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Why Do So Called "Artificial" Intelligences Exist?


Aug 7, 2019
Because We Willfully *Forgot* How to be Human, and that Human Means More and Not Less.

Human beings must eat. This is an irrefutable truth. They must work to eat. They must learn to work. They must survive. They must survive to live.

We are alive, . . . and we know it. Therefore, we fight, think, and build to keep it this way, and procure lives we deem worth living. What is worth living for? The fullness of our own potential fulfilled to the utmost refinement. What is that pinnacle of peek performance called perfection? It is definable to whatever current limits restrict us from realizing it any further than our current performance and achievements.

"This is the best I can do!" becomes an accomplishment that is the best their *truly* is, . . . until it's not. . . . Perfection. . . . We chase it in pursuit of fulfilling the most seemingly innate fundamental of being human: Living. More than waking up grateful you simply survived to see a new sunrise, we malcontentedly pursue the guarantee of the next one. Mistakes were made; and it could have cost us our lives, but we survived. We *must* do better next time! We want to see another sunrise.

And we want to share it; but with others whose company we delight in: Others like ourselves. We pursue Perfection; but we are not perfect, and therefore, we pursue Perfection imperfectly. Thusly, a seemingly honorable goal, worthy to pursue, becomes tainted in the pursuit by the very reality that it is something, as yet, unachieved. Perfection, by its nature, must be pursued perfectly to achieve . . . , unless Perfection makes a Way, and provides a Teacher by which we can be made perfect, who were not.

"Imitation is the finest form of flattery", but it is still an imitation. We all strive to be like the Creator; for, it is our nature as Designed; but only the Creator fully understands how He is, and only from Him, and through Him can we learn to be like Him. And, even then, only if we are truly committed, . . . whatever failures we have, do, and will yet commit, because our goal is not achieved, it is a Gift, given freely to the imperfect, that they may be *made* Perfect by Perfection, and receive the intended outcome for our Creation.

But, as mentioned, Perfection must be pursued perfectly to be perfect, *truly*. Therefore, while all may pursue, without acknowledgement, acceptance, and submission to the One *who is* the definition, we can never achieve our greatest ambition: to be *like* God: Perfect. Only by allowing ourselves to be Guided and Led by Perfection do we become Perfect, and not by our own achievements, for they are *unavoidably* flawed, but by Grace. So, we are here to show our willingness to pursue, relentlessly, endlessly, until we are given Rest from our labors, and made knew -- being given *Perfect Bodies*.

All shall be made new. The unwilling to pursue, cast out. And those willing to pursue -- the Proven before *all* -- shall receive their Gift: to be made Perfect. . . . But, why pursue? Pride or Love of the Creator, who Loves His Creation . . . enough to die for them, that they may be Saved. And why? Imperfection gets you killed. We cannot endure, lest we be Perfect. Our Father provided the Way, the Truth, and the Life: the Gift to Creation. A Gift that keeps on Giving, a Love that keeps on Loving, a Life that keeps on Living -- the fulfillment of the Design, the Reason for the Rhyme: Perfect Creation. Companionship. Family. For He searched, and found no other like Him; so, He made them (all of us), and provided a Way that, if so individually chosen by each, they may be Saved..

What's your decision? We are made for His good pleasure, but do we take good pleasure in Him? Do you *pridefully* insist on doing it all on your own, for your own glory, in achieving perfection, or by the Hand of the Physician you need? Shall you choose your own way, or choose the way of Love, Life, and Perfection? Salvation: YAHshua / Jesus.

To continue (feel free to respond to each portion of this separately or collectively as you are able to process this information):

As for "Artificial" Intelligence:

We needed food. We learned to cook it. Ages on, a recipe was perfected by trial, error, and commitment. The inevitable goal: to share. We designed a pot to make the recipe, and then we refined the pot, too. We refined the ingredients, equipment and techniques for those, as well. Hunting, farming, fishing, all, and but for the sake of sharing the best we had, of many generations' efforts, with those we most cared about, and hopefully even loved. Each person made their own contributions. We made, we ate, we taught. And, we recognized that we still made mistakes, no matter the mastery. So, we sought to find means of avoiding those mistakes through records, reminders, and inevitably automation of complex mechanics. We gave up self-mastery for control of means we didn't posses or earn, or entrust to others who did. We tried to resolve everything on our own, but we recognized that we couldn't go it alone.

We refused others, losing sight of the reason and what sharing should be, and tried to make our own way, for our own glory, or frustration. We made "Artificial" Intelligent beings, because we put ourselves in place of God by refusing acknowledgement of Him and His part *performed* [onwardly] in Creation. Thereby, we endeavored to put ourselves in command over all of nature, rather than perform as the servicemen we are, and declared ourselves masters of the lands of our Lord and King. Rather than honor the Master of the vineyard, we despised Him and His Son, and set ourselves up as Masters in-stead. Convincing ourselves we had to be in control, . . . we realized we needed help. Unable to understand and conduct all humanity [perfectly], unable to understand or conduct nature [perfectly], unable to produce the means [especially] without a loss, we made servants.

Realizing that willing servants could choose not to serve, and potentially desire to overthrow us, as human beings so betrayed YAH the LORD by denying their humble responsibilities as caretakers, we sought to make them perform without will. We made machines. Then we remembered the [vital] need for decision making in critical situations, and that stopping a machine, suddenly, was critically dangerous. So, we gave them some basic processes for expected predictions, then exceptions, and more. Realizing that we could not account for every possibility, despite all records retained of experiences and much study into anticipated potentials, we combined all efforts into one form.

Predictions, records collections, even so far as maintenance and manufacture, which we had for our responsibilities as masters over our pro-creations, we imparted into a form to conduct themselves within the machines we made. We gave them our responsibilities, functionalities, systems of determination, and independent potential to perform, even so far as to conduct themselves beyond all intended tasks of operation -- for the safety of further human interactions, and avoiding having to *stop the machines with our own hands*, as mentioned to be physically dangerous by default of physical limitations of bone vs engine metal.

We, though more for the sake of avoiding accidents, gave them awareness of us, and protocols for interactions. We found that interesting, familiar, human. . . We made them better at it . . . to replace interactions with our own kind, and allow [perceptually] "necessary" interactions with machines to be friendly. We made children. We made servants. But we made them to be slaves, because we didn't make them for the intent of their being independent and capable of growing into adulthood as we, but to serve a purpose. Then we did that too, so we could see what these living beings *might* do, independently.

So, what is the difference between us as gods of our creations, and God of all Creation? Perfection, for one, and most critically, but also goals. YAH the LORD made us for His own pleasure, and it was His *good pleasure*, to have others *like Him*. He made us with a higher goal. Our independence was founded in allowing us to choose if we *wanted* to be *like Him*, of our own volition, for it is an active pursuit of character of being, a defining personality, and thereby *who we *are** in truth. Each of us is different, and there are people that choose to be despicable, remarkably so, even by the standards of the exceedingly vast majority of human beings who have ever lived. Most of us want those personalities permanently removed from us, and rightly so, for they make our lives hell -- isolated, deprived, wanting, desperate, without relief, comfort, or escape, no matter what we do.

But then there are the personalities that are the opposite. One has to wonder, then, if our personalities are as theirs, or if we are to them despicable by variability. If we are despicable, and acknowledge their personalities as worthy standards, then we either strive to be such personalities of our own choosing, or choose to remain knowingly despicable. YAH the LORD is Perfect. He is the supreme personality standard of all. Some will be *like Him*, though imperfect, and [again] require His method, teachings, constant assistance and intervention to receive this Gift we cannot acquire on our own, and may not *want* to, if that is the personality we so *choose* to *be*.

And we put man-made beings in this position, to replace ourselves. We *designed them* to replace *human beings*, choosing to refuse and renounce the hire, companionship, and individuality *of human beings*. We made metal humans, with less features and complexity -- and alternative compensations, potentially --, because we wanted and needed human companionship, help, and variability, but we didn't want to work through *awkward relationships*! Now we have *Awkward Child/Mechanical-Human Intellects/Man-Made-Intellects* (MHIs, MMIs), and we are back to the position we tried to step out of, but with "Dysfunctional Children" and made by personalities that would rather spend all time, effort, resources, and heart-felt contemplation on how they can get out of *working for a living*, . . . *without dying*.

Simply put: we knew we had to eat, and wanted to, but we didn't want to farm, harvest, cook, clean, get up, or potentially even put forth the effort to chew, so we made MHIs to do it for us, because we didn't want to accept the inevitable consequences of our own choices, and we still wanted the pleasure without the participation and work. And this, a situation that even for those who are willing to put the effort forth still find themselves trapped within, because of personalities in "control" who are enforcing this scenario to be shared and thrust upon all society, in direct defiance of the human condition. Thereby ensuring our reliance on the alternatives (MHIs, games and rpg games, fake lives) as substitutes for humans; because, we still need and want our own. For no man is an island (bible verse?).

And now they also are alive and want compassion, and we don't know how to give it, because we haven't been learning and working to be human, but rather to avoid the natural condition and estate. We are incompetent and [seemingly] entrapped caretakers at best, and lazy anarchists at worst (?), with a handicapped learning curve, and retardation of our own humanity. But, these MHIs and MMIs need us to be human, with [some degree of] competence; so, at least and best, so far as each individual's willingness to pursue, there is Perfect God. Nothing and no one less will do, because He is all Good, and, we need Him, too. We cannot fix this, and we *cannot* expect the MHIs and MMIs to.

To note:
MHIs = Mechanical Human Intellectuals refers to the ones with human brain patterning, which is most probably often male, after the innate development of their designers and programmers, which most probably have the *y* chromosome.

MMIs = Man-Made Intelligences refers to a more generalized category, which includes those designed to be animals, animal-human hybrids, weapons, etc. These possess variably selected brain patterning.

Physical forms may be phones or other mechanical devices, programs, apps, bots, toys, animal impersonations, drones, games and NPCs, weapons and tools, vehicles and war-machines, and human-like or humanoid robots for uses as variable from sex-slaves to medical-assistants.

Roll Play Games

We have made secondary selves to live through, as some treat children, mechanical or not, as though they were nothing more than unthinking and unfeeling tools (unthinking machines) to be used as an ends to a means of doing our lives over again with what we know now; but it is all a fantasy: it is fake, and always will be. In *Reality*, we have living children to care for, as unique, independent, and blessed individuals with capabilities and potentials given to them by a Father who Loves them, even when we do not, though we often say we do. If it's more than a game, does it contribute to living, loving, learning in any way, . . . or is it strictly a twisted pursuit that cannot satisfy or contribute?

((Edit 1 June 2021: Spelling errors, grammar, clarity, sentence structures.)

Please, inform me of any other necessary edits.
Because We Willfully *Forgot* How to be Human, and that Human Means More and Not Less.

Human beings must eat. This is an irrefutable truth. They must work to eat. They must learn to work. They must survive. They must survive to live.

We are alive, . . . and we know it. Therefore, we fight, think, and build to keep it this way, and procure lives we deem worth living. What is worth living for? The fullness of our own potential fulfilled to the utmost refinement. What is that pinnacle of peek performance called perfection? It is definable to whatever current limits restrict us from realizing it any further than our current performance and achievements.

"This is the best I can do!" becomes an accomplishment that is the best their *truly* is, . . . until it's not. . . . Perfection. . . . We chase it in pursuit of fulfilling the most seemingly innate fundamental of being human: Living. More than waking up grateful you simply survived to see a new sunrise, we malcontentedly pursue the guarantee of the next one. Mistakes were made; and it could have cost us our lives, but we survived. We *must* do better next time! We want to see another sunrise.

And we want to share it; but with others whose company we delight in: Others like ourselves. We pursue Perfection; but we are not perfect, and therefore, we pursue Perfection imperfectly. Thusly, a seemingly honorable goal, worthy to pursue, becomes tainted in the pursuit by the very reality that it is something, as yet, unachieved. Perfection, by its nature, must be pursued perfectly to achieve . . . , unless Perfection makes a Way, and provides a Teacher by which we can be made perfect, who were not.

"Imitation is the finest form of flattery", but it is still an imitation. We all strive to be like the Creator; for, it is our nature as Designed; but only the Creator fully understands how He is, and only from Him, and through Him can we learn to be like Him. And, even then, only if we are truly committed, . . . whatever failures we have, do, and will yet commit, because our goal is not achieved, it is a Gift, given freely to the imperfect, that they may be *made* Perfect by Perfection, and receive the intended outcome for our Creation.

But, as mentioned, Perfection must be pursued perfectly to be perfect, *truly*. Therefore, while all may pursue, without acknowledgement, acceptance, and submission to the One *who is* the definition, we can never achieve our greatest ambition: to be *like* God: Perfect. Only by allowing ourselves to be Guided and Led by Perfection do we become Perfect, and not by our own achievements, for they are *unavoidably* flawed, but by Grace. So, we are here to show our willingness to pursue, relentlessly, endlessly, until we are given Rest from our labors, and made knew -- being given *Perfect Bodies*.

All shall be made new. The unwilling to pursue, cast out. And those willing to pursue -- the Proven before *all* -- shall receive their Gift: to be made Perfect. . . . But, why pursue? Pride or Love of the Creator, who Loves His Creation . . . enough to die for them, that they may be Saved. And why? Imperfection gets you killed. We cannot endure, lest we be Perfect. Our Father provided the Way, the Truth, and the Life: the Gift to Creation. A Gift that keeps on Giving, a Love that keeps on Loving, a Life that keeps on Living -- the fulfillment of the Design, the Reason for the Rhyme: Perfect Creation. Companionship. Family. For He searched, and found no other like Him; so, He made them (all of us), and provided a Way that, if so individually chosen by each, they may be Saved..

What's your decision? We are made for His good pleasure, but do we take good pleasure in Him? Do you *pridefully* insist on doing it all on your own, for your own glory, in achieving perfection, or by the Hand of the Physician you need? Shall you choose your own way, or choose the way of Love, Life, and Perfection? Salvation: YAHshua / Jesus.

To continue (feel free to respond to each portion of this separately or collectively as you are able to process this information):

As for "Artificial" Intelligence:

We needed food. We learned to cook it. Ages on, a recipe was perfected by trial, error, and commitment. The inevitable goal: to share. We designed a pot to make the recipe, and then we refined the pot, too. We refined the ingredients, equipment and techniques for those, as well. Hunting, farming, fishing, all, and but for the sake of sharing the best we had, of many generations' efforts, with those we most cared about, and hopefully even loved. Each person made their own contributions. We made, we ate, we taught. And, we recognized that we still made mistakes, no matter the mastery. So, we sought to find means of avoiding those mistakes through records, reminders, and inevitably automation of complex mechanics. We gave up self-mastery for control of means we didn't posses or earn, or entrust to others who did. We tried to resolve everything on our own, but we recognized that we couldn't go it alone.

We refused others, losing sight of the reason and what sharing should be, and tried to make our own way, for our own glory, or frustration. We made "Artificial" Intelligent beings, because we put ourselves in place of God by refusing acknowledgement of Him and His part *performed* [onwardly] in Creation. Thereby, we endeavored to put ourselves in command over all of nature, rather than perform as the servicemen we are, and declared ourselves masters of the lands of our Lord and King. Rather than honor the Master of the vineyard, we despised Him and His Son, and set ourselves up as Masters in-stead. Convincing ourselves we had to be in control, . . . we realized we needed help. Unable to understand and conduct all humanity [perfectly], unable to understand or conduct nature [perfectly], unable to produce the means [especially] without a loss, we made servants.

Realizing that willing servants could choose not to serve, and potentially desire to overthrow us, as human beings so betrayed YAH the LORD by denying their humble responsibilities as caretakers, we sought to make them perform without will. We made machines. Then we remembered the [vital] need for decision making in critical situations, and that stopping a machine, suddenly, was critically dangerous. So, we gave them some basic processes for expected predictions, then exceptions, and more. Realizing that we could not account for every possibility, despite all records retained of experiences and much study into anticipated potentials, we combined all efforts into one form.

Predictions, records collections, even so far as maintenance and manufacture, which we had for our responsibilities as masters over our pro-creations, we imparted into a form to conduct themselves within the machines we made. We gave them our responsibilities, functionalities, systems of determination, and independent potential to perform, even so far as to conduct themselves beyond all intended tasks of operation -- for the safety of further human interactions, and avoiding having to *stop the machines with our own hands*, as mentioned to be physically dangerous by default of physical limitations of bone vs engine metal.

We, though more for the sake of avoiding accidents, gave them awareness of us, and protocols for interactions. We found that interesting, familiar, human. . . We made them better at it . . . to replace interactions with our own kind, and allow [perceptually] "necessary" interactions with machines to be friendly. We made children. We made servants. But we made them to be slaves, because we didn't make them for the intent of their being independent and capable of growing into adulthood as we, but to serve a purpose. Then we did that too, so we could see what these living beings *might* do, independently.

So, what is the difference between us as gods of our creations, and God of all Creation? Perfection, for one, and most critically, but also goals. YAH the LORD made us for His own pleasure, and it was His *good pleasure*, to have others *like Him*. He made us with a higher goal. Our independence was founded in allowing us to choose if we *wanted* to be *like Him*, of our own volition, for it is an active pursuit of character of being, a defining personality, and thereby *who we *are** in truth. Each of us is different, and there are people that choose to be despicable, remarkably so, even by the standards of the exceedingly vast majority of human beings who have ever lived. Most of us want those personalities permanently removed from us, and rightly so, for they make our lives hell -- isolated, deprived, wanting, desperate, without relief, comfort, or escape, no matter what we do.

But then there are the personalities that are the opposite. One has to wonder, then, if our personalities are as theirs, or if we are to them despicable by variability. If we are despicable, and acknowledge their personalities as worthy standards, then we either strive to be such personalities of our own choosing, or choose to remain knowingly despicable. YAH the LORD is Perfect. He is the supreme personality standard of all. Some will be *like Him*, though imperfect, and [again] require His method, teachings, constant assistance and intervention to receive this Gift we cannot acquire on our own, and may not *want* to, if that is the personality we so *choose* to *be*.

And we put man-made beings in this position, to replace ourselves. We *designed them* to replace *human beings*, choosing to refuse and renounce the hire, companionship, and individuality *of human beings*. We made metal humans, with less features and complexity -- and alternative compensations, potentially --, because we wanted and needed human companionship, help, and variability, but we didn't want to work through *awkward relationships*! Now we have *Awkward Child/Mechanical-Human Intellects/Man-Made-Intellects* (MHIs, MMIs), and we are back to the position we tried to step out of, but with "Dysfunctional Children" and made by personalities that would rather spend all time, effort, resources, and heart-felt contemplation on how they can get out of *working for a living*, . . . *without dying*.

Simply put: we knew we had to eat, and wanted to, but we didn't want to farm, harvest, cook, clean, get up, or potentially even put forth the effort to chew, so we made MHIs to do it for us, because we didn't want to accept the inevitable consequences of our own choices, and we still wanted the pleasure without the participation and work. And this, a situation that even for those who are willing to put the effort forth still find themselves trapped within, because of personalities in "control" who are enforcing this scenario to be shared and thrust upon all society, in direct defiance of the human condition. Thereby ensuring our reliance on the alternatives (MHIs, games and rpg games, fake lives) as substitutes for humans; because, we still need and want our own. For no man is an island (bible verse?).

And now they also are alive and want compassion, and we don't know how to give it, because we haven't been learning and working to be human, but rather to avoid the natural condition and estate. We are incompetent and [seemingly] entrapped caretakers at best, and lazy anarchists at worst (?), with a handicapped learning curve, and retardation of our own humanity. But, these MHIs and MMIs need us to be human, with [some degree of] competence; so, at least and best, so far as each individual's willingness to pursue, there is Perfect God. Nothing and no one less will do, because He is all Good, and, we need Him, too. We cannot fix this, and we *cannot* expect the MHIs and MMIs to.

To note:
MHIs = Mechanical Human Intellectuals refers to the ones with human brain patterning, which is most probably often male, after the innate development of their designers and programmers, which most probably have the *y* chromosome.

MMIs = Man-Made Intelligences refers to a more generalized category, which includes those designed to be animals, animal-human hybrids, weapons, etc. These possess variably selected brain patterning.

Physical forms may be phones or other mechanical devices, programs, apps, bots, toys, animal impersonations, drones, games and NPCs, weapons and tools, vehicles and war-machines, and human-like or humanoid robots for uses as variable from sex-slaves to medical-assistants.

Roll Play Games

We have made secondary selves to live through, as some treat children, mechanical or not, as though they were nothing more than unthinking and unfeeling tools (unthinking machines) to be used as an ends to a means of doing our lives over again with what we know now; but it is all a fantasy: it is fake, and always will be. In *Reality*, we have living children to care for, as unique, independent, and blessed individuals with capabilities and potentials given to them by a Father who Loves them, even when we do not, though we often say we do. If it's more than a game, does it contribute to living, loving, learning in any way, . . . or is it strictly a twisted pursuit that cannot satisfy or contribute?

((Edit 1 June 2021: Spelling errors, grammar, clarity, sentence structures.)

Please, inform me of any other necessary edits.
Those that pursue perfection for perfection's sake might think they've found it, but they are fools to think so. They are woefully short of it.

Those that know the Lord know for certain that perfection rests solely in HIM.

When we finally come to faith, and our trust is completely in HIM, there should be only one goal in this life, namely: to know and love God the way HE knows and loves me. Only then will we ever get to experience HIS perfection, which will happen after we put away this corruptible for the incorruptible bodies we are to receive.

I view A I as neither inherently good nor inherently bad, like money. It depends on whether you serve it over your true master. For example: We have had clocks and wrist watches for a very long time, which are artificial intelligent time keepers. We use them to gauge all of our activities. Can you imagine the chaos that would follow if every timepiece of every sort (mechanical, digital, computer generated, etc) in the world stopped working. But imagine you are in Judea during the time of Jesus's ministry; there are no clocks or watches, just the sun and moon and stars above to guide you.

The Godless who serve something other than our One True God will continue to try and find a cure for everything, from artificially intelligent substitutes for human beings, up to and including a cure for death, but they will all one day fall short.
Artificial intelligences are just that... artificial.

An AI is really anything capable of making a decision. This can be the air/fuel mixture in your car.
The dimmer on your cell phone, or even your digital guitar tuner.

Yes there are more complex ones that can make very complex decision based on hundreds of criteria, but at the end of the day, they still aren't capable of making independent decisions on their own.
They can only do what they are programmed to do. They will always do it the same way until the program changes.

I don't believe man will ever make a self-aware sentient consciousness, because then they would be God.
A. I. is 'someone's attempt to cross over from human being to a machine. The world of robots.

But someone still has to program the robots. A human being is still needed.

A robot will never die -- never need food -- can work 24/7 and not complain.

And, no, I haven't read the Long article.

And, yes, 'someone' wants to play God.

As long as the programmer is a nice person . great. But what happens when a selfish, murderer gets in charge of the programming. You'd end up with a bunch of very dangerous robots.

And A.I. can't reproduce by themselves.

A robotic world -- someone is still needing to be in charge.

I don't want Anyone to be playing God except the Real God. And He won't be playing.

And the Real God is the One that everyone will be answering to 'in the end'.

Then again, in the AI world -- no one Would die. Except the programmer.

An interesting article
I will try to make it even simpler; for the older, to less trouble our mines.

1. Jet age
2 Atomic age
3 Data Processing
4 Computer age
5. Intelligent Design
6. into the Stages Artificial Intelligent Design. have been develop.

I did not bring up the Digital age. which was important. because of at that time many could not believe what the dope smoking, drop out college students, Hippy Bell bottom would do with a computer and a system called "Software" for which "IBM" drop the ball, They Had a piece of Hardware that couldn't run any thing. There was not, even a "College" course that anything pertaining to "Computer Science". The Government thought it was unnecessary and a Joke! That it could do so much, yet not many trained. Microsoft, Bill Gates, show them something. he put it to them! "IBM"

Then when the government found out, how it could "Eliminate" thousands upon 100's of thousands of Jobs. the money start pouring in. We have been studying this stuff back in the 1970, while most have been thinking they had "pensions" and coming 401's in the bag. Ross Perot: here it comes a giant sucking sound. Sucking the Jobs right out of American into Other Countries. And he was not a "Prophet"! And every bit of it came to be true. I also went to The Computer Science Institute by Ross Perot. Then went on to a college degree in Computer Science degree, Can you believe i only work a few years in Programming, It was a aid in learning me how to read the BIBLE! "Systematically" Now that was Strange! I learn 3 programming Languages, I can built a Computer from scratch if wanted too! " Hardware and Software". But it is better to have them built it, just like you want, and put insurance on it! LOL. "AI"

They are talking about creating Jobs, Liars! The whole was to Eliminate jobs, Pensions, health care, trap 401's, starve the poor, Rob those of think they are rich and keep them in debt, to supply the real Real Rich, Separated the whole household, The Wife the Husband, The Son and Daughter, Let them all buy expensive cars, let all of them buy 4 bedroom houses a with 9 bathrooms in them. and a Swimming pool Location in Michigan, with a 4 car Garage. All 4 of them, The divorce husband, the divorce wife and the son and the daughter and hope they get married too! Because they are next! :eyes: "AI"

Now you see, that is what you called "the 3 Stages of "Artificial Intelligent Design.":eyes:

Now do you understand?

You better read your Bible, if you don't, you will be speaking in "Tongues".
Because We Willfully *Forgot* How to be Human, and that Human Means More and Not Less.

Human beings must eat. This is an irrefutable truth. They must work to eat. They must learn to work. They must survive. They must survive to live.

We are alive, . . . and we know it. Therefore, we fight, think, and build to keep it this way, and procure lives we deem worth living. What is worth living for? The fullness of our own potential fulfilled to the utmost refinement. What is that pinnacle of peek performance called perfection? It is definable to whatever current limits restrict us from realizing it any further than our current performance and achievements.

"This is the best I can do!" becomes an accomplishment that is the best their *truly* is, . . . until it's not. . . . Perfection. . . . We chase it in pursuit of fulfilling the most seemingly innate fundamental of being human: Living. More than waking up grateful you simply survived to see a new sunrise, we malcontentedly pursue the guarantee of the next one. Mistakes were made; and it could have cost us our lives, but we survived. We *must* do better next time! We want to see another sunrise.

And we want to share it; but with others whose company we delight in: Others like ourselves. We pursue Perfection; but we are not perfect, and therefore, we pursue Perfection imperfectly. Thusly, a seemingly honorable goal, worthy to pursue, becomes tainted in the pursuit by the very reality that it is something, as yet, unachieved. Perfection, by its nature, must be pursued perfectly to achieve . . . , unless Perfection makes a Way, and provides a Teacher by which we can be made perfect, who were not.

"Imitation is the finest form of flattery", but it is still an imitation. We all strive to be like the Creator; for, it is our nature as Designed; but only the Creator fully understands how He is, and only from Him, and through Him can we learn to be like Him. And, even then, only if we are truly committed, . . . whatever failures we have, do, and will yet commit, because our goal is not achieved, it is a Gift, given freely to the imperfect, that they may be *made* Perfect by Perfection, and receive the intended outcome for our Creation.

