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Subject: Rehoboam (1 Kings 11 verse 42 onwards)

Question: Why did he ask people and not ask God first?

Rehoboam took over from Solomon as King
the people asked for there burden to be made lighter by
the new King
Rehoboam asked the old men
They told him to make the burden lighter
Then he asked the young men
told him to whack up the burden on the people
so Rehoboam did what the younger men wanted
so the people split and 10 tribes went off in a huff
with Jeroboam and they made Israel
2 stayed with Rehoboam and they made Judah

(2 Chronicals 12:14 Rehoboam did evil because he did not seek God)

Rehoboam was just like us because
He had a kingdom to lead
We have our lives to lead
He loved God just like we do (to start with he did)
He had a major pop up waiting to happen in the
He cared too much about what people thought
And less about what God thought
we can also care too much about what people think

Answer: He cared too much about what other people thought

God wants us to ask him first about stuff
Other people mite have good answers
But it mite not be what God wants
He talks through people
Which is good
But you should ask God first
Asking God is not a HUGE big deal ok to do
This is how David did it

1 Samuel 23:2 …and David enquired of the Lord
1 Samuel 23:4 …and David enquired of the Lord
1 Samuel 28:6 …so he enquired of the Lord
1 Samuel 30:8 …and David enquired of the Lord
2 Samuel 2:1 …in the course of time, David enquired of the Lord
2 Samuel 5:19 …and David enquired of the Lord
2 Samuel 5:23 …and David enquired of the Lord
1 Chronicles 14:10 …so David enquired after God

It is just one question not realy a big like fuss to do, but important to do it to show God that you don’t care so much what people think, and you do care about what he thinks


Hi Heather-Anne,

You are right we worry about what people think too much.

'Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand'. Philippians 4:6

Peace be with you.
I totally agree. We all worry too much about what other people think, and not enough about what God thinks. We are also impatient to wait for an answer. I believe that a lot of us ask God for divine direction, but we don't wait to hear.

Psalm 27:14

Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD.

It is so hard to do sometimes.

Heather Anne, you have got some valid points there. So often we turn to people without even looking in God's direction. The answers we need are right in His Manule. I appreciate you bringing this up and showing us what we are supposed to do as believers in Christ.
God bless you as you share with us what God is teaching you.