the one that offers more than a stone, who gives you bread appropriate for your season. This is your season to find your truth, and this is business, private, between you, God, and to whomever you are joined to; while a male and a male cannot be joined as one flesh, it is not the same of the Spirit--for it is the soul that we love, which is greater than the body.

I am sorry that you are facing this difficulty--but let no person create a rift between you and God.

I wish you all the best, and I bless you on your journey.

On the day of judgement, we will all know this one thing: there is only one sin that cannot be forgiven, and many of us will stand in the front as a shield for them whom we give account, and are ourselves judged according to this rule: he who has been set to rule over a house will be charged to bare the iniquities of its residents, and his human term will be spent wiping away the sins of his people, and also, he is charged to judge the people righteously, and with equity.

I can give no more words on this subject and this is everything I am capable of providing for you.
1. A lot of words to explain Normal sexuality vs Abnormal sexuality.
2. Not going to answer b/c I'm not and it's off topic. God set the human standard with Adam and Eve. Simple. Nothing about this has been altered or retracted.
3. You don't? You should. If you value all things good, normal, moral, ethical, logical, and comm sense you should be concerned about anything of abnormal "sexuality". One of those transgenders (biological female) shot up a school, killed two adults at least, and some children. All b/c many wouldn't entertain her delusions and abnormal PoV.
4. Bringing Pedo Joe into this is irrelevant and that whole issue is another one for another post.
5. "I think you can begin this process with a blank sheet of paper and write on it: 'Am I actually gay?'" That's a waste of time. Again, going after someone b/c you don't agree is a low tier argument.
6. "A lot of people think they're gay, and the reality of the matter is that they are confused. And whose business is it really, ours, or yours?" - Yes. Some of them have openly stated "We are coming for your children." Many of them fighting for the "right" to be around children. Learning about anything other than heterosexuality isn't necessary. It's not essential knowledge. There are times God told Christians to avoid such people and others entirely. At some point, by His wisdom you know you've done what you can so stop wasting time and move on (shake the dust from your feet).
7. Jesus DID condemn sinners. As you and others jump on another definition of condemn:
To express strong disapproval of: The Judge has spoken on these things so condeming others IS a part of being a Christian. A shorter word than "I express disapproval of (insert sin here). Perfectly applicable.
8. The following paragraph is irrelevant.
9. "I am sorry that you are facing this difficulty--but let no person create a rift between you and God."
a) You're wrong. Assume nothing.
b) God hates a lying tongue.
10. Your last paragraph. Irrelevant to this topic.
11. Capable? Then you need to work harder.
*What's most disturbing is how you're pushing so hard on their side given how worse they have become b/c of "tolerance, diversity, and inclusion".
Giving them jobs just b/c "they believe they are" over merit which is worth more than subjective beliefs and feelings.
Prophesy states who will be with God in the future after Jesus comes back and all unrepentant sinners especially the Alphabet ones will not.
Did someone (moderated deletion) this morning?

I'm sorry that you were born gay and I thought to show you some support as you journey with Jesus, and it must be terribly difficult for you to come to terms with your sin because of how great your gayness is.

I am not gay so I really can't tell you not to be as gay and ill-mannered as you are, as your gayness truly is great.

Why not just walk away and be damned to hell where there will apparently be, according to your words, all the gay people. I mean, for a person like you it would be a sacred haven where you can submit yourself to as many male subjects as you wish. You might even meet the inhabitants of Sodom--I'm sure you will fit right in.

Except I have this charge against you; you do not know Jesus, and apparently you don't know what sin is either.

For me to attempt to educate an infant as yourself, I provided material relevant to the subject that holds great value for the individual that is attracted to the same sex as themselves, and now it is apparent to me that you could not comprehend it, and what this means is that it was meant for someone else as a blessing for them.

I guess the raging desire within you is so great that you have become overwhelmed by how gay you are with your unquenchable lust and you must surely be frustrated that you are condemned by everyone around you. But hey, going to hell with all the other gay people you think should be there is a nice consolation, no? Since you know where you are going, at the very least hold tight your tongue, for it has revealed how incredibly stupid you are, and your bitterness. Since the only thing coming out of you through your words is trash, it might even benefit you to change your name to 'garbage.'

There are places where you would be very fortunate to lose only your tongue and not your life when you run around spewing sewage from your mouth as you talk down to My brothers and sisters in Christ shewing forth that there is no good element in you as you continue to make your pathetically futile attempts to catch My brothers and My sisters in a trap so that you could exert your unhinged self under a righteous pretense to cause as much harm to their Spirit as you can.

I warn you, and now I tell you, Sit, and give thanks for the crumbs that fall off of Our Father's table, because you will not be receiving bread for some time.

Did you really think you could run amok speaking as you please, knowing not that there are Lions among Us who will not hesitate to remove you as we protect all of the flocks we have been set to watch over?

