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Marriage Is Honorable


Staff Member
Feb 9, 2004
Marriage Is Honorable - Message #031

- July 03, 2005

The old time traditional family and the institution of marriage have fallen on hard times. Divorce rates have been high for a number of years. Sex education, safe sex theories and the big push for condom use have not slowed the rate of teen pregnancies. Homosexuality and lesbianism are presenting themselves as viable alternative lifestyles. Neither the sanctity of marriage nor the immorality of sexual activity outside of marriage enter into the discussion of these matters.

What is the answer to this breakdown in families and in marriage? There is a desperate need for people, young and old, married and single, to understand the real meaning of marriage, to highly esteem marriage and to hold marriage in honor. The Bible tells us, "The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make a helper suitable for him'"(Genesis 2:18). Then the Bible explains, "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24).

The point is, God instituted marriage. Not only so, God instituted marriage for our own good. This is why the Bible exhorts, "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge" (Hebrews 13:4). If you are a young person caught in the trap of sexual activity outside of marriage, you need to learn some lessons from God. Or if you are married and your marriage is not on a solid footing, you need to turn to God for help. And even if you have some solid ideas about marriage, the Bible will still help you.

Contributed by Dr. Dennis J. Prutow. Voice message and free tapes: 1-800-777-0389 [USA] Or order your free tapes online. Visit Dr. Prutow's site.

This is a valid point to illustrate what's gone wrong with our moral judgemnt and value on life. There are those who live as Christians in an unhappy marriage with non-Christian partners. The children get torn between two doctrines and the path for them is not always clear. Within a Godly home, perfect harmony exists. This can only happen by both the husband and wife putting God first. Paul warns us about concerning ourselves too much with the world whislt trying to please our partner. It is better to be totally focused on God than each other. A lot of people get carried away with the notion of being 'in love' rather than truly loving one another as Jesus loved us. Without Jesus we could never attain the perfect love that God created for us, for its through Him that we relate to each other. The same Holy Spirit that was in Him! A solid marriage blessed by God would live in constant acknowledgement of His grace and sacrifice for us. There would be more than just a comfort zone of worldly possesions and pursuits to show for the union of two people who truly follow the Lord.
Thanks Chad for these insights on marriage . Many feel that marriage is an agreement and thats all . But marriage is a Holy Sacrament unto the Lord , and the joining together the plan in the Garden . Mike
About A month ago, my husband and I joined a marriage care group. We have been working on a video series called Marriage on the Rock, by Jimmy Evans. It has been great. First we talked about the laws of priority and pursuit. For priority it means we must show our spouse in four different areas of our lives that they are important by sacrifice, in Time, with Energy, and in Attitude. The second area is the law of pursuit. This means we must work on our marriages. I got to thinking about both. JOY Jesus- Others- Yourself. I have always heard that. The first week we started this it became a little more specific: Jesus, Spouse, Kids, family, friends, etc. Basically it got us to exam our priorities. Exodous 20:3 You shall have no other God's before me. Our God is a jealous God. Our husbands and wives our jelous people. I have always been taught that jelousy is a negative emothion but now i'm not so sure. Oh yes it still can be, but I also think it might be there to keep us in check. God is jelous. We should not put anything or anyone in his place. We are created in the image of God.

Our spouce can be jelouse when anyone or any thing is above him/her. I think jelously is wrong. I have famly members who won't even let their spouce talk to another guy or gal just because they are jelous. If our wife or husband starts to resent something that we are doing then I think we can use that as a regulator to correct.

God is always trying to pursue a relationship with us. Just as we as husbands and wives should try to pursue a relationship with each other. I think from reading scripture that the leaving and cleaving action is to prevent us of putting our parents before our husbands and wives.

Last night, we talked about the laws of possesion and purity. The book says: "God designed marriage to be a co-owning and co-administering b by the spouses of everything in their lives. "He says that three ways to violate this is through dominance, selfishness and protectiveness. This is more protectiveness of things. Then next law was purity. Trying to keep the relationship pure.

It seems that the number one reason why the divorce rate is higher is because we as a society have become more selfish people. This study has opened my eyes a little more and helped me to talk about things with my hubby that are needed.

God bless,
Chad Listens

Well done Chad. These marriage devotionals show that our comments and suggestions are not a waste of time.
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It seems that the number one reason why the divorce rate is higher is because we as a society have become more selfish people.

