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So men indeed choose ******* over decent women

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Wow. I assure you the father of my daughter has no conscience about this. The other week he came around basically to take his daughter to his mom, and he briefly touched on this subject among other things. He said that he will never stay in any sexless relationship if I still have hope to save our relationship. I tried to reason with him before and he agreed to it, but now he coils like serpent when I try to compromise with him and guess what? He comes from Catholic background, so I assumed this would make sense to him, but it did not. On the contrary, he told me he is very disgusted by these 'stupid' ideas, and how this is not normal or healthy . . .etc. and he also called God a demon, and he puts so much blame on me for it. He said I made him seek these other women, and how his daughter will suffer and hate me for it…etc.. His persecution almost caused me to turn against my God. I am telling you he has no conscience whatsoever. They think we are some sort of freaks that we wait for marriage.

Praise Jesus. God protected you, because that is not how it is with non-Christians.

The Gospel did mention about people with seared consciences - their consciences have been burned with a hot iron and no longer work. They kept going against their own consciences and that is the end result.

I think I did PM you about what I thought about him, I'm sorry that I was actually right about him because when you told me not to judge him I stopped. I had hoped that you were right and I was too hasty in judging him.

You are in a spiritual battle dear sister. Stand strong in God, you know I faced similar things from my own parents. My own parents in their fury against God said I was possessed by evil spirit when I said God is with me. They were once under the influence of the devil, and so is this man now. Don't give up or turn against God no matter what happens. He is faithful and will reward everyone of us with what we truly deserve. Your suffering now is earning you a glory nothing can compare.

Even more so, I encourage you to pray for this man's deliverance. I felt very hopeless about my parents' circumstances back when I was being persecuted but I still prayed to God for them. God was so merciful He changed my father 360 degrees - my father returned to his true self and no longer emotionally abused my mom and I. Perhaps God will show the same mercy for this man too.

Jesus said we are to pray for those who persecute us. I did so and was blessed.
Wow. I assure you the father of my daughter has no conscience about this. The other week he came around basically to take his daughter to his mom, and he briefly touched on this subject among other things. He said that he will never stay in any sexless relationship if I still have hope to save our relationship. I tried to reason with him before and he agreed to it, but now he coils like serpent when I try to compromise with him and guess what? He comes from Catholic background, so I assumed this would make sense to him, but it did not. On the contrary, he told me he is very disgusted by these 'stupid' ideas, and how this is not normal or healthy . . .etc. and he also called God a demon, and he puts so much blame on me for it. He said I made him seek these other women, and how his daughter will suffer and hate me for it…etc.. His persecution almost caused me to turn against my God. I am telling you he has no conscience whatsoever. They think we are some sort of freaks that we wait for marriage.

Praise Jesus. God protected you, because that is not how it is with non-Christians.

I overlooked something you mentioned. You said that he previously agreed to what you reasoned about but now he "coils like a serpent". I believe that by you coming to God in truthfulness, the devil is now getting a firmer hold on him and influencing him to behave the way he does now. This is always what the devil does. When a child of God holds on tight to God after being led astray, the devil will turn people around him/her against him/her. Its like the world turning against us all of a sudden - what I myself experienced as the first Christian in my family. Your man is now turned against you because he also did not hold firm to his faith. He has a weak faith in God and thus prone to being influenced by the devil, perhaps he doesn't even know of it. My parents were completely ignorant of God and they too were prone to demonic influence, their behavior back then was just as appalling as how your man is now. Your man is a weak link in your walk together with God and the devil will make use of that to destroy both of you.

Rejoice when you face this kind of opposition, because that means you are truly back with God. All of God's true prophets, apostles and followers faced similar opposition - a sign they were doing God's will and walking close with Him. But pray for the father of your daughter from now on, he may yet be saved. He is also in my prayers now just like you are.
DO NOT sacrifice yourself for the law. In this sin damaged world unfortunately compromises have to be made, this is why Jesus died on the cross for our sins and to be victorious over death. Who knows how many men the lord has sent to you, for you to reject them. Just be careful here, just because people made bad marriage decisions previously should not preclude them from trying again with a Godly woman. Our God is merciful and understanding.

so I'm done with marriage. I will die a virgin FOR JESUS.

I can sympathize with that feeling but when I review myself I don't like at all the deeply reserved place it puts me in. Somehow I know it is not right. Marriage is serious serious business it takes you to a place no matter what, you can not return from, it changes you and alters your destiny, and no one really knows a person unless they live with them at close quarters with no way out. If you want my out in left field opinion this person did you a favor. You should thank God for the outcome. I still believe my original statement was true ( birds of a feather flock together ) The two you referenced will have trouble in the flesh. That is a Paulian statement but I don't recall where. I think you got the good deal, and you have a future. Don't be down or indignant I think you are the winner here.

This thread isn't about stopping any non-virgins from marrying virgins, let's make this clear. But my indignance and decision in this is valid and have solid ground, virgins have to make lots of sacrifices to marry a non-virgin, and suffer pain for no fault of theirs. If anything, a non-virgin should be grateful that a virgin will endure so much for them, remain humble and make sacrifices in return. But what I have seen often is a lack of such gratitude, even a selfish and ungodly attitude from non-virgins. They selfishly want to be forgiven without any or minimal cost, don't care that their own actions brought pain on someone innocent, and even shift blame/mock their partners to make themselves feel better. By telling their virgin partners they shouldn't be upset, their virgin partners are even denied the right to grieve about losing their partners' virginity to someone else. These selfish non-virgins disregard the cost of forgiveness - forgiveness that cost Jesus His very soul, as though God and their partner owe them forgiveness.

Forgiveness comes with a high cost - Jesus demonstrated that clearly. The least a non-virgin should do in return for that is to be as self sacrificial to their virgin partners as they can and accept the consequences of what they did - even King David who was favored by God suffered the death of his child for a one time sexual sin. When a non-virgin is all about shifting blame, escaping consequences and denying the pain he has caused to his virgin partner, his selfish attitude shows that he never truly repented. Without repentance there is no forgiveness even from God - saying a prayer is far from repentance when the heart is still selfish.

I believe you and the others are trying to persuade me not to turn down a non-virgin because there is a fear that you may face such rejection from someone you truly love. But being rejected like this is a very light consequence for sexual sins, compared to the loss of a child like David. If that does happen, you just have to accept it. David accepted even the loss of his child, is there any unfairness that you should accept rejection because of the mistakes you made? I don't think so.

God is wise, He knows that if people sin without any consequences they will never learn from their mistakes. If you touch the fire, you will get burned, suffer pain and have a long lasting scar on your skin. You accept the scar and its pain as a reminder of your mistakes and move on, that's how you mature.
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I am not the only one with this position, there are a group of atheist Chinese women in my own country who opposes premarital sex by staying chaste and they have a discussion board about it. Their tenacity against the evil tides of this age is nothing less than admirable.

It is not just the matter of sexual sin that caused me to become bitter. As I replied to Gregoryp earlier, many non-virgins still retain their selfish, irresponsible and unloving attitude even after marrying virgins. It's not like I have not tried to soften my heart, I went around reading people's testimonies trying to find some encouragement to do so, but they were more discouraging than anything. Many non-virgins not only demand complete and unconditional forgiveness, they even blame the virgins for feeling hurt. Many abusers in relationships do the same, they demand unconditional forgiveness at the expense of the victims. Such people are just irresponsible and unreliable, they want to escape all consequences of their evil actions without bearing any costs and they don't care a bit about how their actions have hurt others. They don't even have the right heart to begin with, so why should virgins be accepting of them? It angers me to even talk about them.
Keep your position and don't weaken. There is a blessing in it, be strong but don't be hard. I am sorry to counsel it WILL cost you and you will see it when you look back. Let the kindness and considerate nature you possess be the first thing others see and you can still retain your strength and judgment. I am perceiving that you may be the all-in type of person where the atmosphere affects you personally. My prayers and hopes are with you and for you. Do you read Oswald Chambers? His site offers a daily word of encouragement different for each day. His bearing is a positional God First bearing and position. It is called My Utmost for His Highest. I think you will find it a good encouragement and a blessing. God Bless you for your faithfulness Enxu.
Let the kindness and considerate nature you possess be the first thing others see

I have been this way all my life and still been hurt over and over for no fault of mine. Men nowadays adore women who are selfish and manipulative but then take advantage of women who are kind and considerate - this is the ugly reality. When I am considerate and kind I am no more than a rebound or a backup plan, but women who are selfish and manipulative have men treating them like queens. So I'm done with trusting men, they can choose wicked women and then pay the consequences for their choices. The moment they decide to take advantage of kind and considerate women they have lost their right to a virgin wife - there is nothing unfair when they end up exploited by the women they chose, they got what they deserve for taking advantage of good women. I am keeping my virginity for Jesus and no one else.

