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Perilous last days

I honestly believe the last days we are living in are perilous times. The Bible in most denominations is presented as a book in which the leaders use as a lever in controlling people for their own gain. Todays preachers in pride using tax exemption status are building their own kingdoms. I run my own business i pay tax on every dollar earnt. When I get up in the morning I have to live by faith and trust the Lord that he will provide and he does. I had to leave the church system too many semons are preached in the spirit of prosperity. In my country there is a preacher and his family who run a mega church and export christian music around the world. This family makes huge salaries they have written books titled You need more money. When these false teachers are confronted with scriptures by discerning christians they release the lawyers. Todays western churches are seeker friendly gone are the days where sinners are brought to the foot of the cross and told to look upon the saviour who died for them. Instead a sinner is brought into a false system where his covering is lies that he maybe robbed by wolves who feed on mammon.