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Samples of things to come of prayers

Greetings eveyone in the family. I'm working on a book of prayers that I hope will inspire those who believe and those who have trouble coming to the Lord. Here is a sample of what's to come. Of course, one must start at the beginning...
( Father, I am deeply sorry that I have sinned against you. I am a sinner and know I am guilty and deserve your punishment. I accept in my heart that Jesus died on the cross and covered my sins and took my punishment there; for his love is beyond all others. Thank you my Father that he rose, in resurrection, and lives today to propitiate for me at your right hand side. Please help me now to turn from my sins and forgive me Father for all my imperfections and impurities. Cleanse me from my sins and teach me to follow Your will, the will of all the earth and heaven. Guide me my beloved and bless me in the light of the Holy Spirit.
In Jesus' name... And all of God's family said...Amen.