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Word for Today / Prepare Through Prayer

Staff Member
Prepare Through Prayer

‘Can’t any of you stay awake with Me for just one hour?’ Matthew 26:40 CEV

In Gethsemane, Jesus ‘came back and found His disciples sleeping. So He said to Peter, “Can’t any of you stay awake with Me for just one hour? Stay awake and pray that you won’t be tested. You want to do what is right, but you are weak.”’ (Matthew 26:40–41 CEV) Jesus was just hours from the cross, and He asked His disciples to pray for Him. Imagine His disappointment when He found them sleeping! Perhaps they didn’t get enough rest the night before. Maybe they were worn out from a hard day’s work.

We have all been victims of drowsiness, so we shouldn’t be surprised that they fell asleep, but we are! We’re shocked because it was such an important night. This night, more than any other, required the discipline of prayer. But the disciples missed a great opportunity to strengthen Jesus in His hour of need. They missed an opportunity to strengthen themselves as well. Satan knows if he can keep you from prayer, you will be powerless. He is the master of distraction. Think how often he has robbed you of your quiet time with God by using things like TV, the telephone, the internet, a messy house, your to-do list, your wandering mind, your heavy eyelids.

Your quiet time with God isn’t something you try to ‘fit into’ your schedule; it must be something you prioritise, or it won’t happen. Jesus said, ‘Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.’ (Matthew 26:41 NIV) You don’t know what each day holds, but through prayer and spending time in God’s Word, you can prepare your heart for whatever life throws at you.

written by Bob Gass
Alot of people get so used to praying that they just go on autopilot
They wake up get in thier knees and pray then jump up scrambling into thier day without giving themselves some time for god to answer back
I would encourage giving yourself about 10 minutes after prayer to sit in complete silence and think on god and what the day holds in store
Really just listen to sounds around you. The bird outside waking up. The washing machine purring the creak of an old house settling
Quiet time with the lord
Ty for the message sister :love: