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Time with God

a real good friend of mine scrappy told me today to go and spend time with God and to write down a list of all the things that was bugging and agitating me and to give them to God inviting his presence and rebuking the enemy in Jesus name, and sit for like more minutes then i am used to sitting still for LOL he explained to me in details what i needed to do and how.

At first like i laughed because i get easily distracted and fidgety and restless but i said i would give it a go.

I sat on the floor in my room and lit some candles and put ucb music on my computer in the background ( i remember one of Chads posts saying about candles and music) and then i started to write like my list yeah, of all the things that was getting to me and read a bit about like how God gives us peace yeah?

and then i got all these separate bits of paper and one by one talked to God about them and then ripped them up and put them in the bin.

I cant ecxplane the next bit but i just sat there for like ages man! (lol not like me) just like for ages and ages feeling peace.

Whats my point?...other then just like saying what happened and that it was so good to do that, i just want to say i am glad scrappy explained in detail for me what to do because to 'go and spend time with god' means not allot to me because i have never done all this kind of stuff before and i would have just sat there like a twit and fidgeted.

Thank you God for people taking time to explain stuff
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Praise the Lord Hanni for the time you spent with Him tonight. We all need to be aware here that when we are saying things to people, to explain them properly, because something maybe we have been doing for ages the other person hasn't a clue about. Isn't it so awesome just to feel that peace that God gives? :shade:
How true!

sunshine307 said:
Praise the Lord Hanni for the time you spent with Him tonight. We all need to be aware here that when we are saying things to people, to explain them properly, because something maybe we have been doing for ages the other person hasn't a clue about. Isn't it so awesome just to feel that peace that God gives? :shade:

Thanks sunshine, I needed to hear that. I'm just learning that we all need to be patient and explain things clearly, showing our concern and love to help people. And yes, God does give us unexplainable peace. How often something has been bothering me and making me depressed when I just give them over to HIM. OHHHH, I think that's when I stop being selfish. In fact, something is bothering me now....I need to get to prayer as soon as possible---otherwise satan uses it to his advantage. How faithful and kind God is to us!!!!!



I need to spend time with God so bad... Every time I do I feel like something goes wrong, I slipped up, I stuff up - the closer I get to Him, the more things go wrong - That doesn't seem right does it ?
Beautiful testimony Heather! :)

Yes Ask, you are right, and any of us who have been living for Christ for any length of time, have experienced this. When Jesus said He would give us peace, but not as this world gives, here`s an example of what that means. The world will tell you how to get rid of your problems, endeavor to offer you some sort of solution. Jesus on the other hand, wants to BE our solution. So what we hear Him saying is, yes things might look real bad, they may even get worse before they get better, but your only job is to come to me, lean on me, put your trust in me, and watch me work for you. When we empty our hearts to Him, then there is room for the peace He offers. Sometimes this takes going back to Him many times, not that His peace is not lasting, but we let fretting and fear back in, and have to go thru the process again and again. The good news is,we can`t have a problem He does`nt already have the answer for!
I do think it rather strange we as humans seem so willing give a therapist or a counsellor, months and years to help us resolve an issue in our lives, but we are not willing to give our Father barely more than a day or a week before we say, thats it, I give up, it`s obvious you`re no help! :(
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying but it sounds vaguely familiar. Could you try to explain it again and explain what you're asking. I'll be praying because from personal experience I know how hard it can be to explain something.
Hey Heather-Anne(I like your choice of name...it's beautiful)
I sure can relate to the peace you talk about. This summer I was having times where I would get this EXTREME, overwhelming, unexplained fear and panic. It made it to where I couldn't cope right. Sometimes when it happened at night I'd just take off walking (I was working on a ranch way out in the booneys) and walk for several hours until it would finally go away.

My friend and I went to talk to this person I was considering going to for counseling and afterwards we stopped in the sanctuary of this church. She and I went to the alter and were just sitting and I think praying and what was so absolutly wonderful was that an EXTREME, overwhelming, unexplained peace came over me that was just as strong as the fear I'd been feeling. It didn't last long but it was like a rainbow of hope...something that made me know without a doubt that God was in control and loved me more than I cvould ever imagine.

God is awsome isn't He...and I'm not just saying these words to look good, they're coming from my heart.
ask said:
I need to spend time with God so bad... Every time I do I feel like something goes wrong, I slipped up, I stuff up - the closer I get to Him, the more things go wrong - That doesn't seem right does it ?
ask, you say the closer you get to God the more things go wrong. That is true because satan doesn't want you to get closer to God. He is quite happy for you not to be close to God at all and will try anything to keep you from Him. So keep pressing into God and refuse the lies satan is telling you. In fact - it's true that you know you're on the right track when satan bothers you, you're giving him something to worry about. Hope this makes sense to you. :love: