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Truly Yours



There's a ray of light
Shinin' down on me
After all this time
I waited patiently

Just for you to come
Right into my life :note:
But I finally found
Love is on my side

And now things ain't the same
Ever since you came
Now my life's just begun
Because you're the one


I'm truly yours
You're on my mind
I think of you
'most all the time :note:

Say can it be
That I'm in love
When you are all
I'm thinkin' of

You can make me smile
When I'm feeling down
You give me the strength
To turn it all around

You're the world to me
You can make me fly
You're the face I see :note:
When I close my eyes

Do you know that you are
Deep inside my heart
No more clouds hide the sun
Because you're the one


I'm truly yours
You're on my mind
I think of you
'most all the time

Say can it be
That I'm in love
When you are all
I'm thinkin' of

I'm thankful that God blesses ppl to bless other ppl in special moments in life with their talent and gift :love: its the new song from Stephanie d. :love: :thumbs_up :love:
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