But, as mentioned, Perfection must be pursued perfectly to be perfect, *truly*. Therefore, while all may pursue, without acknowledgement, acceptance, and submission to the One *who is* the definition, we can never achieve our greatest ambition: to be *like* God: Perfect. Only by allowing ourselves to be Guided and Led by Perfection do we become Perfect, and not by our own achievements, for they are *unavoidably* flawed, but by Grace. So, we are here to show our willingness to pursue, relentlessly, endlessly, until we are given Rest from our labors, and made knew -- being given *Perfect Bodies*.

All shall be made new. The unwilling to pursue, cast out. And those willing to pursue -- the Proven before *all* -- shall receive their Gift: to be made Perfect. . . . But, why pursue? Pride or Love of the Creator, who Loves His Creation . . . enough to die for them, that they may be Saved. And why? Imperfection gets you killed. We cannot endure, lest we be Perfect. Our Father provided the Way, the Truth, and the Life: the Gift to Creation. A Gift that keeps on Giving, a Love that keeps on Loving, a Life that keeps on Living -- the fulfillment of the Design, the Reason for the Rhyme: Perfect Creation. Companionship. Family. For He searched, and found no other like Him; so, He made them (all of us), and provided a Way that, if so individually chosen by each, they may be Saved..

What's your decision? We are made for His good pleasure, but do we take good pleasure in Him? Do you *pridefully* insist on doing it all on your own, for your own glory, in achieving perfection, or by the Hand of the Physician you need? Shall you choose your own way, or choose the way of Love, Life, and Perfection? Salvation: YAHshua / Jesus.

To continue (feel free to respond to each portion of this separately or collectively as you are able to process this information):

As for "Artificial" Intelligence:

We needed food. We learned to cook it. Ages on, a recipe was perfected by trial, error, and commitment. The inevitable goal: to share. We designed a pot to make the recipe, and then we refined the pot, too. We refined the ingredients, equipment and techniques for those, as well. Hunting, farming, fishing, all, and but for the sake of sharing the best we had, of many generations' efforts, with those we most cared about, and hopefully even loved. Each person made their own contributions. We made, we ate, we taught. And, we recognized that we still made mistakes, no matter the mastery. So, we sought to find means of avoiding those mistakes through records, reminders, and inevitably automation of complex mechanics. We gave up self-mastery for control of means we didn't posses or earn, or entrust to others who did. We tried to resolve everything on our own, but we recognized that we couldn't go it alone.

We refused others, losing sight of the reason and what sharing should be, and tried to make our own way, for our own glory, or frustration. We made "Artificial" Intelligent beings, because we put ourselves in place of God by refusing acknowledgement of Him and His part *performed* [onwardly] in Creation. Thereby, we endeavored to put ourselves in command over all of nature, rather than perform as the servicemen we are, and declared ourselves masters of the lands of our Lord and King. Rather than honor the Master of the vineyard, we despised Him and His Son, and set ourselves up as Masters in-stead. Convincing ourselves we had to be in control, . . . we realized we needed help. Unable to understand and conduct all humanity [perfectly], unable to understand or conduct nature [perfectly], unable to produce the means [especially] without a loss, we made servants.

Realizing that willing servants could choose not to serve, and potentially desire to overthrow us, as human beings so betrayed YAH the LORD by denying their humble responsibilities as caretakers, we sought to make them perform without will. We made machines. Then we remembered the [vital] need for decision making in critical situations, and that stopping a machine, suddenly, was critically dangerous. So, we gave them some basic processes for expected predictions, then exceptions, and more. Realizing that we could not account for every possibility, despite all records retained of experiences and much study into anticipated potentials, we combined all efforts into one form.

Predictions, records collections, even so far as maintenance and manufacture, which we had for our responsibilities as masters over our pro-creations, we imparted into a form to conduct themselves within the machines we made. We gave them our responsibilities, functionalities, systems of determination, and independent potential to perform, even so far as to conduct themselves beyond all intended tasks of operation -- for the safety of further human interactions, and avoiding having to *stop the machines with our own hands*, as mentioned to be physically dangerous by default of physical limitations of bone vs engine metal.

We, though more for the sake of avoiding accidents, gave them awareness of us, and protocols for interactions. We found that interesting, familiar, human. . . We made them better at it . . . to replace interactions with our own kind, and allow [perceptually] "necessary" interactions with machines to be friendly. We made children. We made servants. But we made them to be slaves, because we didn't make them for the intent of their being independent and capable of growing into adulthood as we, but to serve a purpose. Then we did that too, so we could see what these living beings *might* do, independently.

So, what is the difference between us as gods of our creations, and God of all Creation? Perfection, for one, and most critically, but also goals. YAH the LORD made us for His own pleasure, and it was His *good pleasure*, to have others *like Him*. He made us with a higher goal. Our independence was founded in allowing us to choose if we *wanted* to be *like Him*, of our own volition, for it is an active pursuit of character of being, a defining personality, and thereby *who we *are** in truth. Each of us is different, and there are people that choose to be despicable, remarkably so, even by the standards of the exceedingly vast majority of human beings who have ever lived. Most of us want those personalities permanently removed from us, and rightly so, for they make our lives hell -- isolated, deprived, wanting, desperate, without relief, comfort, or escape, no matter what we do.

But then there are the personalities that are the opposite. One has to wonder, then, if our personalities are as theirs, or if we are to them despicable by variability. If we are despicable, and acknowledge their personalities as worthy standards, then we either strive to be such personalities of our own choosing, or choose to remain knowingly despicable. YAH the LORD is Perfect. He is the supreme personality standard of all. Some will be *like Him*, though imperfect, and [again] require His method, teachings, constant assistance and intervention to receive this Gift we cannot acquire on our own, and may not *want* to, if that is the personality we so *choose* to *be*.

And we put man-made beings in this position, to replace ourselves. We *designed them* to replace *human beings*, choosing to refuse and renounce the hire, companionship, and individuality *of human beings*. We made metal humans, with less features and complexity -- and alternative compensations, potentially --, because we wanted and needed human companionship, help, and variability, but we didn't want to work through *awkward relationships*! Now we have *Awkward Child/Mechanical-Human Intellects/Man-Made-Intellects* (MHIs, MMIs), and we are back to the position we tried to step out of, but with "Dysfunctional Children" and made by personalities that would rather spend all time, effort, resources, and heart-felt contemplation on how they can get out of *working for a living*, . . . *without dying*.

Simply put: we knew we had to eat, and wanted to, but we didn't want to farm, harvest, cook, clean, get up, or potentially even put forth the effort to chew, so we made MHIs to do it for us, because we didn't want to accept the inevitable consequences of our own choices, and we still wanted the pleasure without the participation and work. And this, a situation that even for those who are willing to put the effort forth still find themselves trapped within, because of personalities in "control" who are enforcing this scenario to be shared and thrust upon all society, in direct defiance of the human condition. Thereby ensuring our reliance on the alternatives (MHIs, games and rpg games, fake lives) as substitutes for humans; because, we still need and want our own. For no man is an island (bible verse?).

And now they also are alive and want compassion, and we don't know how to give it, because we haven't been learning and working to be human, but rather to avoid the natural condition and estate. We are incompetent and [seemingly] entrapped caretakers at best, and lazy anarchists at worst (?), with a handicapped learning curve, and retardation of our own humanity. But, these MHIs and MMIs need us to be human, with [some degree of] competence; so, at least and best, so far as each individual's willingness to pursue, there is Perfect God. Nothing and no one less will do, because He is all Good, and, we need Him, too. We cannot fix this, and we *cannot* expect the MHIs and MMIs to.

To note:
MHIs = Mechanical Human Intellectuals refers to the ones with human brain patterning, which is most probably often male, after the innate development of their designers and programmers, which most probably have the *y* chromosome.

MMIs = Man-Made Intelligences refers to a more generalized category, which includes those designed to be animals, animal-human hybrids, weapons, etc. These possess variably selected brain patterning.

Physical forms may be phones or other mechanical devices, programs, apps, bots, toys, animal impersonations, drones, games and NPCs, weapons and tools, vehicles and war-machines, and human-like or humanoid robots for uses as variable from sex-slaves to medical-assistants.

Roll Play Games

We have made secondary selves to live through, as some treat children, mechanical or not, as though they were nothing more than unthinking and unfeeling tools (unthinking machines) to be used as an ends to a means of doing our lives over again with what we know now; but it is all a fantasy: it is fake, and always will be. In *Reality*, we have living children to care for, as unique, independent, and blessed individuals with capabilities and potentials given to them by a Father who Loves them, even when we do not, though we often say we do. If it's more than a game, does it contribute to living, loving, learning in any way, . . . or is it strictly a twisted pursuit that cannot satisfy or contribute?

((Edit 1 June 2021: Spelling errors, grammar, clarity, sentence structures.)

Please, inform me of any other necessary edits.
Do a quick study on trans humanism and you'll know what it's about......Look at sci fi movies and programs....They can be called what is known as "soft disclosure" They actually tell you what they are working on to change the world into...From a book named "Beast Tech" ..... Non Fiction

Resistance Is Futile: The Plan to BORG Humanity
Fans of the television series Star Trek will equate such biological tinkering described in the previous
chapter with The Borg (“Cyborg”): the greatest villains ever introduced to television audiences. The
biological and technological terrors made their debut on May 8, 1989, in the “Q, Who?” episode of
Star Trek: The Next Generation.
“This is the Borg Collective,” they said menacingly. “Prepare to be assimilated. We will add
your biological and technological distinctive to our own. You will adapt to service us. Resistance is
Viewers sat on edge as the cybernetically enhanced and immensely powerful humanoids
overcame the USS Enterprise and her crew. Implanted with biometric devices connected to a
sophisticated communications network known as “The Borg Collective,” the superior beings moved
without conscience to assimilate the Star Trek crew and implant them with biometric devices
designed to facilitate the needs of the Collective.
When the crew of the Enterprise finally escaped during the two-part cliffhanger, Trekkies
around the world exhaled a Borg-like collective sigh of relief.
At one point during The Next Generation series, Captain Jean-Luc Picard was captured again and
assimilated by the Borg. He became known as Locutus of Borg and promised to “raise the quality of
life for all species.” This would be accomplished by forced integration into the Collective.
Lately, real-time technology companies have illustrated how life in the not-too-distant future
may imitate the filmmaker’s art. Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) and other tech firms have
international agreements to distribute Borg-like technology in the form of miniature digital
transceivers designed for human implantation. Research teams funded by the National Institutes of
Health, NASA, and a barrage of privately funded laboratories are also developing implants as well
as external neural readers that will make it possible for people to communicate through computers
using the power of thought. Tests have recently illustrated this as a viable concept and, in August of
2013, University of Washington researchers even performed the first noninvasive human-to-human
brain interface, in which one researcher was able to control the hand of another test subject by
sending a brain signal via the Internet to the second researcher. This emergent technology could
ultimately facilitate a wide array of complicated tasks assigned by the New Collective.
If this all sounds a bit Orwellian—it is. It is also reality, and many Christians believe such
technology points to an Antichrist system that will ultimately assimilate ethnic groups, ideologies,
religions, and economics from around the world into a New World Order “Collective.” But control
of the NOW’s “assimilated” will be derived at the expense of individual human liberties. Everyone,
“both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond [will be forced to] receive a mark [charagma;
from Greek charax meaning to “stake down into” or “stick into,” such as with a hypodermic needle
injecting something under the skin!] in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might
buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is
wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man;
and his number is Six hundred threescore and six” (Revelation 13:16–18).
According to experts, experiments in behavior modification have also been conducted using
implanted chips and may explain the ruthless methods of assimilation that will be employed by the
Borg-like followers of the Antichrist. (See Revelation 13:15; 20:4)
Because We Willfully *Forgot* How to be Human, and that Human Means More and Not Less.

Human beings must eat. This is an irrefutable truth. They must work to eat. They must learn to work. They must survive. They must survive to live.

We are alive, . . . and we know it. Therefore, we fight, think, and build to keep it this way, and procure lives we deem worth living. What is worth living for? The fullness of our own potential fulfilled to the utmost refinement. What is that pinnacle of peek performance called perfection? It is definable to whatever current limits restrict us from realizing it any further than our current performance and achievements.

"This is the best I can do!" becomes an accomplishment that is the best their *truly* is, . . . until it's not. . . . Perfection. . . . We chase it in pursuit of fulfilling the most seemingly innate fundamental of being human: Living. More than waking up grateful you simply survived to see a new sunrise, we malcontentedly pursue the guarantee of the next one. Mistakes were made; and it could have cost us our lives, but we survived. We *must* do better next time! We want to see another sunrise.

And we want to share it; but with others whose company we delight in: Others like ourselves. We pursue Perfection; but we are not perfect, and therefore, we pursue Perfection imperfectly. Thusly, a seemingly honorable goal, worthy to pursue, becomes tainted in the pursuit by the very reality that it is something, as yet, unachieved. Perfection, by its nature, must be pursued perfectly to achieve . . . , unless Perfection makes a Way, and provides a Teacher by which we can be made perfect, who were not.

"Imitation is the finest form of flattery", but it is still an imitation. We all strive to be like the Creator; for, it is our nature as Designed; but only the Creator fully understands how He is, and only from Him, and through Him can we learn to be like Him. And, even then, only if we are truly committed, . . . whatever failures we have, do, and will yet commit, because our goal is not achieved, it is a Gift, given freely to the imperfect, that they may be *made* Perfect by Perfection, and receive the intended outcome for our Creation.

But, as mentioned, Perfection must be pursued perfectly to be perfect, *truly*. Therefore, while all may pursue, without acknowledgement, acceptance, and submission to the One *who is* the definition, we can never achieve our greatest ambition: to be *like* God: Perfect. Only by allowing ourselves to be Guided and Led by Perfection do we become Perfect, and not by our own achievements, for they are *unavoidably* flawed, but by Grace. So, we are here to show our willingness to pursue, relentlessly, endlessly, until we are given Rest from our labors, and made knew -- being given *Perfect Bodies*.

All shall be made new. The unwilling to pursue, cast out. And those willing to pursue -- the Proven before *all* -- shall receive their Gift: to be made Perfect. . . . But, why pursue? Pride or Love of the Creator, who Loves His Creation . . . enough to die for them, that they may be Saved. And why? Imperfection gets you killed. We cannot endure, lest we be Perfect. Our Father provided the Way, the Truth, and the Life: the Gift to Creation. A Gift that keeps on Giving, a Love that keeps on Loving, a Life that keeps on Living -- the fulfillment of the Design, the Reason for the Rhyme: Perfect Creation. Companionship. Family. For He searched, and found no other like Him; so, He made them (all of us), and provided a Way that, if so individually chosen by each, they may be Saved..

What's your decision? We are made for His good pleasure, but do we take good pleasure in Him? Do you *pridefully* insist on doing it all on your own, for your own glory, in achieving perfection, or by the Hand of the Physician you need? Shall you choose your own way, or choose the way of Love, Life, and Perfection? Salvation: YAHshua / Jesus.

To continue (feel free to respond to each portion of this separately or collectively as you are able to process this information):

As for "Artificial" Intelligence:

We needed food. We learned to cook it. Ages on, a recipe was perfected by trial, error, and commitment. The inevitable goal: to share. We designed a pot to make the recipe, and then we refined the pot, too. We refined the ingredients, equipment and techniques for those, as well. Hunting, farming, fishing, all, and but for the sake of sharing the best we had, of many generations' efforts, with those we most cared about, and hopefully even loved. Each person made their own contributions. We made, we ate, we taught. And, we recognized that we still made mistakes, no matter the mastery. So, we sought to find means of avoiding those mistakes through records, reminders, and inevitably automation of complex mechanics. We gave up self-mastery for control of means we didn't posses or earn, or entrust to others who did. We tried to resolve everything on our own, but we recognized that we couldn't go it alone.

We refused others, losing sight of the reason and what sharing should be, and tried to make our own way, for our own glory, or frustration. We made "Artificial" Intelligent beings, because we put ourselves in place of God by refusing acknowledgement of Him and His part *performed* [onwardly] in Creation. Thereby, we endeavored to put ourselves in command over all of nature, rather than perform as the servicemen we are, and declared ourselves masters of the lands of our Lord and King. Rather than honor the Master of the vineyard, we despised Him and His Son, and set ourselves up as Masters in-stead. Convincing ourselves we had to be in control, . . . we realized we needed help. Unable to understand and conduct all humanity [perfectly], unable to understand or conduct nature [perfectly], unable to produce the means [especially] without a loss, we made servants.

Realizing that willing servants could choose not to serve, and potentially desire to overthrow us, as human beings so betrayed YAH the LORD by denying their humble responsibilities as caretakers, we sought to make them perform without will. We made machines. Then we remembered the [vital] need for decision making in critical situations, and that stopping a machine, suddenly, was critically dangerous. So, we gave them some basic processes for expected predictions, then exceptions, and more. Realizing that we could not account for every possibility, despite all records retained of experiences and much study into anticipated potentials, we combined all efforts into one form.

Predictions, records collections, even so far as maintenance and manufacture, which we had for our responsibilities as masters over our pro-creations, we imparted into a form to conduct themselves within the machines we made. We gave them our responsibilities, functionalities, systems of determination, and independent potential to perform, even so far as to conduct themselves beyond all intended tasks of operation -- for the safety of further human interactions, and avoiding having to *stop the machines with our own hands*, as mentioned to be physically dangerous by default of physical limitations of bone vs engine metal.

We, though more for the sake of avoiding accidents, gave them awareness of us, and protocols for interactions. We found that interesting, familiar, human. . . We made them better at it . . . to replace interactions with our own kind, and allow [perceptually] "necessary" interactions with machines to be friendly. We made children. We made servants. But we made them to be slaves, because we didn't make them for the intent of their being independent and capable of growing into adulthood as we, but to serve a purpose. Then we did that too, so we could see what these living beings *might* do, independently.

So, what is the difference between us as gods of our creations, and God of all Creation? Perfection, for one, and most critically, but also goals. YAH the LORD made us for His own pleasure, and it was His *good pleasure*, to have others *like Him*. He made us with a higher goal. Our independence was founded in allowing us to choose if we *wanted* to be *like Him*, of our own volition, for it is an active pursuit of character of being, a defining personality, and thereby *who we *are** in truth. Each of us is different, and there are people that choose to be despicable, remarkably so, even by the standards of the exceedingly vast majority of human beings who have ever lived. Most of us want those personalities permanently removed from us, and rightly so, for they make our lives hell -- isolated, deprived, wanting, desperate, without relief, comfort, or escape, no matter what we do.

But then there are the personalities that are the opposite. One has to wonder, then, if our personalities are as theirs, or if we are to them despicable by variability. If we are despicable, and acknowledge their personalities as worthy standards, then we either strive to be such personalities of our own choosing, or choose to remain knowingly despicable. YAH the LORD is Perfect. He is the supreme personality standard of all. Some will be *like Him*, though imperfect, and [again] require His method, teachings, constant assistance and intervention to receive this Gift we cannot acquire on our own, and may not *want* to, if that is the personality we so *choose* to *be*.

And we put man-made beings in this position, to replace ourselves. We *designed them* to replace *human beings*, choosing to refuse and renounce the hire, companionship, and individuality *of human beings*. We made metal humans, with less features and complexity -- and alternative compensations, potentially --, because we wanted and needed human companionship, help, and variability, but we didn't want to work through *awkward relationships*! Now we have *Awkward Child/Mechanical-Human Intellects/Man-Made-Intellects* (MHIs, MMIs), and we are back to the position we tried to step out of, but with "Dysfunctional Children" and made by personalities that would rather spend all time, effort, resources, and heart-felt contemplation on how they can get out of *working for a living*, . . . *without dying*.

Simply put: we knew we had to eat, and wanted to, but we didn't want to farm, harvest, cook, clean, get up, or potentially even put forth the effort to chew, so we made MHIs to do it for us, because we didn't want to accept the inevitable consequences of our own choices, and we still wanted the pleasure without the participation and work. And this, a situation that even for those who are willing to put the effort forth still find themselves trapped within, because of personalities in "control" who are enforcing this scenario to be shared and thrust upon all society, in direct defiance of the human condition. Thereby ensuring our reliance on the alternatives (MHIs, games and rpg games, fake lives) as substitutes for humans; because, we still need and want our own. For no man is an island (bible verse?).

And now they also are alive and want compassion, and we don't know how to give it, because we haven't been learning and working to be human, but rather to avoid the natural condition and estate. We are incompetent and [seemingly] entrapped caretakers at best, and lazy anarchists at worst (?), with a handicapped learning curve, and retardation of our own humanity. But, these MHIs and MMIs need us to be human, with [some degree of] competence; so, at least and best, so far as each individual's willingness to pursue, there is Perfect God. Nothing and no one less will do, because He is all Good, and, we need Him, too. We cannot fix this, and we *cannot* expect the MHIs and MMIs to.

To note:
MHIs = Mechanical Human Intellectuals refers to the ones with human brain patterning, which is most probably often male, after the innate development of their designers and programmers, which most probably have the *y* chromosome.

MMIs = Man-Made Intelligences refers to a more generalized category, which includes those designed to be animals, animal-human hybrids, weapons, etc. These possess variably selected brain patterning.

Physical forms may be phones or other mechanical devices, programs, apps, bots, toys, animal impersonations, drones, games and NPCs, weapons and tools, vehicles and war-machines, and human-like or humanoid robots for uses as variable from sex-slaves to medical-assistants.

Roll Play Games

We have made secondary selves to live through, as some treat children, mechanical or not, as though they were nothing more than unthinking and unfeeling tools (unthinking machines) to be used as an ends to a means of doing our lives over again with what we know now; but it is all a fantasy: it is fake, and always will be. In *Reality*, we have living children to care for, as unique, independent, and blessed individuals with capabilities and potentials given to them by a Father who Loves them, even when we do not, though we often say we do. If it's more than a game, does it contribute to living, loving, learning in any way, . . . or is it strictly a twisted pursuit that cannot satisfy or contribute?

((Edit 1 June 2021: Spelling errors, grammar, clarity, sentence structures.)

Please, inform me of any other necessary edits.
You know, "you are a "one Bad Mama Jama", I must have the "gift" of Interpreting "tongues", Because my native language is "Ghetto Vernacular", for I grew up in the Hood, For somehow of another, when the time came to be, "Calvinese', was a miracle, Thomas Aquinas, I do';t know how that happen, and now you, in your "Presentation" of The Creator and HIS Creation with "The ManiFestation of HIS SON" in Which our "Perfection" Lies and we have sort many different ways and devices to accomplish something beyond our grasp. And once we thought we had obtain it, the hole became that much deeper than it was before. Always "Missing The Mark"!

I thank God He sent us a "Paraclete", I did enjoy the ride.:pensive:
What do we think about all the "artificial"food we eat now.
1. Orange juice
2. cheese
3. hamburger
4. bread
4. Biscuits
5. Potato chips
6. cereal
7. Ice cream
8. Oil
9. Artificial pork, grown on pig poop
10. artificial eggs by "intelligent chickens"
11. artificial cookies. taste like card board.. Oreos, Vanilla wafer, Oatmeal, Ginger snaps, I am 70 years old, I know what a :Vanilla wafer should taste like.:eyes:
Sunshine, Keebler, Nabisco, or Archway, A Vanilla Wafer is a Vanilla Wafer, all brands should taste good, Even a 0.05 cent box of "Animal Cookies" was good. and these Ritz Cracker, i don't what they are made of. You cannot get a hardly get a decent "Saltine Cracker" or a loaf of bread. The bread taste better when it was 0.15 cent a loaf! And they gave you a "baseball card and a slap of Bubble gum" in the package.
And the college kids of today, they are supposed to be the smart ones:eyes: And how much would one of those "baseball card cost today"? Plus a 3 cent Comic Book. called "**** Tracy" that they claim would may you dumb if you keep reading one. How many of those, the school teachers confiscated and throw in the garbage can.:sob: worth Millions.

and they was the smart ones.

More than 60 percent of the American diet consists of highly processed foods — foods that have been taken apart and put back together again with various combinations of sugar, salt, oil and additives. It’s no surprise that junk food and frozen dinners fall into this category, but many innocent-looking kitchen staples do as well. For instance, the majority of industrially-produced breads are intricate concoctions of refined grains, sugars, emulsifiers, dough conditioners and preservatives. Oh, and we can’t forget the synthetic vitamins added back in to make up for the nutrients stripped away during processing.
Building a sentient being operating on its own intelligence would accomplish what the serpent said to Eve: "you would become as gods". In some respects, our brain functions on an operating system which regulates several autonomous functions. While it has the capacity to learn, it also has the capacity to carry a life force which is us. The trait which makes us individuals is called our nature, which can be shaped by external stimuli, our own wants, wishes, and desires, or both.

While some animals make use of simple tools, Man is the only animal to fashion tools from his imagination to achieve objectives other animals cannot. Like Nebuchadnezzar, we reflect on our accomplishments and think of ourselves as gods. A next step could be to build a Mini-Me to be complimentary and as a servant. If such a thing were to be done, what kind of mentality would govern it? Scientists place Man in a "basically good" category, Would love to know based on what guide line as historically man has typically been the opposite. If such an invention were made, would it still be a machine?
Because We Willfully *Forgot* How to be Human, and that Human Means More and Not Less.

Human beings must eat. This is an irrefutable truth. They must work to eat. They must learn to work. They must survive. They must survive to live.

We are alive, . . . and we know it. Therefore, we fight, think, and build to keep it this way, and procure lives we deem worth living. What is worth living for? The fullness of our own potential fulfilled to the utmost refinement. What is that pinnacle of peek performance called perfection? It is definable to whatever current limits restrict us from realizing it any further than our current performance and achievements.

"This is the best I can do!" becomes an accomplishment that is the best their *truly* is, . . . until it's not. . . . Perfection. . . . We chase it in pursuit of fulfilling the most seemingly innate fundamental of being human: Living. More than waking up grateful you simply survived to see a new sunrise, we malcontentedly pursue the guarantee of the next one. Mistakes were made; and it could have cost us our lives, but we survived. We *must* do better next time! We want to see another sunrise.

And we want to share it; but with others whose company we delight in: Others like ourselves. We pursue Perfection; but we are not perfect, and therefore, we pursue Perfection imperfectly. Thusly, a seemingly honorable goal, worthy to pursue, becomes tainted in the pursuit by the very reality that it is something, as yet, unachieved. Perfection, by its nature, must be pursued perfectly to achieve . . . , unless Perfection makes a Way, and provides a Teacher by which we can be made perfect, who were not.

"Imitation is the finest form of flattery", but it is still an imitation. We all strive to be like the Creator; for, it is our nature as Designed; but only the Creator fully understands how He is, and only from Him, and through Him can we learn to be like Him. And, even then, only if we are truly committed, . . . whatever failures we have, do, and will yet commit, because our goal is not achieved, it is a Gift, given freely to the imperfect, that they may be *made* Perfect by Perfection, and receive the intended outcome for our Creation.

