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Starvation and suicide plans

Staff Member
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

Please may I ask for prayers for a dear 15 year old girl.

She is starving herself, cutting herself and having suicidal thoughts on a daily basis.

Also her sister age 16 is in a morbid competition with her to become thinnest.

Please pray the Spirit will flood these two young women and break the onds of emotional turmoil
May they each turn to the Lord and know His true peace.

Salvation, healing and restoration please Lord

Thank you dear brothers and sisters
fragrant grace I am reading a book called Let our Children Go steps to free your child from evil influences and demonic harassment by Rebecca Greenwood. It's very helpful as we got to know what we dealing with here.

Praying binding and loosing prayers on these girls.

Pray to bind the spirit of bondage and loose spirit of liberty and adoption.
Staff Member
Thank you so much brothers and sisters

Both these girls have upped their stakes in this terrible illness they are caught up in.

More exercise, less food.

Please continue to pray that these controlling bonds are broken