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Word on the web/31 October

Staff Member
31 October 2007

Psalm 72 v 6-7

Let him be like rain on the grass, like showers that water the earth. Let goodness be plentiful while he lives. Let peace continue as long as there is a moon.

I love the rain, in fact anything relating to water. I adore lying in bed and hearing the rain pound on my bedroom window - knowing I am safe and snug under my quilt. I love walking through a wet field after a rain storm, and the most wonderful sound and sight to me are the roaring waves on the sea shore. My favourite place is the Cornish coast. I love to sit on the rocks and hear the waves crashing on the shore. The waves are like that because of the moon - another miracle of God.

The psalmist asks for the king to be like rain on the grass - refreshing, life sustaining, cleansing. As we meet people through the day, will we bring that refreshment to them? Will your smile or kind word or deed, be like a cool beaker of water to someone in need of refreshment?

Like the petition for the king, God calls us to bring goodness into the lives of those we meet and whose lives we touch. May our graciousness and kind-heartedness be infinite and fruitful.

Dear Lord, Please let me be grateful for all the good things in my life. I am lucky to be able to wake up in a warm bed, eat good food and live a holy and fulfilling life. For this I am thankful. Thank you. Amen

Written by Jackie C