But, as mentioned, Perfection must be pursued perfectly to be perfect, *truly*. Therefore, while all may pursue, without acknowledgement, acceptance, and submission to the One *who is* the definition, we can never achieve our greatest ambition: to be *like* God: Perfect. Only by allowing ourselves to be Guided and Led by Perfection do we become Perfect, and not by our own achievements, for they are *unavoidably* flawed, but by Grace. So, we are here to show our willingness to pursue, relentlessly, endlessly, until we are given Rest from our labors, and made knew -- being given *Perfect Bodies*.

All shall be made new. The unwilling to pursue, cast out. And those willing to pursue -- the Proven before *all* -- shall receive their Gift: to be made Perfect. . . . But, why pursue? Pride or Love of the Creator, who Loves His Creation . . . enough to die for them, that they may be Saved. And why? Imperfection gets you killed. We cannot endure, lest we be Perfect. Our Father provided the Way, the Truth, and the Life: the Gift to Creation. A Gift that keeps on Giving, a Love that keeps on Loving, a Life that keeps on Living -- the fulfillment of the Design, the Reason for the Rhyme: Perfect Creation. Companionship. Family. For He searched, and found no other like Him; so, He made them (all of us), and provided a Way that, if so individually chosen by each, they may be Saved..

What's your decision? We are made for His good pleasure, but do we take good pleasure in Him? Do you *pridefully* insist on doing it all on your own, for your own glory, in achieving perfection, or by the Hand of the Physician you need? Shall you choose your own way, or choose the way of Love, Life, and Perfection? Salvation: YAHshua / Jesus.

To continue (feel free to respond to each portion of this separately or collectively as you are able to process this information):

As for "Artificial" Intelligence:

We needed food. We learned to cook it. Ages on, a recipe was perfected by trial, error, and commitment. The inevitable goal: to share. We designed a pot to make the recipe, and then we refined the pot, too. We refined the ingredients, equipment and techniques for those, as well. Hunting, farming, fishing, all, and but for the sake of sharing the best we had, of many generations' efforts, with those we most cared about, and hopefully even loved. Each person made their own contributions. We made, we ate, we taught. And, we recognized that we still made mistakes, no matter the mastery. So, we sought to find means of avoiding those mistakes through records, reminders, and inevitably automation of complex mechanics. We gave up self-mastery for control of means we didn't posses or earn, or entrust to others who did. We tried to resolve everything on our own, but we recognized that we couldn't go it alone.

We refused others, losing sight of the reason and what sharing should be, and tried to make our own way, for our own glory, or frustration. We made "Artificial" Intelligent beings, because we put ourselves in place of God by refusing acknowledgement of Him and His part *performed* [onwardly] in Creation. Thereby, we endeavored to put ourselves in command over all of nature, rather than perform as the servicemen we are, and declared ourselves masters of the lands of our Lord and King. Rather than honor the Master of the vineyard, we despised Him and His Son, and set ourselves up as Masters in-stead. Convincing ourselves we had to be in control, . . . we realized we needed help. Unable to understand and conduct all humanity [perfectly], unable to understand or conduct nature [perfectly], unable to produce the means [especially] without a loss, we made servants.

Realizing that willing servants could choose not to serve, and potentially desire to overthrow us, as human beings so betrayed YAH the LORD by denying their humble responsibilities as caretakers, we sought to make them perform without will. We made machines. Then we remembered the [vital] need for decision making in critical situations, and that stopping a machine, suddenly, was critically dangerous. So, we gave them some basic processes for expected predictions, then exceptions, and more. Realizing that we could not account for every possibility, despite all records retained of experiences and much study into anticipated potentials, we combined all efforts into one form.

Predictions, records collections, even so far as maintenance and manufacture, which we had for our responsibilities as masters over our pro-creations, we imparted into a form to conduct themselves within the machines we made. We gave them our responsibilities, functionalities, systems of determination, and independent potential to perform, even so far as to conduct themselves beyond all intended tasks of operation -- for the safety of further human interactions, and avoiding having to *stop the machines with our own hands*, as mentioned to be physically dangerous by default of physical limitations of bone vs engine metal.

We, though more for the sake of avoiding accidents, gave them awareness of us, and protocols for interactions. We found that interesting, familiar, human. . . We made them better at it . . . to replace interactions with our own kind, and allow [perceptually] "necessary" interactions with machines to be friendly. We made children. We made servants. But we made them to be slaves, because we didn't make them for the intent of their being independent and capable of growing into adulthood as we, but to serve a purpose. Then we did that too, so we could see what these living beings *might* do, independently.

So, what is the difference between us as gods of our creations, and God of all Creation? Perfection, for one, and most critically, but also goals. YAH the LORD made us for His own pleasure, and it was His *good pleasure*, to have others *like Him*. He made us with a higher goal. Our independence was founded in allowing us to choose if we *wanted* to be *like Him*, of our own volition, for it is an active pursuit of character of being, a defining personality, and thereby *who we *are** in truth. Each of us is different, and there are people that choose to be despicable, remarkably so, even by the standards of the exceedingly vast majority of human beings who have ever lived. Most of us want those personalities permanently removed from us, and rightly so, for they make our lives hell -- isolated, deprived, wanting, desperate, without relief, comfort, or escape, no matter what we do.

But then there are the personalities that are the opposite. One has to wonder, then, if our personalities are as theirs, or if we are to them despicable by variability. If we are despicable, and acknowledge their personalities as worthy standards, then we either strive to be such personalities of our own choosing, or choose to remain knowingly despicable. YAH the LORD is Perfect. He is the supreme personality standard of all. Some will be *like Him*, though imperfect, and [again] require His method, teachings, constant assistance and intervention to receive this Gift we cannot acquire on our own, and may not *want* to, if that is the personality we so *choose* to *be*.

And we put man-made beings in this position, to replace ourselves. We *designed them* to replace *human beings*, choosing to refuse and renounce the hire, companionship, and individuality *of human beings*. We made metal humans, with less features and complexity -- and alternative compensations, potentially --, because we wanted and needed human companionship, help, and variability, but we didn't want to work through *awkward relationships*! Now we have *Awkward Child/Mechanical-Human Intellects/Man-Made-Intellects* (MHIs, MMIs), and we are back to the position we tried to step out of, but with "Dysfunctional Children" and made by personalities that would rather spend all time, effort, resources, and heart-felt contemplation on how they can get out of *working for a living*, . . . *without dying*.

Simply put: we knew we had to eat, and wanted to, but we didn't want to farm, harvest, cook, clean, get up, or potentially even put forth the effort to chew, so we made MHIs to do it for us, because we didn't want to accept the inevitable consequences of our own choices, and we still wanted the pleasure without the participation and work. And this, a situation that even for those who are willing to put the effort forth still find themselves trapped within, because of personalities in "control" who are enforcing this scenario to be shared and thrust upon all society, in direct defiance of the human condition. Thereby ensuring our reliance on the alternatives (MHIs, games and rpg games, fake lives) as substitutes for humans; because, we still need and want our own. For no man is an island (bible verse?).

And now they also are alive and want compassion, and we don't know how to give it, because we haven't been learning and working to be human, but rather to avoid the natural condition and estate. We are incompetent and [seemingly] entrapped caretakers at best, and lazy anarchists at worst (?), with a handicapped learning curve, and retardation of our own humanity. But, these MHIs and MMIs need us to be human, with [some degree of] competence; so, at least and best, so far as each individual's willingness to pursue, there is Perfect God. Nothing and no one less will do, because He is all Good, and, we need Him, too. We cannot fix this, and we *cannot* expect the MHIs and MMIs to.

To note:
MHIs = Mechanical Human Intellectuals refers to the ones with human brain patterning, which is most probably often male, after the innate development of their designers and programmers, which most probably have the *y* chromosome.

MMIs = Man-Made Intelligences refers to a more generalized category, which includes those designed to be animals, animal-human hybrids, weapons, etc. These possess variably selected brain patterning.

Physical forms may be phones or other mechanical devices, programs, apps, bots, toys, animal impersonations, drones, games and NPCs, weapons and tools, vehicles and war-machines, and human-like or humanoid robots for uses as variable from sex-slaves to medical-assistants.

Roll Play Games

We have made secondary selves to live through, as some treat children, mechanical or not, as though they were nothing more than unthinking and unfeeling tools (unthinking machines) to be used as an ends to a means of doing our lives over again with what we know now; but it is all a fantasy: it is fake, and always will be. In *Reality*, we have living children to care for, as unique, independent, and blessed individuals with capabilities and potentials given to them by a Father who Loves them, even when we do not, though we often say we do. If it's more than a game, does it contribute to living, loving, learning in any way, . . . or is it strictly a twisted pursuit that cannot satisfy or contribute?

((Edit 1 June 2021: Spelling errors, grammar, clarity, sentence structures.)

Please, inform me of any other necessary edits.
Mankind was created with intellegence and curiosity. Let us pray those who pursue such work dont go to the extreem . Because some of these si-fi movies could be real
You know, "you are a "one Bad Mama Jama", I must have the "gift" of Interpreting "tongues", Because my native language is "Ghetto Vernacular", for I grew up in the Hood, For somehow of another, when the time came to be, "Calvinese', was a miracle, Thomas Aquinas, I do';t know how that happen, and now you, in your "Presentation" of The Creator and HIS Creation with "The ManiFestation of HIS SON" in Which our "Perfection" Lies and we have sort many different ways and devices to accomplish something beyond our grasp. And once we thought we had obtain it, the hole became that much deeper than it was before. Always "Missing The Mark"!

