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The Passion of Jesus Christ

The Passion of Christ

He left all prestige and majesty
To come down to earth to die
Not for men who were worthy of His blood
But still He came
He came for the harlots, the drug users, and the thief
Every outcast of society that who He seeks
You don’t need to be a doctor or even have a degree
He came just for you
He left his home (heaven) and came down
As a man not even a rich man but a carpenter
He came walking not even in a space ship or a car
He came as you and me
Ate with us, cried with us and feels like us
Upon a cross they crucified Him
Mocked him, Spit on Him but He still came
Died and was buried and ascended into Heaven
The Passion of Jesus Christ


So who can stop my love to my LORD ? HE deserves all my praises, I love my LORD with all my heart, all my soul, all my strength.
makes me feel close to Jesus reading this
it is good to know that he knows what we go through
and can help us.
I feel sad that he went through so much
for me