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Matthew 5:10

Absolutely! This is a great verse to point out. God is still in control, so though they are tried by fire praise God they will have great reward! No matter how dreary the situations are there is always, always something to Bless the Lord God for. Jesus will always be praised.

Romans 8:28

Everything that happens God will use for His glory and His children's good.
Amen, Ceptor. It continually amazes me the diversity of paths He will work for good (as so many have brought up here) and how gracious and merciful He is, loving us along the way; whether praying and supporting from afar, responding to go, fleeing to save or better lives, sheltering the needy, .... May all eyes be fixed on Him so that He may bring us to perfect peace with Him.
Oct 21
1. Senegal appears both open and closed spiritually. They enjoy religious freedom, but few of the Muslim majority have ever come to faith. Pray for a spiritual breakthrough!
2. Pray for peace in the Casamance region, where ethnic and religious differences fall into sporadic violence.
3. The largest churches are in Serer, Jola, Bassari, and Cape Verdean, Catholic in background. Good progress in terms of health and education, but Muslims know Christians as "those who drink" and not "those who follow Christ." Pray that the Church will hold on to it's identity in Christ and powerfully demonstrate Him to the nations.
Wolof, Fulbe, Jola, Maures, and Malinke peoples. Pray also for the thousands of emigrants on illegal sea voyages to the Canary Islamds, (to get to Europe. Ceptor, thank you for this reminder!)
Oct 23
1. The Balkan wars left a devastated economy, weak democracy, and poor relations with nearby countries and minority groups. Resolutions must be found, but stubborn government and deep ethnic pride among the main faith groups are increasing problems. Pray for His work and His hand to dominate all interactions and ears to hear His voice.
2. The Serbian Orthodox Church and Evangelicals are at odds. Pray for unity.
3. The war refugees need comapassion and care. Millions are displaced. Pray for them and for those reaching them, and those that have not yet stepped out. Pray also for the Serbs in other lands.
Oct 25
1. Although Singaporean society is built on dedicated labor, discipline and national self relaince and is therefore stable, it suffers from idolizing materialism. Many young people become inactive in their faith once they are married and then later have issued with addiction, drugs, depression, family violence, broken marriages, etc. Pray the people would remember their first love and not find security in anything other than Him.
2. Singapore is considered the "Antioch of Asia" due to its location and rich resources, including Bible and leadership training. Pray that this country will be a blessing to the least evangelized nations and a servant leader that helps new mission movements.
3. 1.25 million foreigners come from over 100 nations, the majority working lower paid jobs and from unevangelized lands. The Church can be sophisticated and successful, as well as prideful and unreaching. Pray for humility and for more ministry to local churches.
Malays, Indians, Mainland Chinese, migrant workers
60 Day Prayer Experience Country List

[URL='http://www.talkjesus.com/members/fightngwrmwood.7084/']Fightngwrmwood's link is incredibly useful for the Saints who aim to pray for those in need. Lots of work has been done for us. I really liked this simple setup so I thought I would post it here in case anyone wanted to pray with me. I'm going to start today as day one.

James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

May God use your prayers powerfully.

