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Im Daniel from the philippines. Currently Im lost and have no direction. Desperately praying to the Lord for help. Hoping to meet people with good relationship with the Lord and learn from them
Staff Member
Greetings Daniel,

may i offer some quick advice to you? You wrote:

Desperately praying to the Lord for help
perhaps try to change that in your heart to, praying to the Lord for help or even, praying to the Lord.
The Lord doesn't want you to be desperate about believing Him. Believing brings peace with joy and if we find ourselves outside of that peace and joy we do well to start taking our thoughts captive and only allowing those which are of God to remain and have their home in our thinking.

I see you have started a prayer thread which is good, so i won;t turn this Introduction thread into a big discussion.
I did want to welcome you, though, with a few words of encouragement.

Post in Peace

Bless you ....><>