See, in God's house there are many offices that handle the many members of the body, and not one of us possesses a fully perfect understanding; it is better to gently guide a person as they come to the knowledge of Christ for this particular subject or you risk being the reason for them rejecting Christ for the remainder of their lifetime

Jesus did not say 'you are condemned,' He said, 'is there anyone left to condemn you?' And the woman responded to Him, saying, 'No.' Then our heavenly Father says to her, 'neither do I condemn you.'

Is this a difficult thing to understand that the virtue which straightens crooked paths comes from love?

If you build a bridge between two slopes, will you not set wood upon the rope and walk gently, lest you fall and crush your head?

We have here 3 kinds of Christians, so to speak.

The first is condemning others because their sin was condemned, and it burned them.

The second preaches against sin and for God with honey, so that he could feed his sin, which is very, very great.

The third is gentle and kind, but firm, and they do what they do for you out of love, because they know you are a suckling, and they know that even bread will kill the suckling because it is intolerant and weak and there are better methods than chopping the head right off.

There is a reason that many righteous kings take counsel with many of their subjects, and that is because life or death will become the end result, and he makes his decisions very carefully, as life is ver precious, and it is priceless.
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Did someone (moderated deletion) this morning?

I'm sorry that you were born gay and I thought to show you some support as you journey with Jesus, and it must be terribly difficult for you to come to terms with your sin because of how great your gayness is.

I am not gay so I really can't tell you not to be as gay and ill-mannered as you are, as your gayness truly is great.

Why not just walk away and be damned to hell where there will apparently be, according to your words, all the gay people. I mean, for a person like you it would be a sacred haven where you can submit yourself to as many male subjects as you wish. You might even meet the inhabitants of sadom--I'm sure you will fit right in.

Except I have this charge against you; you do not know Jesus, and apparently you don't know what sin is either.

For me to attempt to educate an infant as yourself, I provided material relevant to the subject that holds great value for the individual that is attracted to the same sex as themselves, and now it is apparent to me that you could not comprehend it, and what this means is that it was meant for someone else as a blessing for them.

I guess the raging desire within you is so great that you have become overwhelmed by how gay you are with your unquenchable lust and you must surely be frustrated that you are condemned by everyone around you. But hey, going to hell with all the other gay people you think should be there is a nice consolation, no? Since you know where you are going, at the very least hold tight your tongue, for it has revealed how incredibly stupid you are, and your bitterness. Since the only thing coming out of you through your words is trash, it might even benefit you to change your name to 'garbage.'

There are places where you would be very fortunate to lose only your tongue and not your life when you run around spewing sewage from your mouth as you talk down to My brothers and sisters in Christ shewing forth that there is no good element in you as you continue to make your pathetically futile attemts to catch My brothers and My sisters in a trap so that you could exert your unhinged self under a righteous pretense to cause as much harm to their Spirit as you can.

I warn you, and now I tell you, Sit, and give thanks for the crumbs that fall off of Our Father's table, because you will not be recieving bread for some time.

Did you really think you could run amok speaking as you please, knowing not that there are Lions among Us who will not hesitate to remove you as we protect all of the flocks we have been set to watch over?

See, in God's house there are many offices that handle the many members of the body, and not one of us possesses a fully perfect understanding; it is better to gently guide a person as they come to the knowledge of Christ for this particular subject or you risk being the reason for them rejecting Christ for the remainder of their lifetime

Jesus did not say 'you are condemned,' He said, 'is there anyone left to condemn you?' And the woman responded to Him, saying, 'No.' Then our heavenly Father says to her, 'neither do I condemn you.'

Is this a difficult thing to understand that the virtue which straightens crooked paths comes from love?

If you build a bridge between two slopes, will you not set wood upon the rope and walk gently, lest you fall and crush your head?

We have here 3 kinds of Christians, so to speak.

The first is condemning others because their sin was condemned and it burned them.

The second preaches against sin and for God with honey, so that he could feed his sin, which is very, very great.

The third is gentle and kind, but firm, and they do what they do for you out of love, because they know you are a suckling, and they know that even bread will kill the suckling because it is intolerant and weak and there are better methods than chopping the head right off.

There is a reason that many righteous kings take counsel with many of their subjects, and that is because life or death will become the end result, and he makes his decisions very carefully, as life is ver precious, and it is priceless.
Here we go. Good job at starting off with vulgar language. Loss of emotions will do that to a person.
Why would you think that? Then you state that I am "gay" when I'm not. That's not a sane mind.
I'll entertain the rest of your rambling b/c factually, that's what this is. It shows you do support them and the people that cry the loudest are guilty of it.
God decided what is sin long before either of us were born. Not going to blaspheme God for anyone especially them.
"Except I have this charge against you; you do not know Jesus, and apparently you don't know what sin is either." Charge? By definition you are the one who doesn't know what sin is. Fact over feelings.
You lost the argument. You're stance is invalid.
Condemn is the same as disapproval. It has 3 definitions. Grade school info.
Write your copy/pasted novel all you want, it means nothing.
God isn't going to change his stance on any sin, or Alphabet people who refuse to turn from their sins.
You can't tell at God and have Him change His mind but you can write a useless rant on a Christian forum.
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