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Reaching out for help when in need

The past 2 months have been more mentally & emotionally painful than I'm able to grasp. I've fallen behind on the mortgage & the bank now has it in foreclosure, there's already a sheriff's sale date set for this Friday the 21's. I'm told that if I can come up with the past due payments it will be taken out of foreclosure...

I have personally reached out to 17 churches for help and guess what? I haven't received a single reply, not even one. And THAT pains me deep. I'm broken inside due to all this & I have to add that It's an eye opener for sure.
Hi Lord Knows, really, really sorry to hear about your situation. I'd be happy to help you. A few years ago I worked as a trainer for debt counsellors. I know I live in the UK but I'd be happy to advise you where I can. You just need to PM me.

Take care and God bless you.
Sometimes we have to see when Got wants us to have His attention. Sometimes He wants to get us over the problem we face by trusting Him. Not being harsh but maybe the fact you are so upset is an indication that you have to trust God about it to the point of having his peace
I have been watching for a few years, strange things and hardship has been coming upon God’s true children. I mean mentally, spiritually, naturally, emotionally, it is like at the same time, driving us so much closer to GOD, tearing us away from the world, but no where to go but Him. And especially from that “institutionalised church “ in which the veil has been completely remove for we truly see it as it is. Not only does it seems that GOD is not merely separating us from that system but ripping us from it. Many years ago I Went though “The dark night of the soul” was there about 2 to 3 years. I never could dream a christians could go throw such darkness and agonizing and stress. Could not even pray. All the time through it, I was talking to GOD and He was talking back , by I could not pray, one day I was walking on a path through the woods crying, tears running down my face. I heard a voice asking me, why are you crying? I replied, what do you mean why I’m I crying, don’t you see this trouble that I am in. The voice said: “WHAT TROUBLE” I said: this mess I have gotten myself into, The voice said: WHAT MESS? I said: this mess, and you cannot get me out of this mess. The voice says: That’s no problem for me! Then I said: HOW can you get me out of this mess? The voice I heard , as clear as day it said: “ BECAUSE I. AM GOD”!
Then at that moment I came to myself and realise. I was having a conversation with MY FATHER”. That happen years ago! After that I could take anything ! That’s what I thought! Until 3 years ago, sailing full of the Holy Ghost, my mind keen as a whistle, i would burn my mind out in biblical study’s, Roman History’s , force my self into deep deep studies, “ then I had something similar to what they call a “beatific vision” mind you I said “similar”. I could not take the joy and the presence of the anointing and vision. And when I came out I thought I had lost my mind. But I was sound but my physical mind was not, I just kept quiet. Things of the world and worldly friends I got away from them! I thought I was separate from the world, God separated me! 99 1/2 will not do! I hope some this will help you in someway. He was telling me to come out from among them. My mental mind was chaos, but my spiritual mind was intact. I throw out of my mind all the things in the world, nothing matter just “Jesus” things of the world bye bye! What ever it takes to bring you closer to Him, He is going to do it, why because He “LOVES” You!❤️ He’s your Father.

AW Tozer:
It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.❤️
I've been in similar situations. Where a whole small home church knew that I had to move facing eviction and had nothing. Noone raised the bottom to help despite knowing I had to move my stuff. So yes I know what it's like. Where about are you
Staff Member
I have personally reached out to 17 churches for help and guess what? I haven't received a single reply, not even one. And THAT pains me deep. I'm broken inside due to all this & I have to add that It's an eye opener for sure.

Have you reached out to the Lord?
He knows all our needs and provides in His perfect way.

Or are you trusting human churches and asking for money?

The easy way out might be for a church to give you a big fat donation....but how would that help in the long run?

However, the Lord giveth more...
The lord is your strength you have to believe they is time for everything and the way of God is not the way of men
The past 2 months have been more mentally & emotionally painful than I'm able to grasp. I've fallen behind on the mortgage & the bank now has it in foreclosure, there's already a sheriff's sale date set for this Friday the 21's. I'm told that if I can come up with the past due payments it will be taken out of foreclosure...

I have personally reached out to 17 churches for help and guess what? I haven't received a single reply, not even one. And THAT pains me deep. I'm broken inside due to all this & I have to add that It's an eye opener for sure.
That's very true. I have been through a lot, I'm still here. When I was nearly evicted, God gave me a new place, that turned out better than the other that even left me in a better state. And yes, it happened in the right time. I prayed, and I believed. He's not going to leave you homeless. Do you have any to stay with?
Agency work especially in care should be able to get work fast.
I think you should start a go fund me page. The sooner you can.
I wish I could help, but I am just starting new job myself. After coming over the horror of being threatened on my life at my job by a client.
Where about are you? Many are more than likely in the US, but if you are in the UK and need a place I have a spare room.
The past 2 months have been more mentally & emotionally painful than I'm able to grasp. I've fallen behind on the mortgage & the bank now has it in foreclosure, there's already a sheriff's sale date set for this Friday the 21's. I'm told that if I can come up with the past due payments it will be taken out of foreclosure...

I have personally reached out to 17 churches for help and guess what? I haven't received a single reply, not even one. And THAT pains me deep. I'm broken inside due to all this & I have to add that It's an eye opener for sure.
hello God girl i feel for you deeply i really do we all go through trials n tests plz look at my post but it is only in these storms when our boat is rocked we realize if our faith is real like we say. we have to hope against hope dont look at the physical situation look to God who will bring order out of your chaos Amen dig deep in God he is faithfull and will turn all things out for your good as you love serve and have complete faith walk on water by faith look to jesus dont give up and let us all know how God turned it all for your good AMEN big prayers for you girl you come to the right place here i am blessed.by these true brothers n sisters we gotta come together pray always for each other because its a crazy world and we need the saints of God this is the true church hands n feet n heart n Holy Spirit of Jesus we am unstoppable victory Amen. even through the dark valleys psalm 23 be lifted up because the saints am praying all over into your situation your not alone in this never forget God.bless ya always xx