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What to expect in hell

What to expect in hell

  • Annihilation - Instant destruction

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • Universalism - Suffering for a while and then united with Jesus

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Eternal torment - Limited suffering, not such a bad place, mostly pet friendly

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Eternal torment - limited suffering, a horrible environment, no pets

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Eternal torment - torturous, excruciating pain and suffering, no pets

    Votes: 21 72.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
There's any number of ways the lost could be making their journey to the
netherworld. For example instead of being dragged underground by ghastly beings
such as those depicted in the movie 'GHOST", they may just fall down into the
ground like water through a sieve.

That's not a ridiculous idea seeing as deceased folk leave this world as disembodied
spirits. According to Luke 24:39 & John 4:24 spirit is immaterial, i.e. it has no mass
to speak of so its movement isn't impeded by solid materials like metal and dirt, or
wood and stone.

And spirit takes up no space. For example the feral man of Mark 5:1-13 was
possessed by a community of spirits who labeled themselves Legion, define by
Webster's as the principal unit of the Roman army comprising 3,000 to 6,000 foot
soldiers with cavalry. The legion of spirits that left that man went out and took up
residence in a herd of about 2,000 swine.

That's a pretty good example of how spirits take up no room in the physical world;
nor do they crowd each other. All 3,000 to 6,000 of those spirits managed to fit
inside the bodily cargo area of just that one guy. Just imagine the number of spirits
that could fit into the passenger area of an SUV.

NOTE: Those spirits slipped right out of that man. There was no need to cut him
open so they could evacuate.
There's any number of ways the lost could be making their journey to the
netherworld. For example instead of being dragged underground by ghastly beings
such as those depicted in the movie 'GHOST", they may just fall down into the
ground like water through a sieve.

That's not a ridiculous idea seeing as deceased folk leave this world as disembodied
spirits. According to Luke 24:39 & John 4:24 spirit is immaterial, i.e. it has no mass
to speak of so its movement isn't impeded by solid materials like metal and dirt, or
wood and stone.

And spirit takes up no space. For example the feral man of Mark 5:1-13 was
possessed by a community of spirits who labeled themselves Legion, define by
Webster's as the principal unit of the Roman army comprising 3,000 to 6,000 foot
soldiers with cavalry. The legion of spirits that left that man went out and took up
residence in a herd of about 2,000 swine.

That's a pretty good example of how spirits take up no room in the physical world;
nor do they crowd each other. All 3,000 to 6,000 of those spirits managed to fit
inside the bodily cargo area of just that one guy. Just imagine the number of spirits
that could fit into the passenger area of an SUV.

NOTE: Those spirits slipped right out of that man. There was no need to cut him

open so they could evacuate.

Sounds like the twilight zone .

Satan whose one spirit of lies works in many deceived. . . . called legion .
FAQ: When are people judged: as soon as they die or sometime later?

REPLY: Some folks' judgment takes place in this life prior to their death. (Rom 6:3
& Rom 6:6) Others' judgment awaits them at the great white throne event depicted
at Rev 20:11-15.
FAQ: When are people judged: as soon as they die or sometime later?

REPLY: Some folks' judgment takes place in this life prior to their death. (Rom 6:3
& Rom 6:6) Others' judgment awaits them at the great white throne event depicted
at Rev 20:11-15.
It is appointed for all men to die once dead men are not judged twice .
FAQ: Folks not found registered in the Lamb's book of life are sent to the second
death per Rev 20:11-15. Will they be consumed by the brimstone and gone

REPLY: Adam was warned that were he to taste the forbidden fruit, he would die

that very day (Gen 2:17) and he did, but not in a way readily apparent.

Up to that moment, Adam enjoyed perpetual youth, but upon tasting the fruit, he
lost perpetual youth and began to age, i.e. his body became infected with mortality,
which is a lingering kind of death rather than the kind of death where people drop
dead to the floor of a sudden from strokes, bullets, bludgeons, or falls from a very
high building down onto solid concrete.

In other words: Adam's death was an ongoing process that gradually wore him
down to the point where his body finally gave out, and he passed away.

By comparing the language and grammar of any and all passages related to dying
and the second death, I think we can safely conclude that it's a lingering death that
apparently will be a perpetual process with no definite end. (cf. Isa 66:23-24)
FAQ: Folks not found registered in the Lamb's book of life are sent to the second
death per Rev 20:11-15. Will they be consumed by the brimstone and gone

Gone forever or suffer forever?

Second death? How could a man die twice? Why twice?

What is God's instrument the instrument of death?

Is it you will surely die if you eat of the forbidden fruit?
Luke 16:27-29 . . I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house, for I have
five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of

The five brothers would more than likely recognize Lazarus because he was laid at
the rich man's gate; so that whenever they came over for a visit; there he'd be for
them to walk past.

But I have to wonder just exactly what would Lazarus tell them about their
deceased brother's circumstances down in the netherworld. Lazarus would likely tell
the men about his own circumstances too.