I am perceiving that you may be the all-in type of person where the atmosphere affects you personally. My prayers and hopes are with you and for you. Do you read Oswald Chambers? His site offers a daily word of encouragement different for each day. His bearing is a positional God First bearing and position. It is called My Utmost for His Highest. I think you will find it a good encouragement and a blessing. God Bless you for your faithfulness Enxu.

I am a HSP. I have a very keen intuition about people and my hunches about them are usually right. Nothing in this world encourages me anymore. The only encouragement I have is knowing that God is still working in the lives of people who do have a heart for God and that I have a future with God in a sinless world.
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What will cost me? Please clarify.
When any person hardens their heart their hearts view ( the eyes of their heart ) is constricted by the very amount that their heart is hardened. In effect, Jesus's statement in Mathew about the eyes being the lamp of the body is not referencing the physical eyes but the spirit of perception within us all. We are responsible for what we see and the way we see it because it comes from within us. Because this is so difficult to deal with Jesus describes the precursors to a correct view. We must Love others as we love ourselves ( this is justice and it comes from God alone through prayer and Faith ) Equality of value in our eyes is the result. This Love will fill you and guide your perceptions and joy will appear inside you that nothing can squelch. This is difficult because it requires you to surrender the title deed to yourself. This is how deep it goes, this is the depth of sincerity required of our belief ( the one who does not hate his mother and his father and yes even his own life and is not willing to pick up his cross which is an instrument of our own destruction if unwilling of this he cannot be His disciple ) So the walk is humble ( like a little child ) Through these eyes that He will supply, we experience the truth or better-stated reality as opposed to pretense( which is a shallow nature ) and it is the deep Loving view his view that sets us free. Because contained within it is God's eyes of value and grace so how can you possibly see these things without His heart? What we do to our hearts is our world. No one of sensible and just mind can dispute this. There is so much that this perception reveals in The Word once you accept it as true. May God Bless You Enxu.
When any person hardens their heart their hearts view ( the eyes of their heart ) is constricted by the very amount that their heart is hardened. In effect, Jesus's statement in Mathew about the eyes being the lamp of the body is not referencing the physical eyes but the spirit of perception within us all. We are responsible for what we see and the way we see it because it comes from within us. Because this is so difficult to deal with Jesus describes the precursors to a correct view. We must Love others as we love ourselves ( this is justice and it comes from God alone through prayer and Faith ) Equality of value in our eyes is the result. This Love will fill you and guide your perceptions and joy will appear inside you that nothing can squelch. This is difficult because it requires you to surrender the title deed to yourself. This is how deep it goes, this is the depth of sincerity required of our belief ( the one who does not hate his mother and his father and yes even his own life and is not willing to pick up his cross which is an instrument of our own destruction if unwilling of this he cannot be His disciple ) So the walk is humble ( like a little child ) Through these eyes that He will supply, we experience the truth or better-stated reality as opposed to pretense( which is a shallow nature ) and it is the deep Loving view his view that sets us free. Because contained within it is God's eyes of value and grace so how can you possibly see these things without His heart? What we do to our hearts is our world. No one of sensible and just mind can dispute this. There is so much that this perception reveals in The Word once you accept it as true. May God Bless You Enxu.

So if I am correct in my understanding, you are counselling me not to harden my heart and be more accepting of non-virgins as potential partners? That is not possible. I have stated my reasons, and they are not just one or two shallow and childish mumblings, but a bunch of valid reasons. I will make myself clearer:

1) I have already been through lots of injustice and pain because people sinned against me and it has taken a toil on my health - I cannot even handle stress anymore and lost a big4 job to depression months ago. I have neither the strength nor reason to take on more burdens into forgiving a person's sexual past and living with its aftermath. I need someone to share MY burdens, not add to it.

