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wante to die

please some one help , I really had enough of eveythink , I just wante to die , , coz , it seem like there no point in me being here , ok I know god cares , but , if he cares then there would not be so much suffering , ok I know I should not wish to die , but if you were in my shoes then you would have no choice but to wate to die , please help someone, I really want to kill myself . if you wante to know what wrong then send me a private message .
why does god take so long to answer prays, in the situation I'm in I can't afford to wait , coz it hurts too much
I am praying for you. God is real. He will answer. I'm sorry you are going through this hard time. You will pass through it. He is with you in the rivers, through fire. He is your God.
I pray that God will uphold you in this time. Trust in God and lean on him, he's there for you at this time.
why should you be depressed? Just think of who you have on your side - God. There are so many people who don't have him on their side. Thoughts of committing suicide means Satan's voice is over God's voice, you need to talk to God, and with God you can defeat Satan and thoughts of suicide. I will pray for you.. but i'd urge you to just talk to the Lord.
Pray this prayer.. dear lord i have unbelief please forgive me of it. Unbelief is sin, but your son died for my sins... so help me though i have little faith. You lord are faithfull, you cannot deny yourself. I will pray and wait on you for you are my strength and my redeamer, i will yet praise you.

Fear no evil sister: and get rid of them thoughts of evil and sin, be still relax and know that God is God. Use your faith, we are told to pray and not to faint..

Will be praying for you...
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Please don't be a upset. I request you that please don't thing negetive. I want to clear that your life is not a your life it a Our God Jesus Christ who died for you. Yes god will answer your payer he will not take a time. If you remmber in Bible about Daneil that God was answer his prayer butt satan was stop for it.

So please keep it on praying unless you can't getyour answer.

Knock it shall open to you.

Dear friend - I was listening to a phone in radio show where relatives of those who died from suicide spoke of their unending agony, despair and helplessness.One father who has dedicated his life to helping suicidal people said and this is very important "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" - In saying that he means that most people do not want to die from suicide, they want the situation they are enduring to end but death is not the answer. Please trust in God that He may lead you to trained professionals who can help you. I have had reason my self to contemplate ending my life so I have some idea how you feel.My friends here on TJ helped me, professionals helped me and slowly I am working things out. All through my ordeal I have focussed on my faith to sustain me and it has. please feel free to pm me if I can help. Remember your actions will affect many lives.Your life, your senses, your faculties, talents and abilities all are gifts from God to use to reflect His presence within you. Please continue to talk this through.Today I ask our Lord to reveal in your life His love, compassion and understanding for it is when we love ourselves least He loves us most and He is close to us when we are at our weakest. God Bless you.

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You said "if he cares there wouldn't be so much suffering"? That is simply not true. Many times God uses suffering to bring us closer to him. Read this...

Taken from a website (www.allaboutGod.com)
Many argue, "Why would an all-powerful, all-loving God allow pain and suffering?" The only way to begin answering this question is to view our fallen world from God's perspective. You see, God dwells in the dimension of eternity. His primary objective is to love us and have us love Him in return. From God's perspective, He uses the trials of this painful world to lovingly prepare His children to spend eternity with Him. The Apostle Paul said, "I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Romans 8:18). In Hebrews, we learn that Jesus himself "for the glory that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2).

Suffering is a fact of this fallen world. The Bible is a testimony to this reality. However, the complete message of the Bible is that God has His plan for redemption all worked out. Those who put their faith in Jesus Christ have a wonderful hope - a hope of eternity with God in a place where there is no more suffering, evil or death (John 1:12, Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Revelation 21:4).

God bless,
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christian 19 said:
nigh: how can you say that , now I REALLY don't wante to know god , if only :(

So you're saying you don't know God? You're not a Christian then? You did chose the name Christian 19, I assumed you knew Jesus. Now it all makes sense.

Well look at it this way...if you know God, (as my last post shows) you will see suffering and pain in this fallen world. If you do NOT know God, you STILL will see suffering and pain in this short life, BUT you will not know the eternal joy and glory of life WITH God in heaven.

As a Christian I can tell you I feel much better in the midst of pain and suffering knowing that it is temporary, and that I will spend eternity in heaven without pain, sorrow, tears, sickness, and suffering. While those who reject Him chose to spend eternity separated from our loving God and instead with Satan and his fallen angels in a place made just for them where there will be gnashing of teeth and torment forever and ever.

Sister, if you are in enough pain to consider ending your life, then exactly what you need is to know God, and more specifically His son Jesus!

Peace be with you,
Dear christian19,

I think you need to speak to somebody,if you dont have anyone you can trust to go to,itll be good to call a hotline like the samaritans,or a prayer hotline.You cant get through this alone,you need someone there physically to help you through this,pray for you or talk to you,the fact that you are seeking help here shows that deep down you do not really want to end your life.You just dont see a way out yet.
i have been in your situation,thinking back,i was so blanketed by darkness and depression,i couldnt see that i was so close to falling into Satan's hand forever.i was so close to being lost to God,forever separated from him and eternal happiness.Suicide is like jumping out of a frying pan into the fire.
Its spending eternity with satan and the evil of most evil and not being able to escape.You cant let him win.You need to find some help quickly.
I am a fortunate survivor of suicide,God didnt give up on me.He was merciful and let me live another day to come back to him.I dont know if everyone attempting suicide would be so lucky to have a second chance.Dont take that road.There's no turning back.Please please i pray you will go to someone for help.Even if its a phonecall.Dont give up on yourself,God wouldnt.He loves you,dont break his heart and the people who love you and us at TJ.
Get help!
Keep posting.:love:
Jesus loves you!
nigh: I think you miss understand my post , what I ment was I really do turst in god , but why do i have to suffer , is it cuz I'm a christian ???, please remember , that god is eveythink to me , and don;t say that I not a christian cuz I AM !
Going to church weekly is really good, lots of very nice people there.

Who will understand how you feel.

Good luck and God bless:love:
To: Christian 19

God always answers His children, but it is not always a "yes".

It maybe a "wait", for His timing is perfect (need proof? - read the book "Heidi")

It maybe a "no", for He told Peter, when asked to remove the thorn ... "My grace is sufficent for you".

Whatever His answer, as long as you look to & talk with Him, He will give you all you need to make it ... to, through, & past ... in & with Him.

Above is spoken from one who went through rare, *permenant physical problems for 21 years.
-------------------------------------------------------------*permenant only in world's viewpoint, but God may yet heal

I pray God will ...
encourage you, enfold you in His love & peace, give you strength, & in His time, brighten your path.
Hello Christian,

When the cares of life overwhelm us, it might seem easier to wish for death than to face the struggle. But there is hope for you!

God knows your pain. He knows your doubts and fears. He knows that you have difficulties and that you even question Him.

A follower of Christ named Paul (who wrote much of the Bible's New Testament) also struggled with circumstances to the point of losing hope. In 2 Corinthians 1 , he told the church of Corinth that he had suffered greatly while in Asia. He said that he and a friend named Timothy were "under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure,so that we despaired even of life" (v.8). Paul too was in despair!

But the story does not end there. He went on to say that "this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God" (v.9).This emotional struggle, this hopelessness that Paul felt, caused him to rely on God even more. He saw more clearly how much he needed God through this dark hour in his life.

You may not be where Paul was when he wrote those words. You may be in the middle of a storm and you may be wondering if you are going to make it. You may even be questioning God's presence in your life. Your story, however, like Paul's, doesn't have to end in despair. It is in the midst of the most desperate moments of your life that you too can call on the Lord and He will hear you.

Is it possible that instead of reaching out to the Lord, you have been using god-substitutes to avoid taking care of your real needs? Most of us do that from time to time. We find creative ways of drowning our sorrows and dulling our pain. We are often tempted to use sex, food, materialism, drugs, alcohol, shopping -- anything to try and make the pain go away. When nothing seems to work, depression can set in. Depression is sometimes an internal decision to shut down and a refusal to deal with the difficult struggles of life. This kind of depression usually results from a series of failed attempts to deal with some painful circumstances or difficult relationships in one's life. The feeling of a depressed person is often, "No matter how much I try, I am powerless to change the things that mean the most to me. I quit! Nothing works. I give up!" It is at this point that some think about ending their life. You are not alone in feeling as you do.

So how do we work through these deeply painful and frightening times? I believe it is when we admit that we are at the end and can't make it on our own. God will comfort us in our grief, sorrow, and disappointments. He will reveal Himself to us and show us mercy ( Matthew 5:4,6 ).

Some experiences in your life may make you hesitant to reach out to the Lord for help. But, if you trust God with your pain, He can begin to show you that you have purpose and significance. You were created for a higher purpose, which is to worship your Creator and to find your hope and strength in Him.

If you continue to struggle with thoughts of suicide, seek help from a skilled counselor, your pastor, or a trusted friend. Your feelings may not change overnight, but you can begin to act in faith and take actions that will lead to a healthy perspective on life.

God bless you
Life has gone bad to worst

life seems to like duming problems on me , I really Don't know what to do , eveyday is nothing but problems to sort out , and I had enough , ok I know god and jesus care about me , But , if you where in my shoes , then you might just understand what I go though , (but your not me ), I made up my mine , and before you say it , I know this is not the way to go , but some time in this month (july) I will kill myself , I'M SORRY BUT THIS IS ME , AND IT WHAT i WANT TO DO , I TOO HURT TO STAY HERE ON EARTH , i'VE HAD ENOUGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry: . why me why do I get problems , its just not fair , I going to die , I'm going to kill myself , I want to be alone away from people , I cry everyday and every night , and as I said I wll kill myself :rain: :unlove:
Hi Christain

I now sent you a private message. Please answer me as soon as you could.
