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Cherry pickers of the Bible.

We all know one. Someone that takes the Scripture and twists the message into what they want to hear rather than what the message really means.
What is the proper way to combat these people? Do you try to help them and enlighten them with wisdom that God has given you, or do you part from them because they are, more or less, spiritually stuck in their ways? All opinions are welcomed.
What is the proper way to combat these people?

1. Is this teaching based on several scriptures, or only one?
2. Does this teaching go along with the preceding scriptures and those in the verses after it?
3. Who is the audience? Who is the scripture written to? Believers? Non-Believers? Jews? etc...
4. Is this teaching based on an entire passage, or simply one sentence from the passage?
5. Are there other verses that directly oppose this teaching? Is it only one verse that opposes, or several?
6. Take time to look at several translations. (KJV, NIV, NLT, NASB, etc... ) I usually even try to take a look
at the words in the original Greek or Hebrew (or Aramaic).
7. Is the teaching here spoken from an apostle, prophet or Jesus? Or is it spoken from someone else?
(i.e. Herod, Gamaliel, Nebuchanezzar, Jezebel, etc.. ) who is not a believer.
8. Many would say follow the Holy Spirit's leading here also. This is a good idea, but of course there are
many who "say" that the Holy Spirit has given them this teaching. The Holy Spirit will never disagree
with scripture.
Staff Member
We all know one. Someone that takes the Scripture and twists the message into what they want to hear rather than what the message really means.
What is the proper way to combat these people? Do you try to help them and enlighten them with wisdom that God has given you, or do you part from them because they are, more or less, spiritually stuck in their ways? All opinions are welcomed.

Here's your solution ...

2 Timothy‬ ‭4:1-5

“I solemnly urge you in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, who will someday judge the living and the dead when he comes to set up his Kingdom: Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching.

For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths. But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.
Staff Member
We all know one. Someone that takes the Scripture and twists the message into what they want to hear rather than what the message really means.
What is the proper way to combat these people? Do you try to help them and enlighten them with wisdom that God has given you, or do you part from them because they are, more or less, spiritually stuck in their ways? All opinions are welcomed.

Truth does not choose sides we do. Present them the message with Love, Humility, Compassion, and in the Spirit of Truth. They will choose what they will. They will either be moved by the Holy Spirit to listen or if they are not moved by Him.......knowing this. How can we even begin to think or believe we can do anything more, then say pray for that person?

There is an awesome Sister in Christ here who handles it rather well. After stating her position by scripture and the person continues to be what is the word I'm looking for........Obstinate and Argumentative!! Found two! :) Rather then argue she says "Thank-you for sharing". She never adds a "but", "however", or any other parting shot. Nice and simple.

Hope this helps a little.
God puts people in our daily journeys that need "HIM".
If what that person is saying is not lining up with the Word of God, it is our duty, as a God fearing believer to "reproach, reprove, even rebuke" the false teaching of the spirit. It is a spiritual, misguided, interpretation. Don't rebuke the person, rebuke the thought or the spirit, not the flesh standing before you.
Reproach, reprove, or rebuke the spirit with the Word of God, not self.
All praise glory and honor be unto God Amen
We all know one. Someone that takes the Scripture and twists the message into what they want to hear rather than what the message really means.
What is the proper way to combat these people? Do you try to help them and enlighten them with wisdom that God has given you, or do you part from them because they are, more or less, spiritually stuck in their ways? All opinions are welcomed.
Jesus cherry picked, the best scripture for the best situation

Which we all do


You will definitely find a lot of that here, opinions on truth vary a lot! If you know , for sure, that you are a Born Again Christian, trust yourself. I would, if I were you, when it comes to your understanding of a certain verse or theology and you can find nothing negative about it, go with it as truth, until you feel the Holy Spirit is telling more or something different. This knowledge can come from another human but, rely on that voice from with in that it is holy, righteous and good!
Whats worse is when they take them, twist them and then try to use them against you.
Jesus cherry picked, the best scripture for the best situation

Which we all do
And like the rest of us, in his flesh alone, he could not have done it correctly. He always had the help of his Father, God. All of the rest of us need the same help. He has provided it, but we, all of us that I have seen, including me, too often quench the Spirit provide instead of being led toward God.
We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth. There is nothing hidden that God will not reveal. He exposes the hidden treasures in ones heart. And if we are not for Him, we are against Him. Amen. To be a friend to this world is enmity against God.
So who do we serve? God or mammon? What is consuming our heart? God or mammon?
Be Christ like... He want into all the world to work, not a time clock working for the man every night and day, for money. Amen.

Many scripture pick to justify self and what self is doing or wants to do. Jesus doesn't justify our worldly actions of self exaltation; He justifies our actions and words when we exalt God and the brethren and care nothing for our own life, but God only. Amen
We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth. There is nothing hidden that God will not reveal. He exposes the hidden treasures in ones heart. And if we are not for Him, we are against Him. Amen. To be a friend to this world is enmity against God.
So who do we serve? God or mammon? What is consuming our heart? God or mammon?
Be Christ like... He want into all the world to work, not a time clock working for the man every night and day, for money. Amen.

Many scripture pick to justify self and what self is doing or wants to do. Jesus doesn't justify our worldly actions of self exaltation; He justifies our actions and words when we exalt God and the brethren and care nothing for our own life, but God only. Amen

So Beautifully said rag4aCrown, Amen!