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"All who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God."-2 Corinthians 13:5 and 1 John 3:24; 4:12-13. Many people have so redefined conversion in terms of human decisions and have so removed any necessity of the experience of God's Spirit. Many people think they are saved when in fact they only have Christian ideas in their head not spiritual power in their heart. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real experience, a life- changing experience! I thank my Father in heaven every day for this life-changing experience. Christianity is not merely performance of rituals and sacraments. It is the life-changing experience of the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ the Lord of the universe. My heart is filled with joy, my faith is strengthened, and I am greatly encouraged when I read messages describing the life-changing experience of the Spirit of God in the life of a believer.
Lord, I pray that many will come to you and experience the greatest thing in the world. They will: repent, trust You, open themselves to the power of Your Spirit, be baptized in Your name, and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Love in Christ, Jan :)
"All who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God."-2 Corinthians 13:5 and 1 John 3:24; 4:12-13. Many people have so redefined conversion in terms of human decisions and have so removed any necessity of the experience of God's Spirit. Many people think they are saved when in fact they only have Christian ideas in their head not spiritual power in their heart. Receiving the Holy Spirit is a real experience, a life- changing experience! I thank my Father in heaven every day for this life-changing experience. Christianity is not merely performance of rituals and sacraments. It is the life-changing experience of the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ the Lord of the universe. My heart is filled with joy, my faith is strengthened, and I am greatly encouraged when I read messages describing the life-changing experience of the Spirit of God in the life of a believer.
Lord, I pray that many will come to you and experience the greatest thing in the world. They will: repent, trust You, open themselves to the power of Your Spirit, be baptized in Your name, and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Love in Christ, Jan :)
hello may i know how you received the Holy Spirit?
hello may i know how you received the Holy Spirit?

you are born again, you heart changes from old to new, meaning you now want to please God because you love him and want to, not because you need to. You turn from sin you once enjoyed, your hungry for Gods word, you hungry to be obedient. You no longer live a lifestyle of sin
You are a new “creature”! Your 1st birth born, earthy.....is of the flesh. New birth..... 2nd birth “born from above”...... heavenly. Of God. Spiritual birth. 1st birth born of man, 2nd birth born of God..❤️
hello may i know how you received the Holy Spirit?
Hey Zhen 555,
There is One God in three Persons; God the Father( Creator), God the Son, (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit (Helper). When I accepted Jesus as my Savior, a supernatural experience took place. He sent the Holy Spirit (Helper), to live in my heart. He will be with me and live in me forever. When He came to live in me, He began to change me from being self-centered to God-centered. I have the mind of Christ and the Holy Spirit helps me think, speak, and act like Jesus. When the Holy Spirit came to dwell within me, He gave me a desire to study the Bible, which is the living Word of God. My relationship with Jesus grows stronger as I study the Bible.

If you would like to receive the Holy Spirit, you must receive Jesus as Your Lord and Savior. The most important relationship of your life is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When Jesus becomes your Savior, you become a child of God. You are able to hear His voice. He will begin to live His life through you as the Person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will enable you to live a holy life in a wicked world. If you would like to accept Jesus today as your Lord and Savior, receive the Holy Spirit as your Helper, and enter into the greatest relationship you have ever known, please pray the prayer below:

You loved the world so much that You gave Your only begotten Son to die for our sins so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. Your Word says we are saved by grace through faith as a gift from You. There is nothing we can do to earn salvation. I believe and confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Your Son, the Savior of the world. I believe He died on the cross for me and bore all of my sins, paying the price for them. I believe in my heart that You raised Jesus from the dead and that He is alive today. I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sins and I ask You to forgive me. By faith I receive Jesus Christ now as my Lord and Savior. I believe that I am saved and will spend eternity with You! Thank You, Father. I am so grateful! In Jesus' name, Amen.

Zhen 555, I hope this message was helpful. Jan