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You know the feeling you get when you start to worry? Anxiety rises up inside and the situation consumes your thoughts. We try to deal with it ourselves, but this behavior is not glorifying to God. Worry and stress reveal your doubt in God's will. As the Creator of the universe, He has a greater plan at work. The next time you find tension rising up inside of you, stop yourself. Say a prayer that you are turning it over to God and putting your faith in Him. Stop worrying.

Matthew 6:27 "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (NIV)
You know the feeling you get when you start to worry? Anxiety rises up inside and the situation consumes your thoughts. We try to deal with it ourselves, but this behavior is not glorifying to God. Worry and stress reveal your doubt in God's will. As the Creator of the universe, He has a greater plan at work. The next time you find tension rising up inside of you, stop yourself. Say a prayer that you are turning it over to God and putting your faith in Him. Stop worrying.

Matthew 6:27 "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (NIV)

It happens when we loose our focus - we take our eyes off of god and place him in the circumstances that surrounds us. I am reminded of the story in Mathew 14: 22-31. When the storms of life strikes let us continue to remain focus.