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Somebody must have locked up the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the church house and threw away the Key!

Because it is sure not out in the Streets of America! Lately I would just listen to people but in a sense direct them into a path that they would talk about GOD. Not interfering but listen in away they felt free to express themselves.

And in a sense i was horrified of how they thought of God, and this belief came from the church. And how they knew how evil and bad the world was and how they could not talk and get through to their children. And wish that their children was in a church. I wanted to tell them "No You Don't want Your Children in one of these modern day churches! These churches promote churches and THINGS and use Jesus as a drawing card!

Now here in America there are so many people walking around here in all walks of Life; Have never even heard of the Salvation Story about Jesus! And characters of the Bible as well. Jesus is no more than the likes of "Budda, Hindu, a lot kids have never even heard of the name "Samson" and been going to church since they were babies and now are in college! I lie not!

This woman is going to Baylor, listen.
People in the USA know more about "Churches and Pastors" than they know "About Jesus Christ" and you can forget about somebody knowing who "Samuel or Nathan" is. and they go to church every sunday!

and it is not her fault!
what do you expect the gate is narrow and few find it, the way is hard......... we are in end days things will get much worst they are not getting better.

Revelation 22:11
Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.”
People tend to be hesitant to learn about Bible because it's always been considered as too hard To understand. Either the local pastor or the priest have the answers.

And it's sad. Bible is still being taught but not whole-heartedly taught as it used to be. For a lot of people their religious beliefs are their own business and they Don't feel inclined to share -- because they Don't know very much. No one challenges people these days. And that's partly why our churches are fairly weak and evolutionary thought is all over college campuses and the 'office'.
Staff Member

May I ask what is "the Gospel of Jesus Christ"
Scripture please

Bless you ....><>

May I ask what is "the Gospel of Jesus Christ"
Scripture please

Bless you ....><>

The Gospel of Jesus Christ:= [The good news according to what and how Jesus has said].

Not the Gospel what others has said but how and what Jesus has said.

Not the Gospel according to Ploughboy, not the "Gospel of JimBow about Jesus"!

The Good news about Jesus Christ is The Salvation Story according to Jesus Christ.

Will that work?
Staff Member

The Gospel of Jesus Christ:= [The good news according to what and how Jesus has said].

Not the Gospel what others has said but how and what Jesus has said.

Not the Gospel according to Ploughboy, not the "Gospel of JimBow about Jesus"!

The Good news about Jesus Christ is The Salvation Story according to Jesus Christ.

Will that work?

Rather void of Scripture

Bless you ....><>
After many years of preaching this very thing, being criticized by the majority...God is indeed turning the church.

Many years ago i told of a church God sent me too. Upon arriving there was a giant bridle bit hanging across the doors. I climb the steps and reins appear on the bit. Touching the knob and crossing the threshold a giant hand was turning a white church, slowly, but turning.
Are we any closer to knowing him?
If God had went before me over turning the tables, I would have followed Him and did the same. Man, what kind of sinner would I be called then?
Praise God some have been awakened from their slumber.
God bless
what do you expect the gate is narrow and few find it, the way is hard......... we are in end days things will get much worst they are not getting better.

Revelation 22:11
Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.”
But Dave, if no one has every told you, there is a gate and why the gate is there and where the gate leads. You walk around like a Zombie, and it does not matter how much make-up you have on, and how short your dress is and how much money you have in your pocket. You walk around in a stupor not realizing, you are a deadman and the "executioner" is at the door! "the wages of sin" is death and he ain't got any "love handles"!
Where are the "proclaimer"! Where are the one's who are warning them, Hell and the lake of Fire is at the Door!

This is serious! This Salvation Story is nothing to do with "Emily Post"! And "Queen for Day"! And wondering what kind of Godly husband God is going to send me. Can you believe a "Sinner" asking God to send them a good man a Godly one at that, so they can "crucify him":eyes:

PS. Wonder why, "he that finds a wife, finds a good thing". Because if you wasn't saved, You Will be:p. One of the grestest gift you will ever received! LOL! Part 1
PloughBoy -- God's Word tells us that Everyone can see from God's own handiwork that there Is a God 'out there'. There have always been the Old Testament prophets. And there are missionaries that share the Gospel with whomever will listen. And there are Bible's all over the world. Those who are concerned about a certain population group being able to hear the Gospel -- well -- Be the one who takes the Gospel unto salvation to them.

But we Also need to know what that Gospel unto salvation Is , don't we. It's very simple. 1 Corinthians 15:1-3 " .... I declare to you the Gospel.. by which also you are saved..... that Christ died for our sins according to Scripture and that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. "

Romans 10:9-10 "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation,"

Well -- 'we' are here to share that with whomever is willing to listen. Born again believers are all over this world doing what the Holy Spirit is directing 'us' to do.

