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Why do bad things happen?

Staff Member
So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the LORD, because he did not keep the word of the LORD, and also because he consulted a medium for guidance. 1 Chronicles 10:13 NKJV

The writers of scripture often sought to explain the reasons for tragedies, and in the case of Saul’s death, and the death of his son Jonathan, a national tragedy called for reflection. Why had such a heroic figure, chosen by God to lead Israel, fallen so far that he died on the battlefield and lost so much territory to his enemies? Had God abandoned Saul and the people of Israel?

It’s not always possible to trace a tragedy directly to disobedience, but it would be foolish to skip self-examination in a time of difficulty or struggle. Such introspection may help reveal how your conduct or decisions have contributed to a tragedy or challenge. While it’s likely that most people haven’t consulted a medium like Saul, resisting God’s commands is another matter that you can surely relate to in your own life. A stubborn streak, hasty decision, or an action that harms yourself or others can send you into trouble fast. The sooner you repent and get back on course, the better.

The sorrow that leads to repentance is far better than the sorrow after a time of loss or suffering that results from your choices.

Prayer: Lord, reveal the ways I am resisting You so that I can live in obedience to Your commands.
And I note that its said, "his unfaithfulness" to cover the bulk of his sins, and yet consulting a medium was specific as if it had more weight than the others. And yet people today use things like ouji boards, and want to trust horoscopes, not seeing the similarities.
Staff Member
And I note that its said, "his unfaithfulness" to cover the bulk of his sins, and yet consulting a medium was specific as if it had more weight than the others. And yet people today use things like ouji boards, and want to trust horoscopes, not seeing the similarities.
It's the New Age mysticism that is even being found in churches. Everything from the items you mentioned, to Tarot Cards, even the practice of Yoga that is communicated as having medical benefits! Unknowingly that the Yoga that is practiced has its routes in Hinduism, and the forms/positions are of special significance to this religion, and have greater meaning than just stretching exercises. Even use of Labyrinth in churches! It amazes me that few see the dangers!

Sad times we live in brother, but as one can tell by the History shown in Scripture, not new as to what man is willing participate in, even when warned not to do so by the Word of God.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts/observations.

With the Love of Christ Jesus.
This actually makes sense "but it would be foolish to skip self-examination in a time of difficulty or struggle. Such introspection may help reveal how your conduct or decisions have contributed to a tragedy or challenge" often time we want God to take responsibility for everything we do or undone without looking inward. The first thing to do when you encounter any challenge is to ask yourself where have I missed it? so you can make necessary adjustments where possible.