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The Rose

Her hair shone like a diamond in the sun.

Her laughter filled the garden to over-

flowing. She spied it. A blood red rose that

had begun to bloom. Its petals opening

up to the rays from above. Shadows fell

upon the rose like darkness of night. The

girl picked that rose, so red and new.

She put it in her golden hair, careful

not to loose a petal. That girl left

the garden without a care in the world.

When she got home, she placed that

rose on her window sill and watched

it every day. Each day, a new petal

fell to the floor. The girl never

knew that taking it from its home killed

the life that grew deep inside the rose.
Very beautiful poem. I enjoyed it. This reminds me of something though in ministry. LIke the rose each one of us is one but when we walk away from the church we are to be planted in where we can grow and be nurtured we slowly lose the characristics of being Christlike. It doesnt happen all at once slowly change forms in our hearts. the more we pull away from the body of christ the more we die on the inside. We have to stay planted in the body of Christ. May not always agree and yes at times we will be offended but I rather grow in Christ then then slowly wither away. Praise the Lord for your poem God bless you your sister in christ forever:love:
Dear Giggles , you're poem was beautiful ! It reminded me when Jesus said I AM THE VINE , AND YOU ARE THE BRANCHES . WITHOUT ME YOU CAN DO NOTHING . IF THE BRANCH IS TAKEN FROM THE VINE IT WILL WITHER AND DIE ! How lovley , and beautifull are the daughters of GOD ! Keep writing and let you praise be heard . GRACE AND PEACE BE WITH YOU ALWAYS ... BIG-BROTHER