That is only one part of the problem I feel. Another area that needs to be looked at is the famliy unti and it's true functioning. What kind of picture/example are the parents setting for their kids. How are kids being raised and what picture do they have of love and marriage. To many seem to have a romanticised idea of those two things. As a result their whole approach to them is skewed and of course the rest is downhill for far too many relationships. Most are doomed to failure because too many folks are hopelessly ill prepared for marriage and just how much hard work it actually is.

Yes, many people believe that when you are in love that is all you need to get married. It amazes me sometimes how people will say they are prepared for a lifetime of marriage when they have only known each other for 2 months. Then when the marriage falls apart then they don't know what happened.

Marriage is a lifetime committment, and since it was designed by GOD, it must include HIM and must be lived by HIS rules. There are so many things that we have taken that GOD created, added our own rules and then wonder why it does not work the way it is supposed to.

GOD created a relationship between HIMSELF and man so that it could be an example of how we should have relationships with others. That is the foundation of all relationships: YOUR relationship with GOD.
This is something Mike Ensley of Exodus Youth commented on that I thought was interesting. We have to realize that the demon of envy is rooted in many hearts.
indirect quote

"One day, a group of supposed homosexual fellows was going to an Exodus group one of the first things that really made them rethink their sexuality, was a list their group leaders told them to make. Actually, it was two lists. The first one made was of all the things they found most attractive in other guys. They had a very specific list: they liked when guys were muscular, athletic and confident. There were some other things, too.
A couple weeks later they asked them to make another list. This one was of the things they were most insecure about in themselves. Again, they made a very exact list. After they finished, they took out their previous list and compared the two. Unknowingly, they had made two nearly identical lists. Almost every feature they looked for in other guys was something they felt bad about in themselves.
This gave credibility to the claim their group leaders made—that they had so far rejected—that homosexual attraction in men is rooted in envy. While this idea seemed insulting to them before, it started to make sense. Growing up, they were always insecure in their appearance, performance, and they were very timid around other boys. These things got in the way of their desire to be accepted by them and be one of them, which is a desire every boy has.
When puberty came along, they were so preoccupied with this seemingly impossible wish to be “one of the boys” that they weren’t curious about girls. Not to mention they had always hung out with girls—there was no mystery there. As they matured sexually, that desire latched onto their deep insecurity and envy towards guys because there was no other significant desire in their life."

Marriage Is Honorable - Message #031

- July 03, 2005

The old time traditional family and the institution of marriage have fallen on hard times. Divorce rates have been high for a number of years. Sex education, safe sex theories and the big push for condom use have not slowed the rate of teen pregnancies. Homosexuality and lesbianism are presenting themselves as viable alternative lifestyles. Neither the sanctity of marriage nor the immorality of sexual activity outside of marriage enter into the discussion of these matters.

What is the answer to this breakdown in families and in marriage? There is a desperate need for people, young and old, married and single, to understand the real meaning of marriage, to highly esteem marriage and to hold marriage in honor. The Bible tells us, "The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make a helper suitable for him'"(Genesis 2:18). Then the Bible explains, "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24).

The point is, God instituted marriage. Not only so, God instituted marriage for our own good. This is why the Bible exhorts, "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge" (Hebrews 13:4). If you are a young person caught in the trap of sexual activity outside of marriage, you need to learn some lessons from God. Or if you are married and your marriage is not on a solid footing, you need to turn to God for help. And even if you have some solid ideas about marriage, the Bible will still help you.

Contributed by Dr. Dennis J. Prutow. Voice message and free tapes: 1-800-777-0389 [USA] Or order your free tapes online. Visit Dr. Prutow's site.

The point is, God instituted marriage. Not only so, God instituted marriage for our own good. This is why the Bible exhorts, "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge" (Hebrews 13:4).

Preaching to the choir I guess, but the fact remains that the Western Nations have turned away from God. They have preferred other gods. Basically they have prefered the gods of self-indulgence.

:love: Married 42 years to the same bride and we are still going strong, every day that God gives us is another new day for us to renew our love for each other.
:love: Married 42 years to the same bride and we are still going strong, every day that God gives us is another new day for us to renew our love for each other.
wow, Capt Mac, that's just great to hear!
we should have a celebration for you guys in 8 years, for your 50th anniversary! :shade:
God bless you and your wife! and keep holding on to Jesus!
Love and Blessings
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