2) Many non-virgins don't truly repent because they don't want to face any consequences for what they have done. Their selfish and entitled mentality carry on into committed relationships. So they demand forgiveness while ignoring the pain and trouble they bring to virgins and disregard how much virgins have to sacrifice to be united with them.

3) Men nowadays don't value considerate, kind and chaste women and chase after sensual women whom the Bible says are wicked. Its like what you said, birds of the same feather flock together. These men keep good women as rebounds and backup plans (and thus hurt them along the way) and satisfy their pleasures with bad women - they don't deserve virgin wives.

People should really get what they deserve in this life for them to learn their lessons. I am sick in the stomach seeing good women get abused, used and discarded while evil women get treated like queens despite their evil deeds. All I want to see is good women being treated as they deserve, there is nothing unloving or hard-hearted about this.
So if I am correct in my understanding, you are counselling me not to harden my heart and be more accepting of non-virgins as potential partners? That is not possible. I have stated my reasons, and they are not just one or two shallow and childish mumblings, but a bunch of valid reasons. I will make myself clearer:

1) I have already been through lots of injustice and pain because people sinned against me and it has taken a toil on my health - I cannot even handle stress anymore and lost a big4 job to depression months ago. I have neither the strength nor reason to take on more burdens into forgiving a person's sexual past and living with its aftermath. I need someone to share MY burdens, not add to it.

2) Many non-virgins don't truly repent because they don't want to face any consequences for what they have done. Their selfish and entitled mentality carry on into committed relationships. So they demand forgiveness while ignoring the pain and trouble they bring to virgins and disregard how much virgins have to sacrifice to be united with them.

3) Men nowadays don't value considerate, kind and chaste women and chase after sensual women whom the Bible says are wicked. Its like what you said, birds of the same feather flock together. These men keep good women as rebounds and backup plans (and thus hurt them along the way) and satisfy their pleasures with bad women - they don't deserve virgin wives.

People should really get what they deserve in this life for them to learn their lessons. I am sick in the stomach seeing good women get abused, used and discarded while evil women get treated like queens despite their evil deeds. All I want to see is good women being treated as they deserve, there is nothing unloving or hard-hearted about this.
be more accepting of non-virgins as potential partners? This is definitely not what I am implying at all. My reference here is PURELY YOU what hardness does to someone and how it does it. As I stated before you can be kind without surrendering your strength or your sense of judgement. You are Priceless, your person is of a very high order above the attitudes and position of others. It is not possible for anyone to escape the consequences of what they allow themselves to be. Trust me in this you don't have a need to punish anyone. The punishment is contained in what they have become. They give up the depth and beauty of their own soul. There is no escape not just for them but for anyone who departs from the guidance provided by God's Love. That is why hardening of your heart deprives you of seeing not just the beauty contained in God's eyes and Spirit but your own priceless personal beauty as well. But no I am not asking you to gouge out your eyes so that you can see but abandon the hardness so that you can enjoy yourself and see all the beauty around you as opposed to the dark curtain that bitterness places on your vision. Do not let your pain do that to you. I see that you are hurt. I can plainly perceive that your heart needs a man and that not a single one is deserving of you. Don't lower your standards at all. There are good men out there. Look for the quiet ones in the face of their peers, those not part of the social norm. They are there. Just remember it is the priceless you that is the prize here so unless your pricelessness is established then the relationship is not built on its hope which truly is a prayer between you and your potential spouse. God Bless You Enxu.
We must Love others as we love ourselves

I have done this by praying for my parents even though they were cursing at me, terrorizing me and using all kinds of verbal abuse against me for believing in Jesus - this lasted for good long 7 years. I have also prayed for a ton of people I never met irl and also forgiven a good lot of people who treated me unjustly. In my heart at least once I have asked God to forgive those who ill-treated me, but I am still bearing the pain and trauma of what they did to me. Is that not enough?

Equality of value in our eyes is the result.

I truly don't understand what you are talking about here. People devalue themselves all the time by acting like senseless animals. There can be no equality of value when people dishonor the image of a righteous God with their evil deeds.

