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It is amazing to find that this prophecy on the book of Daniel matches events in the reformation

Read the fascinating story of John Wycliffe, the first person to translate the Bible into English, and the “Morning Star of the Reformation.”
John Wycliffe

Michael's Deliverance and the End Times
10"Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand. 11"From the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days.12"How blessed is he who keeps waiting and attains to the 1,335 days!…
Daniel 12:11 "From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days.

The abomination of desolation is identified by Jesus as being the destruction of jerusalem in 70 ad.
If you add The 1290 days to 70 ad you get 1360, which was a very important year in the reformation
It signified the rise of John Wycliff and his inspired By God attack on the orders of Rome's Friars who were ruling everything
For antichrist.

Blessed is he who waits and gets to the end
Of 1335 days

In 1335 he was sent to Oxford university !

In the year 1360 Wycliffe began his disputes with the Mendicants. In Oxford, where this controversy originated, these new orders were possessed of great power, and numbered among them many of the most able men of the times.

The year 1360 has been mentioned as that in which Wycliffe became distinguished by the part which he took in this controversy. In the following year the master and scholars of Baliol College presented him to the living of Fylingham, a benefice of considerable value in the diocese of Lincoln. In the same year we find the name of John de Wycliffe entered as that of the newly-elected warden of Baliol.a These facts seem to warrant the conclusion that his attempts to defend the regular clergy, and the university, against the obtrusive zeal of the Mendicants, were highly estimated, at least by the parties most interested in his efforts.

Tracts and Treatises of John de Wycliffe - Online Library of Liberty