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Never give up on JESUS

For the person that said they want peace from giving up on Christianity. You will not find the peace you think you will. Please know JESUS is the only peace we need to seek. For the wicked one wants you to stop trusting in our LORD.. I've been through so much in life an can tell you only thru trials I have made it through only because of my SAVIOR. Yes it's hard to be a Christian in this world but know JESUS will over come this world sooner then we know. I'm praying for you. Peace from JESUS is one of the greatest gifts we can receive. Don't let the wicked one in your life an destroy you. We all get weak but that's when JESUS us our greatest light. Ask him to help you.. My heart broke when I seen this title.. Faith thru JESUS can get you through anything in life.
Yes he did. But their are many souls to be saved. This is why GOD sends out his true prophet's, Prophetess, like Cara Ten Boon He told the decipiles to go into the world an tell if his great news, Salvation.