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a poem i wrote

Here's a little poem I wrote (the bold words are the beat):

Jesus is my Lord, He's the Great I AM
I turned over my life to Him and WHAM WHAM WHAM!
I could hardly be-lieve it.
De-cid-ed to re-ceive it.
He took my life from sa-tan, yeah, He beat the devil's scam.

I used to be a weasel, I used to be a jerk.
Wine, women, song and drugs
And not a lick of work.

I thought that He would boot me.
In-stead He roto-root me.
And pieced me back to-geth-er with His su-per glue of Love.

that was good. sounds more like a rap than a poem(not that im knockin it i loved it) god bless. keep writing its a great gift.
Registered Member
Jesus is Lord!

Sondog said:
Here's a little poem I wrote (the bold words are the beat):

Jesus is my Lord, He's the Great I AM
I turned over my life to Him and WHAM WHAM WHAM!
I could hardly be-lieve it.
De-cid-ed to re-ceive it.
He took my life from sa-tan, yeah, He beat the devil's scam.

I used to be a weasel, I used to be a jerk.
Wine, women, song and drugs
And not a lick of work.

I thought that He would boot me.
In-stead He roto-root me.
And pieced me back to-geth-er with His su-per glue of Love.

Hi, sondog!

Fun! You are creative.

Your Sister in Christ,
Dr. Bon Vie
Last edited:
Praise The LORD!

Great Job. :thumbs_up it was a blessing, especially the last part. If ur held together with God's love nothing can break you away from him!!!!
Thanks so much for the encouragement! Glad it spoke to people. The best thing about the peom is that it is true -- God really did deliver me from those things (and more).

That was a cool poem!Yes it could be a rap song!Gods love does hold us together!Its all we need!Keep writing!I write poetry too!Love,Sister.
Here's a little poem I wrote (the bold words are the beat):

Jesus is my Lord, He's the Great I AM
I turned over my life to Him and WHAM WHAM WHAM!
I could hardly be-lieve it.
De-cid-ed to re-ceive it.
He took my life from sa-tan, yeah, He beat the devil's scam.

I used to be a weasel, I used to be a jerk.
Wine, women, song and drugs
And not a lick of work.

I thought that He would boot me.
In-stead He roto-root me.
And pieced me back to-geth-er with His su-per glue of Love.
Well that was perfect!

I guess some of us have it, and some of us don't.