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Should Women Be Pastors and Elders?

"Silent", as in getting up and laying down the spiritual mandates to the full congregation,........as in 'spiritual authority' to preach scripture, ........not spiritual authority par sa, what that text is saying is, spiritual authority to preach.
No man has spiritual authority over the other in a literal sense, the reverse is Roman Catholicism,
1Tim 2:12 should put an end to all argument on this subject, the man is the head and that's the nature and order that God has ordained, of course Satan will try and justify reasons why this should be inverted.
If you think about it, it's the philosophy of the world, that's precisely the worlds view.

I have to ask you where the bible says women are to remain silent in the congregation. If you quote me 1 Corinthians 14:34-38 would have to challenge your understanding of this verse. You see, starting at chapter 1 Paul was in the process of answering questions. 1 cor 14:34 was the question at that point. His answer is put a bit more clearly in the Amplified version "
1 Corinthians 14:34-38 (AMP)
Question 34 The women should keep quiet in the churches, for they are not authorized to speak, but should take a secondaryandsubordinate place, just as the Law also says.A)'>

35 But if there is anything they want to learn, they should ask their own husbands at home, for it is disgraceful for a woman to talk in church [a]' data-fn="#fen-AMP-28712a">[a]for her to usurp and exercise authority over men in the church].

Answer 36 What! Did the word of the Lord originate with you [Corinthians], or has it reached only you?

37 If anyone thinks and claims that he is a prophet [filled with and governed by the Holy Spirit of God and inspired to interpret the divine will and purpose in preaching or teaching] or has any other spiritual endowment, let him understand (recognize and acknowledge) that what I am writing to you is a command of the Lord.

38 But if anyone disregards or does not recognize {that it is a command of the Lord}, he is disregarded and not recognized [he is one whom God knows not].

I suggest you prayerfully, and with the direction of the Holy Spirit, study this.
The womens lobby love to highlight what they can misconscrude as offensive without detailing the full context of the teaching, they are perverse and corrupt and God will judge them according to their distortion of his word.
They will be called least in the kingdom of heaven Matt 5:19. That's if they're even in!

I understand what you are saying here, but this very often misquoted verse/s are seriously damaging to the church. By shutting up the women Satan has shut up half the church. The fact is Paul is not dictating protocol but rather he is answering questions.
The question here being Women are to keep shut up.
Staff Member

Concerning the following,

I understand what you are saying here, but this very often misquoted verse/s are seriously damaging to the church. By shutting up the women Satan has shut up half the church. The fact is Paul is not dictating protocol but rather he is answering questions.
The question here being Women are to keep shut up.

By shutting up the women Satan has shut up half the church.

Women speak, teach and preach more today than ever before, so this statement, coupled with the previous statement,
seriously damaging to the church.
is not valid.
Moreover, what does Scripture say regarding 'damaging the church' and does Scripture state that women being shut up, as the above states, is the cause?

Bless you ....><>