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Pray for my best friend Darlene

she and her boyfriend has to move out of their home b/c the landlord is in jail hope everything will be ok for them. Also her boyfriend and her are having issues with their relationship and she is still crushing this guy she knew five years ago she says she isn't in love with her boyfriend anymore. So please keep those things in prayer as well as I am gonna pray for her.

From, Diana31483
I pray that the Lord would cause all involved to get their lives in order. Living together is not God's will for your friends. If they seek His face He will always have provision for their needs so I really believe this is more of a heart condition then an apartment crisis.
Either way I am praying that all involved would find a good place to stay and find their way to the love that can only be found in Jesus.
Many blessings in Jesus Name,
brother Larry.
I pray that the Lord would cause all involved to get their lives in order. Living together is not God's will for your friends. If they seek His face He will always have provision for their needs so I really believe this is more of a heart condition then an apartment crisis.
Either way I am praying that all involved would find a good place to stay and find their way to the love that can only be found in Jesus.
Many blessings in Jesus Name,
brother Larry.

Amen, praying in agreement.