And, yes, eternity Is very serious -- it's in all our futures.

But God's word Also gives us guidelines For Christian living while we're still here on earth. And That Does have to do with how a believer presents him/ herself in public and how we Should be acting in Church.

Lots of people don't like being given Guidelines -- they want to live life on their own terms and then -- at some point -- when They anticipate living to be a grand old age -- Then, they will look at Christianity again and decide to follow God's plan. But that's Not going to work very well because We don't know when our personal life will be over. The car wreck -- a drive-by shooting -- getting hit by a car that is speeding around the corner. The guy who runs the stop sign or red light when we're going the speed limit minding our own business and all of a sudden we're in eternity.

Let's stop the groaning and be-moaning and be living a life that's attracting people to Jesus Christ.
If a person is not "Born from Above" " Born of GOD" and you train them how to be a good christian. You have just trained a devil how to slay a "true Child of GOD" They know how to walk, they know how to talk, and the deviis are not their enemy. So they will not have the same troubles a true child of God encounters but will be rewarded by satan himself. For leading others astray. And their messages are always will be god is good, and feel good messages and Jesus died to save you from the penalty of your sins. and he loves you uncondictionaly and he wants you to be happy!!! Now is that not "GOOD NEWS"! But according to WHO? THE LIFE OF A true Child of God is Not a Attractive life. No one wants to take up his cross and follow Jesus Christ His lifestlye is ugly and bitter with so much pain and suffering design by God the Father the Creator of the Universe and all of the heavens. A child of God Must have a "Paraclete" to accompany them because they cannot endure the suffereing without Him. it is impossible to live a life of a Child of GOD without HIm.

But to be a christian anybody can be one of them. Just say the magical words: and repeat after me:
That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. then you ask them; do you believe? it they say yes! you say then you are saved! go and be bless! People walk out the door thinking they are saved: 30 years later a 100 bible classes later still thinking they are saved. Just because of their SUN DAY worship. and bible classes, and public prayers and they believe Jesus is the Son of God.

Some of you know i am telling the truth. You got friends thinking they are saved and you know they are not! You got some friends that are nothing but "Idol worshippers who have set up a "Image of God in their minds on what they want God to be" and you Know what the 1st Commanment of God has said:

Brenton Septuagint Translation
6I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
7Thou shalt have no other gods before my face.
"Thou shalt not make to thyself an image, nor likeness of any thing, whatever things are in the heaven above, and whatever are in the earth beneath, and whatever are in the waters under the earth." [God cannot be a image of your own mind and what he is like, He is The "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob"! go there and read about HIM! he has not change! all others are "Idol's of your mind" Images] "He is a Jealous GOD"

Note: it is like a husband coming home from work and his wife is kneeling in his house on her knees before another man! The Bible always use this type of narrative concerning God And his people. But if you do not read, how can you know it.

When a person commits Adultery they are bowing down and worshiping Satan himself with a capital "S"! and turn their back completely around from GOD and enjoying the pleasures of a demon.!

Oh it is not like that and it is not that bad! then why do people go to hell? and GOD has said after Jesus have set down on the throne: "I will JUDGE all Adulterers"
Do all know what the word "But" mean?
King James Bible
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Christian Standard Bible
Marriage is to be honored by all and the marriage bed kept undefiled, because God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers.
If a person does not respect your marital bed in words thoughts or deeds GOD the Father Will deal with them!

If any man or any women defile's anothers marital bed, that person is going to have to answer to the "Lord God Almighty" it did not say they would have to answer to "Jesus but to "God The Father". So if you have pass notes to another person to help defile anothers Marital Bed, or said anything that would cause someone to defile the marital bed of someone else! "It would be better for a mill stone to be cast around that person neck and to be cast in the depths of the sea to have offended one of those little that believes in me" You can mess with a "born from above child of God if you want too, but you are going to pay a price! you can worship these imagnary gods if you like, you are goijng to pay a price! "the Wages of sin" is death and the gift of God is eternal life"
"Freewill" you choose. "What so ever a person sows"

16There are six things which Jehovah hateth; Yea, seven which are an abomination unto him:
17Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood;
18A heart that deviseth wicked purposes, Feet that are swift in running to mischief,
19A false witness that uttereth lies, And he that soweth discord among brethren.

Causing a woman to betray her own husband. you will lnot escape. Acting like you are her friend.

…31“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” 32This mystery isprofound, but I am speaking about Christ andthe church. 33Nevertheless, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.…