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Jesus is a programmer satan is a programmer

Jesús is a programmer
Satan is a programmer
Romans 8:28
28 And we are conscious that all things are working together for good to those who have love for God, and have been marked out by his purpose.
The conceptualisation and the implementation of a computer programme solely depends on the programmer.The bulk work stops at his table.He is the brain behind the success or failure of a computer programme.The same way God is in control of the events in the life of those who loved him and are called according to his purpose.He ensures that events and people work for the favour of his people always.This special priviledge is exclusively reserves for those who loved God and are called according to his purpose not for everybody.Our love for God can only be realised by accepting the gift of Jesús which he made by crucifixtion on the cross for the remission of the sin of humanity and giving our lives to him in response to the love he showed us on the cross.This is the only condition that puts us in control of the events of our lifes.Every other way created by men to show fake love towards Jesús are mere exercise in futility. Satan is also a programmer that is set out to programme destruction pain lack and sorrow into the lifes of those living under is dominion only the acceptance of the love of Jesús by giving our lifes to him can set us free from satànic programmes
Jesús is a programmer
Satan is a programmer
Romans 8:28
28 And we are conscious that all things are working together for good to those who have love for God, and have been marked out by his purpose.
The conceptualisation and the implementation of a computer programme solely depends on the programmer.The bulk work stops at his table.He is the brain behind the success or failure of a computer programme.The same way God is in control of the events in the life of those who loved him and are called according to his purpose.He ensures that events and people work for the favour of his people always.This special priviledge is exclusively reserves for those who loved God and are called according to his purpose not for everybody.Our love for God can only be realised by accepting the gift of Jesús which he made by crucifixtion on the cross for the remission of the sin of humanity and giving our lives to him in response to the love he showed us on the cross.This is the only condition that puts us in control of the events of our lifes.Every other way created by men to show fake love towards Jesús are mere exercise in futility. Satan is also a programmer that is set out to programme destruction pain lack and sorrow into the lifes of those living under is dominion only the acceptance of the love of Jesús by giving our lifes to him can set us free from satànic programmes

Amen, thanks for sharing.