I can well imagine that the men would be fascinated by Lazarus' tale but not
fascinated enough to make a difference because Abraham assured the rich man
that his brothers wouldn't believe Lazarus; and honestly: who in their right mind
would; especially a tale coming from a no-account indigent whose body covered
with sores very likely wasn't even given a decent burial but instead dumped without
ceremony in a landfill somewhere?
I for one do not concern myself with hell. I do not expect anything there.
Thanks be to Jesus Christ,I will not be there.
The Lord wasn't looking for people's religion on Passover night, nor was he looking
for people's piety and/or conduct. He was looking for just one thing, and one thing
only: the blood.

That being the case, then had a Jewish family failed to apply the blood in the proper
manner, their first-born son would've been slain. On the other hand; were an
Egyptian family careful to apply the blood in the proper manner, their son would've
been spared because the The Lord is neither biased nor prejudiced.

Along that same line; Jesus' blood will protect anybody and everybody who applies
it in the proper manner because he died for all; no exceptions regardless of age,
race, gender and/or religious preference. But many won't be protected by his blood,
because they will neglect to apply it at all, let alone properly.
FAQ: Folks not found registered in the Lamb's book of life are sent to the second
death per Rev 20:11-15. Will they be consumed by the brimstone and gone

REPLY: Adam was warned that were he to taste the forbidden fruit, he would die

that very day (Gen 2:17) and he did, but not in a way readily apparent.
There were TWO ASPECTS of Adam's death. His SPIRITUAL DEATH was the significant one, and was immediate.
His physical death (like ours) took a good deal longer.
Well, since my baby left me,
I found a new place to dwell.
It's down at the end of Lonely Street at
Heartbreak Hotel.

Although it's always crowded,
You still can find some room
For broken-hearted lovers
To cry there in their gloom.

That song, by Elvis Presley back in 1956, was very popular; and useful for depicting
some of the conditions folks might expect in the netherworld should they end up on
the wrong side of things. For example: just as Elvis' hotel always has a vacancy, so
the netherworld too.

Prov 30:15-16 . . There are three things that will not be satisfied-- four that will
not say, "Enough"

One of the four listed in that passage is Sheol, a.k.a. Hades which in Hellenistic
culture spoke of the netherworld: a place in which all the dead were warehoused:
both the good dead and the bad dead regardless of age, race, gender, or religious

And then there's "cry there in their gloom"

Matt 13:40-42 . . As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so
shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and
they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do
iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and
gnashing of teeth.
The Lord wasn't looking for people's religion on Passover night, nor was he looking
for people's piety and/or conduct. He was looking for just one thing, and one thing
only: the blood.

That being the case, then had a Jewish family failed to apply the blood in the proper
manner, their first-born son would've been slain. On the other hand; were an
Egyptian family careful to apply the blood in the proper manner, their son would've
been spared because the The Lord is neither biased nor prejudiced.

Along that same line; Jesus' blood will protect anybody and everybody who applies
it in the proper manner because he died for all; no exceptions regardless of age,
race, gender and/or religious preference. But many won't be protected by his blood,
because they will neglect to apply it at all, let alone properly.

Literal blood? Where can we find that kind of blood and apply it?
Heb 6:4-6 . . For it is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who
have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted
the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall
away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying
the Son of God afresh and subjecting him to public disgrace.

We know that with God nothing is impossible. So, I think we have to acquiesce that
the impossibility spoken of here is so because God has made it His mission in life,
so to speak, to assure that folks blessed with the level of advantages spoken of
here are never to be given an opportunity to reconsider-- ever. The die is cast.
(e.g. Judas Iscariot)
Years ago, before drugs were used to make dying easier. People passed away at home and hospitals. Witnesses to many saw the faces of those dying and told others about it. It was normal and sometimes horrifying. Christians would smile and sometimes reach up with their arms right before dying. Others just went too sleep. But a few unsaved would have a frightened look on their face and sometimes scream a little before dying. My Mother in law saw angels in her hospital room. So, during my parents generation, they knew you had to make one choice in this life. Pastors normally went to homes and preached to children then.
Years ago, before drugs were used to make dying easier. People passed away at home and hospitals. Witnesses to many saw the faces of those dying and told others about it. It was normal and sometimes horrifying. Christians would smile and sometimes reach up with their arms right before dying. Others just went too sleep. But a few unsaved would have a frightened look on their face and sometimes scream a little before dying. My Mother in law saw angels in her hospital room. So, during my parents generation, they knew you had to make one choice in this life. Pastors normally went to homes and preached to children then.

My grandpa said he saw angels and then a minute later he was gone. Many fallen angels roam freely. I guess if they around they will harass those going to hell. But it would be at a moment when its too late to repent I would imagine.
FAQ: What is meant by soul?

REPLY: Soul began appearing in the Bible in the book of Genesis by the Hebrew
word nephesh (neh'-fesh) which isn't unique to human life. Its first appearance is at
Gen 1:20-21 in reference to aqua creatures and winged creatures; again at Gen
1:24 as terra creatures; viz: cattle, creepy crawlies, and wild beasts; and again in
Gen 2:7 as the human creature; and yet again at Gen 9:10 to classify every living
thing aboard Noah's ark.

* God is said to have a soul. (Lev 26:11, Lev 26:30, Judg 10:16, Isa 42:1, Jer
32:41, and Zech 11:8)

Soul is somewhat ambiguous but basically refers to consciousness, self awareness,
and individuality. It's sometimes a reference to one's heart, e.g. Gen 34:3, and to
the core of one's being, e.g. Gen 27:4.

All in all, soul is just another way of referring to that part of sentient life that we
call "self" which can be roughly defined as the element of our existence that makes
us unique.

Jesus' followers can expect to retain their souls when they pass on, but things are
not looking good for the lost. According to Matt 10:28, people's souls survive
normal death, but do not survive Hell fire.

NOTE: Apparently the rich man of Luke 16:19-31 wasn't in the Hell fire yet when he

spoke with Abraham because he's depicted as completely sentient.
People have been seeing things that are not there and not seeing things that are since the beginning of time .

Colossians 2:18-19 Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.

There is no spirit life after one takes the last breath The body of dust returns to the field of clay and the temporal spirit given under the God's instrument of judgment letter of the law (DEATH) returns to the father who gave it under a law (thou shalt not or in dying a real end will come.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

The parable of two teaching masters in Luke 16 is not teaching or defining hell. The idea they could ask for literal water to cool a literal tongse with a literal chasm dividing and dog are worming thier way through the soil licking sores does not define hell . It clearly a parable in a series beginning the chapter before. The parable is not defined by the imagination of the heart . much better example than communing with the dead .

The subject matter of the parable is comparing the word of God all things written in the law and prophets (sola scriptura) as one form of communing with necromancy those seeking after the dead for the living relatives of men of renown. Like Rachel who hid the idol image needed when the legion of gods come up . Roman Catholicism has over 3500 official gods a person can imgaine they are communing with called patron saints worker with familiar spirit god .

If they did not hear the gospel when one does raise from the dead as a living sacrifice they will not be given the faith of Christ's labor of love to needed to believe God not seen The faith is not of us lest any man boast in necromancy communing with the dead

Those who go beyond the writen word (sola scriptura) a doctrine of dying oral tradition men was passed on from the Jewish fathers.
They are the ones that created extra time (limbo purgatory) giving the idea that when men die sufferings continues with the exception of a Queen mother of heaven (female deity) teaching she alone receive the fullness of grace the rest of the planet as unknown remnant of grace.and must continue wondering sufferings with no end in sight .A doctrine of demons

Corrupted bodies as dying mankind return to the dust and temporal spirit to God who gave it under the letter of the law death. Really dead never to rise .

Sufferings mean sufferings. wondering means wondering (not believing) dead means dead . The dead have no life by which they could suffer

There is neither suffering of life after death or strengthened by a unseen creation ( angels) that hide itself one day and the next appears

We walk by the eternal things of God not seen -not by the imagination of our hard heart
Hello @KingJ,

Hades (Heb. Sheol) means the grave: not in heathen mythology, but in the Word of God. It was in Hades the Lord Jesus was put: for 'He was buried'. As to His Spirit, He said, 'Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit' (Luke 23:46). His body was 'laid in a Sepulchre'. Of this burial He says (Psalm 16:9):-

'For thou wilt not leave My soul in hell (
Sheol or Hades);
neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.'
(Psa 16:10)

In Acts 2:31 this is repeated and enlarged on, we read, 'He (David) seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ. That his soul (ie., he) was not left in Hades; neither his flesh did see corruption'. To make it still more clear, it is immediately added, and expressly stated, that 'David is not yet ascended into the heavens'; (v.34), and therefore had not been raised from the dead. Note, it does not say David's body, but 'David'. This is another proof that resurrection is the only way of entrance into heaven.

So the grave is where corruption takes place, and resurrection is the only way out of it.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
Suffered in a tomb "breathable " not underground suffocate .

Unto death we are healed by his living suffering or dead never to rise to new life. Jonah is used as a direct comparison as the last sign that some wondered after .
Deut 34:5-6 . . Moses the servant of The Lord died there in the land of Moab,
according to the word of The Lord. And He buried him in the valley in the land of
Moab, opposite Beth-peor; but no man knows his burial place to this day.

A very curious scene unfolded during Moses' burial. The Devil argued with
Michael the archangel about Moses' body. (Jude 9)

It's been suggested that the Devil objected to secrecy. In other words; it's
possible that he wanted Moses' body enshrined in a sort of Church of the
Holy Sepulcher where the Jews could be lured into idolatry by adoring Moses'
remains as a sacred relic. (cf. 2Kings 18:4)

That's actually a very plausible suggestion. For example: there's a statue of the
apostle Peter in Rome whose big toe has been eroded over the years by the lips of
pilgrims kissing it.

Anyway; if the Devil would interfere with the burial of a holy man like Moses, then I
think we can safely assume he (or one of his minions) probably interferes with the
burials of ordinary folk too; and I should think the smartest way for him to interfere
is to ensure the minister comes out with nothing useful in his eulogy; but instead
with the usual mushy rhetoric by which nobody hearing it can be moved to consider
their afterlife prospects. (Just goes to show that the Devil is not above walking over
the bones of the dead to get what he wants.)