This Love will fill you and guide your perceptions and joy will appear inside you that nothing can squelch. This is difficult because it requires you to surrender the title deed to yourself. This is how deep it goes, this is the depth of sincerity required of our belief ( the one who does not hate his mother and his father and yes even his own life and is not willing to pick up his cross which is an instrument of our own destruction if unwilling of this he cannot be His disciple ) So the walk is humble ( like a little child ) Through these eyes that He will supply, we experience the truth or better-stated reality as opposed to pretense( which is a shallow nature ) and it is the deep Loving view his view that sets us free. Because contained within it is God's eyes of value and grace so how can you possibly see these things without His heart? What we do to our hearts is our world. No one of sensible and just mind can dispute this. There is so much that this perception reveals in The Word once you accept it as true. May God Bless You Enxu.

God knows whether I am sincere. My testimony says a lot about what kind of faith I have. I have suffered many losses I didn't deserve, now I have denied myself and don't care anymore about selfish ambitions or worldly achievements. I graduated from a top 30 QS world university and could have a stable career in a Big4 accounting firm but I lost that to health problems - health problems brought onto me by abuse. In China, people value social status and worldly accomplishments a lot - I can't even talk to some of my relatives much because they keep questioning me about why I am jobless and they don't think depression/PTSD is an illness. They probably think I am lazy for not wanting to be stressed but I don't care what they think. I accepted this loss of a promising career even though it wasn't even my fault for falling into depression. I also accepted persecution from my parents for 7 long years because God used my pain to wake my parents up as to their sins. I accepted being slandered by a wicked woman at work who was jealous of me because God was disciplining me about some things I needed to change. I still carry the cross of PTSD and depression as the aftermath of what I went through and I don't blame God for it at all.

But one thing I will not tolerate is to see people get what they don't deserve. Decent women aren't shown the respect and value they deserve, so neither should men who disregard their value get decent wives. This is justice and fairness.
be more accepting of non-virgins as potential partners? This is definitely not what I am implying at all. My reference here is PURELY YOU what hardness does to someone and how it does it. As I stated before you can be kind without surrendering your strength or your sense of judgement. You are Priceless, your person is of a very high order above the attitudes and position of others. It is not possible for anyone to escape the consequences of what they allow themselves to be. Trust me in this you don't have a need to punish anyone. The punishment is contained in what they have become. They give up the depth and beauty of their own soul. There is no escape not just for them but for anyone who departs from the guidance provided by God's Love. That is why hardening of your heart deprives you of seeing not just the beauty contained in God's eyes and Spirit but your own priceless personal beauty as well. But no I am not asking you to gouge out your eyes so that you can see but abandon the hardness so that you can enjoy yourself and see all the beauty around you as opposed to the dark curtain that bitterness places on your vision.

Thanks for clarifying. Well, if you noticed, this thread was started quite a while ago and I have tried to avoid talking about it to avoid falling into bitterness again. But people were still replying to it so I was brought back into it.

Do not let your pain do that to you. I see that you are hurt. I can plainly perceive that your heart needs a man and that not a single one is deserving of you. Don't lower your standards at all. There are good men out there. Look for the quiet ones in the face of their peers, those not part of the social norm. They are there. Just remember it is the priceless you that is the prize here so unless your pricelessness is established then the relationship is not built on its hope which truly is a prayer between you and your potential spouse. God Bless You Enxu.

I hold no hope of finding that man, besides I believe it is the man who seeks a wife, not the other way around. Unless by some miracle of God, I don't think I will marry.

Its ironic that you mention quiet man, because the man I was talking about in my original post was a quiet man. I was interested in knowing him because he told me before that he believes in treating people as he wants to be treated. Yet even this man went after a sensual woman who even have a boyfriend and this woman had no qualms about flirting with him despite being in a relationship. At one point I could tell this man was upset that the woman was still in a relationship with her current boyfriend, so guess what he did? He started flirting with me all of a sudden and it was clear that I was a rebound. Meanwhile I was always considerate and polite in my dealings with him and tried to consider what he wanted and made compromises when I was doing some group activities with him. Yet I could see he didn't value me. I saw through him right away that he was just rebounding on me and rejected him in a joking way, but deep inside I was hurt. He did stop rebounding on me after that but he was still trying to see if he can get that woman. From the short time I talked to him I could tell he was into seeking pleasures and its no surprise then that he is drawn to women who seek pleasures - women who are wicked by biblical standards. I never even rebuked him for hurting my feelings but he has certainly lost my trust. That was what drove me to start this thread.

