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Are We Living in the End Times (About 100 Years or Less Left)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 340 72.6%
  • No

    Votes: 36 7.7%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 92 19.7%

  • Total voters
I would say that the day of our Lord approaches and trimming our lamps would certainly be in our best interests.
Love the scripture!
If you believe and are "Born Again", you are ready. I have been here at TJ for a long time and I have not seen any that ,in my opinion , are not ready. Oh, there has been a few but they don't stay long!
I believe and have asked Jesus into my life many times. I also believe that even though we go through times when the Holy Spirit is quiet, I think called the wilderness times He has still helped and prompted me.
I know you only have to ask once, but we all have perhaps wandered a bit, like the prodigal son and I suffered with doubt. So when I have I just ask again. I love that scripture. Thanks for reminding me of it.
We are the Prodigal Son, we all wonder and have doubt at times but just like the Prodigal Son, in the end, we are just as saved!
The parable is for us, it symbolizes God's love for us and, though some would disagree , I think it is proof that once saved always saved.
Jesus showed His love for us by giving us this and other parables which show the salvation that He alone can give us. And for just believing in Him and living the life. Sounds easy I know. Just wish others who just don't see it would study His word. I believe we need to pray for them, that the Holy Spirit would open their eyes.
I believe the last times have started already, even a time ago.
1 John 2:18 " Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that is the last hour. "
Were those people wrong writing at that time, 2000 years ago these things? Certainly no.
It means that the last times have started back then.
Luke 13:6-9
" A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, 'Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig three and find none. Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?' But he answered and said to him, 'Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it. And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down.' "
We are this tree and the whole humanity in general. Everyone was supposed to bear fruit, but we didn't. Then Christ came to die for us and gave us a second chance. With a special treatment, special help that is his blood and sacrifice for us. He is this vinekeeper in the parable. When the master (God) of the vineyard wanted to cut the tree, Jesus interfered and asked him to keep it for one more year in which he was going to give a special treatment to this tree. We can say that Jesus is the mercy part of God. After that if it wouldn't bear fruit, He would cut it. Not everyone will accept His sacrifice. That was the last year for that tree. And the tree represents us in person and the whole humanity as well. It means that the last times started already since Jesus shed His blood on the cross.
1 Peter 1:20
" He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you. " So these past 2000 years are part of this last year of the parable of the barren fig tree. The last times and the last opportunity of the mankind. And those tree years are the time before it. Now, we don't know in this case how much is a "year" of this parable in Luke 13. The very end didn't come yet, because God is being patient and is giving opportunity to more people to repent. We live in this time of patience now. We can see as well that extraordinary changes and events have happened in these past 2000 years for the whole humanity. As the world was a bit stale, and then all of a sudden started moving with a very fast pase. It is because also the enemy ( satan ) knowing the opportunity we've got now is also more busy than ever with accomplishing his evil plan. Easier for us to get closer to God through Christ, but also more temptations than ever. The last times are not a matter of 5,10 or 50 years as we are often used to think. God looks at time differently and for Him thousand years are like a day, meaning that thousand years are not a long period of time for Him. But by the fact that He started saying that since then are the last times it means that is already in march.
The question is if we are already approaching the very last times or the time of the great tribulation. And when that time approaches, then really the time will be short.
Pestilences are always been there, and wars and rumours of wars. It was predicted by Jesus that these things will happen in the last times.
But when these things happen together with some other events that are supposed to happen, when all things fit together, then probably we are approaching these " very " last times.
The seals of which Revelation 6 speaks about probably have already happened ( at least some of them ), but in the last seventh seal there are seven trumpets, and this is what I think the great tribulation. One thing remains for us all in this times and this is to be watchful more and more because no one knows the day or the hour.
Matthew 24:42
Yes and we are drawing nearer and nearer to the revealing of the antichrist.
I believe we are being pushed closer to a global government that will crown the antichrist (the coming false messiah) as its king.
We know from 2 Thessalonians 2:3 that the antichrist must first be revealed before the Lord returns.
Greetings Chad,

The results of the voting are probably as we may expect, I cannot help but wonder how the voting percentages would change if you put a suggested time scale for the first option as 10 years.

Scripture tells us to be ready, prepared and waiting now.

Here's the thing.. The term antichrist does not apply to one person. Anyone who preaches things that deny the Saviour or preaches against His doctrine is in fact an antichrist, Yes, it would seem that the scriptures say that there will be one who will be the antichrist and there are many who want there to be a one world government and that is something that will bring forth such things. Who will be THE antichrist as mentioned in the book of Revelation.. Who knows? It doesn't matter really as there are many of them already in the world. What is likely is that it will be someone with wealth and influence.

Other things that need to happen before the second coming is the restoration of all keys from the dispensations previous. This will require a restoration of the Gospel, again much can be found in Revelations. So the establishment of His church, a return of revelation where directions are given from Christ directly via the spirit. Covenants will need to be returned and made . The writings of of the tribe of Joseph will be made known (His other sheep) and many more will eventually come forth. Many of these things have taken place already but many will reject them until He comes again.

Ezekiel 37:16 KJV
Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions [The Bible]: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions: [The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ].

I believe that there will be more eventually come out, and some more writings have been found over the passage of time, Dead Sea Scrolls etc. Many (even most) will reject them, but a careful study of the Bible, and very often the Old Testament, points to such things happening. But some of the Old Testament is quite hard to understand. Even some of the NT is hard to understand, but the OT especially so.
Here's the thing.. The term antichrist does not apply to one person. Anyone who preaches things that deny the Saviour or preaches against His doctrine is in fact an antichrist, Yes, it would seem that the scriptures say that there will be one who will be the antichrist and there are many who want there to be a one world government and that is something that will bring forth such things. Who will be THE antichrist as mentioned in the book of Revelation.. Who knows? It doesn't matter really as there are many of them already in the world. What is likely is that it will be someone with wealth and influence.

Other things that need to happen before the second coming is the restoration of all keys from the dispensations previous. This will require a restoration of the Gospel, again much can be found in Revelations. So the establishment of His church, a return of revelation where directions are given from Christ directly via the spirit. Covenants will need to be returned and made . The writings of of the tribe of Joseph will be made known (His other sheep) and many more will eventually come forth. Many of these things have taken place already but many will reject them until He comes again.

Ezekiel 37:16 KJV
Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions [The Bible]: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions: [The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ].

I believe that there will be more eventually come out, and some more writings have been found over the passage of time, Dead Sea Scrolls etc. Many (even most) will reject them, but a careful study of the Bible, and very often the Old Testament, points to such things happening. But some of the Old Testament is quite hard to understand. Even some of the NT is hard to understand, but the OT especially so.
No offense but who cares! Relatively speaking in the realm of things, we all are in the end times...with regard to time, we are here for such a short time; one should not concern themselves with the Biblilical End Times but their rapidly approaching death and whether they are right with God or not!
Are We Living in the End Times (About 100 Years or Less Left)? --- YES

More importantly are we in the latter days of the end time? --- YES

Are we in the Tribulation Period? --- that is I feel a more realistic question brother.
No offense but who cares! Relatively speaking in the realm of things, we all are in the end times...with regard to time, we are here for such a short time; one should not concern themselves with the Biblilical End Times but their rapidly approaching death and whether they are right with God or not!
LOL:joy: just make sure you catch that "1st Flight"Out!
Are We Living in the End Times (About 100 Years or Less Left)? --- YES

More importantly are we in the latter days of the end time? --- YES

Are we in the Tribulation Period? --- that is I feel a more realistic question brother.
Better than that! Live like He is coming tonight, and your bags pack!