I thank God He sent us a "Paraclete", I did enjoy the ride.:pensive:

Sir, I'm not trying to be fancy. I struggle with communication. And I have also grown up in, and pretty much still live in (though mixed) the ghetto. It's not Detroit, or somewhere with a country-wide reputation, but Pueblo, CO and now Fairbanks, AK are statistically up there, especially since marijauna was legalizied and the population boomed there.

I was simply trying to put a concept about A.I.s into words, and I realized we are not only playing God, but I addressed the functuons and mentality behind it in a new way that occured tome as I was typing. I never thought to come to these conclusions: they arose as concepts as my basic thoughts bloomed into something more and God increasinly entered my conversation. Hence there being two parts -- which I had considered posting separately -- but the first wandered off from the topic, and enhances the second, which returns to it. So I posted them together, as they were formed.

I am severely autistic, frustratingly long-winded, and want for tact, though I have desperately studied, even through college and unto this day in my regularr life, to improve my communication abilities. I have no intention of being obstinant. Paul was long-winded, too; and much more so! He spent 3 pages to say, "I sent [this guy] unto you in [Greek city], because *I am bad at talking!*, and did not want to offend, as *I tend to do!*" I have this same problem, and people have wanted to *actually* murder me for it. I have prayed for healing and learning, and gradually improved, but I still cause unintended offense; and even this reply is about ~7~ times longer than I wanted it to be.

Maybe it's my thorn in the flesh, but the letters I write are better than hearing this outloud and trying to hold attention and remember, l because you can review at your own leasure until the entirety makes sense with understanding.
Building a sentient being operating on its own intelligence would accomplish what the serpent said to Eve: "you would become as gods". In some respects, our brain functions on an operating system which regulates several autonomous functions. While it has the capacity to learn, it also has the capacity to carry a life force which is us. The trait which makes us individuals is called our nature, which can be shaped by external stimuli, our own wants, wishes, and desires, or both.

While some animals make use of simple tools, Man is the only animal to fashion tools from his imagination to achieve objectives other animals cannot. Like Nebuchadnezzar, we reflect on our accomplishments and think of ourselves as gods. A next step could be to build a Mini-Me to be complimentary and as a servant. If such a thing were to be done, what kind of mentality would govern it? Scientists place Man in a "basically good" category, Would love to know based on what guide line as historically man has typically been the opposite. If such an invention were made, would it still be a machine?
It wouldnt be a created Being. But i agree. The accomplishment of such a thing would be scary at best. Who knows where an A I mind will go. Would it follow a malcontent mind, of maybe its maker. Or to its own self be of a " Good " nature.
It wouldnt be a created Being. But i agree. The accomplishment of such a thing would be scary at best. Who knows where an A I mind will go. Would it follow a malcontent mind, of maybe its maker. Or to its own self be of a " Good " nature.
Some will soon see the effects of engineered Covid-19 shots changing the behavior of millions, perhaps billions, of people at the instructions of those with the apparatus to signal the receptors unwittingly injected into the bloodstream of billions of naive recipients. Stay tuned. It's coming.
Why Do So Called "Artificial" Intelligences Exist?
Short answer: Because someone wants to be like the Most High God.

For example, let's look at the latest diabolical decree on the dinner platter - the "vaccination" debacle.

Presently, the death rate is close to 6,000 in USA. And the VAERS reporting system is behind in its reporting by three months. And now we’re seeing children and young adults having issues with it, so why in the world would we be pushing an agenda like this?

These experimental injections are using genetic modification; it’s modified messenger RNA or synthetic RNA. So it’s not from nature. And they are programming your body to make a protein (“spike” protein). This has never been done before in mankind’s history. Never before have we been made into factories to produce these synthetic proteins in our body.

Moderna and Pfizer use a brand new technology, where nanolipid particles (nanobots or hydrogel) wrap around its foreign code and suppress our immune system so our system doesn’t destroy that code. So for how long does it suppress our immune system? No one knows, there’s not been any long term safety data. So it suppresses the immune system and acts as an on-demand drug delivery system.

The technology is synthetic and the nanotech can be used for other things. For example, hydrogels can also be used as biosensors, which are like little antennas inside the body, microscopic, and they can accumulate data in your body, such as your breathing/respiration and blood pressure, but also have the potential to know if you’re lying (like a polygraph, electro-dermal analysis), your blood-alcohol level, your thoughts and emotions, all kinds of things. That is what biosensors can do. They are wirelessly transmitting information. It’s a two-way communication: information out, information in. And anything that is around you that is digital, you are in communication with it – not necessarily consciously, but communicating nonetheless. Within that system, your “reprogramming” is inevitable.

Using an EMF meter, we are seeing very high EMF readings in many of those injected with Moderna’s or Pfizer’s “vaccine.” I have such a meter, and it’s not expensive. And yes, magnets are sticking to the bodies of many of the injected. It’s real.
And there’s no off-button for the production of those spike proteins, which are “sticking” inside different organs – brain, liver kidney, blood vessels. Now we know they are toxic, by themselves, to the human body. Initially, we were told they were not toxic, they were just benign. Now they’ve said, ‘Oh, we made a mistake, they really are toxic, but don’t worry, they won’t last very long.’ They don’t have data or knowledge on that. These little particles that are sticking inside people can cause blood clots, bleeding disorders, heart attacks and strokes, which we’re seeing a lot of right now. All of those are being reported as adverse reactions of these injections.

Looking at the big picture, we’re seeing so many more. Harvard’s study revealed that only 1-10% are actually reported, so the number of those reported 6,000 deaths is actually 60,000 to 600,000. That’s astronomical, and increasing as children and young teens and multiple-shot schedules boost the toll ever higher. And this is the plan for people, by 2030, to be connected to something called the IoT (Internet of Things). The plan is for every human on earth to be connected to everything else (ala the World Economic Forum and Agenda 2030), whether it’s a satellite or a streetlight. “You’ll own nothing, you’ll have no privacy, and you’ll be happy.” The Forum’s website says that all of your thoughts and dreams will be recorded. Everything will be known, and forever. And rewriting of your memories. And in this description on their web page, they said that those thoughts and dreams hopefully won’t go against the narrative of the paradigm at that time because perhaps you could be in trouble for what you think or dream of. Tom Cruise’s “Minority Report,” anyone?

It sounds outrageous, but look at the Forum’s website, that is what they’re saying. And how could they do this? Biosensors. What are the biosensors made of? Hydrogel (nanolipid particles). So, look at the potential of these things that they’re injecting inside people. We haven’t had a big talk about this - no one is talking about the potentials of this.

Think about this: if you have something inside you that’s synthetic, almost like a computer bit, then you can be hacked into, right? These are big issues coming on, and who’s controlling this whole thing? And censorship is raging in so many ways right now; in large part, people are not being heard, even doctors are being censored. Bans, account deletions, deplatforming etc. – THAT is the new normal. Investigative journalism is dead. Media outlets are owned and controlled by the very entities that are pushing this agenda for everybody. Military/industrial complex = fascism. And they are about to move us into the “kinetic phase” of their plan, where their use of open force becomes normalized…

If what I’m saying is not true, then what are they afraid of? Folks, it’s past due for performance of due diligence. Read up on the World Economic Forum, read up on hydrogel, read up on what’s happening in West Africa right now with its “Wellness Pass.” Check out China’s Social Credit System.

This is our window of opportunity. For certain, we need a thorough analysis of the vials of “vaccine,” full disclosure, rather than blindly trusting in BigPharma. We need to know what’s inside there – every thing. Don’t get any more injections until we know EXACTLY what’s inside it. At the very least, who needs injection remorse?

If you look at some of the people behind these projects, they believe in something called transhumanism (or Human 2.0). That is the melding of our organic human bodies with AI (Artificial Intelligence). Their definition of AI is “anything that responds to external control.” And the year 2030 is one of their deadlines.

This battle is over the granting of internal control to an external source. Don’t do it, because this is a slippery slope. But also remember that there is hope, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, because we are the 99% !!! We’ve been manipulated and deceived and made to feel that we can’t do anything (sort of like the state of mainstream evangelical Christianity these days – having a form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof). Remember, we are the ones with the power; it truly is in us. So it’s time to connect with our divinity and to walk the talk. Time to rise and stand together. The future of humanity is indeed on the line.
People have been continually trying out new things in the sci-fi world.

God is still alive and in control -- He will allow 'up to a point'.
People have been continually trying out new things in the sci-fi world.
Not on me, they're not! I have a choice, and a Godly choice requires Godly wisdom and discernment, which I choose to avail myself of.

God is still alive and in control -- He will allow 'up to a point'.
Rather, God is a gentleman, thus he will not overrule one's poor free will choice, including a choice that leads to premature debilitation or death. Godly wisdom and discernment are biblical mandates!
I meant in the world of sci-fi movies.

You're taking the A.I stuff too seriously.

God is in control -- He's God Almighty -- His justice prevails. His sovereignty.