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Please pray for our small business.



Hi all, please could you pray for us. At Christmas 2018 God spoke to my husband who wasn’t a Christian at the time, He wanted us to print Bible verses on shopping bags and T-shirts etc etc but things are really slow at the moment and I know it’s the enemy trying to put it down and put doubts in my husband’s head. I know this is what God wanted us to do this but we are struggling as we’re not really doing very well and we thought we would cause it was God’s plan! I don’t know but we are feeling a bit down and we just need prayer for this. We are doing it all on a budget and we seem to be paying out. So please could you pray we stay focused on the Lord and we are successful in speeding H
Praying for you both.

Are your shopping bags reusable? Like canvas or cloth style bags?
Some states are making plastic bags illegal now and alternatives for shoppers would be a necessity I'd think.
Staff Member

thinking of you folk. Will be praying.
May i ask?
Do you believe and take to heart the things you have on your plaques that you sell?
If you don't, then that might be a hurdle you need to get over for the business to flourish?
No judgement. Simply pointing you to something you might not see.

Bless you ....><>
Staff Member
we do print what we believe and should hope more faith xx

best place to start.... really is!!

God is good as you no doubt agree and He wants His riches to be yours.
Let's seek His blessing first on you and then your business!!

Praise the Lord

Bless you ....><>