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Pray for my family.

My mom and Dad are lost and my brother isn't saved yet. My bother said some of about the bible is true and some of it's wrong. My dad can't forgive our people in the house around us about the things they've done. My mom gets upset easily but is encourages me to pray for things which is good.
May the Grace Of Almighty God descend upon your home. I pray that the Light Of Christ will shine brightly on you and your family. May His Peace and Love inspire you to come together in His name. I am with you in prayer sister and I will remember you all in the coming days.No prayer goes unanswered and you will see God's influence very soon. God Bless.

Dear god

dear god in heaven

you are perfect

please make leslies family become disciples to you

when you are good and ready

give leslie evrything she needs to help them and to help herself not to be so worried

and also help her not to feel bad and doubt what your bible says about it

help her not to be cross with them at some of the things they might say

help her to be seperate and still love them

for you are with her

giving her strength and help

for ever and always

i agree
I will pray that the Lord gives you strength as I have a friend who is like a son to me who is also "lost' or atheist or has no religion (Rene..friend's name) May God bless and keep you all. Valie
I'll keep you in your prayers, Keep strong, things will change our God is awesome, and he is totally in control!
Stay Real
Keep Strong

:rose: You and your faith are God's special gift to your mother and father and brother. Keep strong in your faith and your actions and your confidence in the Lord, will show them that He is the only way. Our loving and merciful God, Jesus. Bless you and may all your family, find their straight paths to the Lord. It is truly a much more beautiful way to live. Amen :rose: