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We strive not against flesh and blood...

Hello friends. I have a word that the Lord wanted me to share so to follow is that word....

In order for the plans of the evil one to be brought forward as quickly as possible, satan has sent forth many, many evil spirits in the U.S. for the purpose to frighten and affect rising fear over the issue of guns. Evil spirits work through people mostly, getting them to do the work they want done. These evil spirits have two main purposes, to make people fearful and greatly increase emotional turmoil about gun violence and to motivate people to tell their govt reps to ban them. The other main purpose is to increase those controlled by evil spirits (versus whispering evil thoughts into their mind, motivating them to do their will), to where they are literally controlled by the evil spirits and commit gun violence in the most fearful manner possible. The point is to get the US govt to ban guns in the hands of the general populace so that the population will be more easily controlled by those in power. No matter what voice we speak of the situation either pro or con on the matter, it wont be enough, satan and his minions WILL win out... unless.... people begin praying and fasting, praying for our politicians, and all those being lead by the nose to do satan's will, that they will break free from this power of the evil one. The U.S. is still a major powerhouse of power both militarily and economic and satan wants to use the carnal powers of the U.S. for his power grab. Satan will have his time here on this earth and bring about the terrible times that were foretold but whether or not he is able to use the U.S. as one of his minions of carnal power is still up to us. Never the less, he is pressing hard now and will continue pressing hard unless he either wins the U.S. as his own or has it changed into a weak and ineffectual carnal power that will play very little part in the coming battle. Its hard to say where we are in the fight against those who wish to disarm the innocents here from protecting themselves against the evils that are to come. So if you want satan to get all the power he wants to hurt and frighten people, then do nothing, but if you want to oppose the will of satan, then by all means support peoples right to protect themselves, and even more so, pray for those deceived to know the truth and that the Lord would pull the blinders from their eyes.