I stopped contacting him since I flew back to China, but he still contacted me and wished me happy birthday this September. I was a little surprised that he even initiated contact (he never did so previously) so out of politeness I thanked him and wished him well. Now I only wish he would remove himself from my life permanently. I will never initiate any contact with him ever.
Thanks for clarifying. Well, if you noticed, this thread was started quite a while ago and I have tried to avoid talking about it to avoid falling into bitterness again. But people were still replying to it so I was brought back into it.

I hold no hope of finding that man, besides I believe it is the man who seeks a wife, not the other way around. Unless by some miracle of God, I don't think I will marry.

Its ironic that you mention quiet man, because the man I was talking about in my original post was a quiet man. Yet even this man went after a sensual woman who even have a boyfriend and this woman had no qualms about flirting with him despite being in a relationship. At one point I could tell this man was upset that the woman was still in a relationship with her current boyfriend, so guess what he did? He started flirting with me all of a sudden and it was clear that I was a rebound. Meanwhile I was always courteous and polite in my dealings with him and I could see he didn't value me despite this. I saw through him right away that he was just rebounding and rejected him in a joking way, but deep inside I was hurt. I never even rebuked him for it but he has certainly lost my trust.
Now I am seeing just how priceless you are. God protect you and I am charging Him to keep you within His will and Word. To strongly protect you from the inside out. May He empower your heart and spirit and increase your soul's beauty and elevate your honor to the highest heavens. In Jesus's Holy Name AMEN.
Now I am seeing just how priceless you are. God protect you and I am charging Him to keep you within His will and Word. To strongly protect you from the inside out. May He empower your heart and spirit and increase your soul's beauty and elevate your honor to the highest heavens. In Jesus's Holy Name AMEN.
Please count me as a friend Enxu.
Now I am seeing just how priceless you are. God protect you and I am charging Him to keep you within His will and Word. To strongly protect you from the inside out. May He empower your heart and spirit and increase your soul's beauty and elevate your honor to the highest heavens. In Jesus's Holy Name AMEN.

Please count me as a friend Enxu.

Thanks. All true Christians are my brethren and friends by default.
Men usually show interest in women who show interest in them. Who likes to be rejected?

So it is a good thing to be easily seduced and have no self control? Wicked women are good at showing romantic interest in men, go ahead and show romantic interest in them and be seduced, just make sure you don’t complain when you get abused and used. Frankly it’s none of my business. When Bible warnings are ignored it’s your own fault for being exploited.
When a woman is so easily seduced by a man and shows no restraint in relationships, what is so surprising if she will hop from man to man and have problems with loyalty? The same applies to man. Anyone who is easily seduced and exercise no self control in relationships is not a godly partner BY DEFAULT. I say this for the benefit of those who have ears to hear the truth.

People reap what they choose and sow. There is nothing unfair about this.
When a woman is so easily seduced by a man and shows no restraint in relationships, what is so surprising if she will hop from man to man and have problems with loyalty? The same applies to man. Anyone who is easily seduced and exercise no self control in relationships is not a godly partner BY DEFAULT. I say this for the benefit of those who have ears to hear the truth.

People reap what they choose and sow. There is nothing unfair about this.
I thought Christians are persecuted in China. How is it that since all internet traffic is reportedly monitored there, are you managing to escape consequences? Do you feel you are in danger?
I thought Christians are persecuted in China. How is it that since all internet traffic is reportedly monitored there, are you managing to escape consequences? Do you feel you are in danger?

I haven’t done anything against the law, so I don’t face dangers of crackdown. I have no idea what the western media reports on persecution here but the only actual crackdown I have read about is on Christian cults here - I don’t believe western media reports the truth about how the Chinese government deals with religion.

Also this isn’t the Middle East, the government isn’t against any particular religion like many Middle Eastern countries. Paul said we are to respect the authorities since they are instituted by God to punish evil. As long as you abide by the law and don’t endanger the public you don’t get crackdown for no reason.
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