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Valentine's Day???????????????


Feb 13, 2004
Is anyone doing anything for Valentine's Day? My fiance anthony is surprising me with a gift and who knows what else and I am giving him a stuffed animal with a Kiss shaped so that is so romantic. He has to work so I am not sure what I am going to be doing that day and I am off of school and work so that will be my relaxing day and I won't be doing any school work.

Sorry I'm late on this one. We had our adult V-day party at the Church this Saturday (21st), yes a little late. We had a great time. Played the "newly wed" game with four couples from Church, lots of fun!
For about three weeks the team that had arranged the party, told us they had a special gift lined up for the wife who's husband would read her a poem or sing her a song infront of everyone. It would be best if they had written the material themself. As it turned out two people read poem's they had written, and two of us played songs we had written to our wifes. Everyone was so struck by the songs, that we where asked to sing them infront of the entire Church Sunday morning. So Sunday morning Service had two men playing guitar and singing to their wifes. In both songs the writter thanks God for the wifes he has given them.
Now we just got to figure out how to top that next year. :)