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Luke warm

Luke warm people don't really want to be saved from there sin, they only want to be saved from the penalty of there sin.They don't genuinely hate sin and and arn't truly sorry for it, they are merely sorry because God is going to punish them.

Luke warm people don't really believe this new life Jesus offers them is really better then the old sinful one.
(makes me think of a book called "best life now")

...Francis Chan
A friend of mine once said that most folks see Jesus as a "Get out of Hell Free" card, which He is, but so many of us just stop there and refuse to grow.
A friend of mine once said that most folks see Jesus as a "Get out of Hell Free" card, which He is, but so many of us just stop there and refuse to grow.
No Jesus is not a get out of hell free card.

God knows the heart. Do you really think if one went through the motions of getting saved just to get out of hell that Their salvation is really intact?

Many folks may think they are safe.
Blessings to you
I don't exactly agree with that entirely. Jesus is the One with the power to either condemn to hell or save from it. I agree that too many folks stop right there, using that only as a means to an end. Works might not save us but they are still a crucial ingredient in the believer's walk. On that part, we both agree.

I don't exactly agree with that entirely. Jesus is the One with the power to either condemn to hell or save from it. I agree that too many folks stop right there, using that only as a means to an end. Works might not save us but they are still a crucial ingredient in the believer's walk. On that part, we both agree.

Don't agree with what?
Blessings to you
About Jesus being a Get out of hell Free card. Without Jesus, there's no hope for any of us. He is the One who can save us from hell, but without following Him and growing, I liken that to the sheep being separated from the goats.
I don't exactly agree with that entirely. Jesus is the One with the power to either condemn to hell or save from it. I agree that too many folks stop right there, using that only as a means to an end. Works might not save us but they are still a crucial ingredient in the believer's walk. On that part, we both agree.


All I am saying is it is not God's choice who goes to hell or who goes to Heaven. It's always going to be the individuals choice.

If a person decides to say a sinners prayer as to escape hell but in their heart never had any intention on serving the Lord or walking in His ways then they deceive them selves.

Many who think they are saved with this so called fire insurance are no better off then before.
Blessings to you
About Jesus being a Get out of hell Free card. Without Jesus, there's no hope for any of us. He is the One who can save us from hell, but without following Him and growing, I liken that to the sheep being separated from the goats.

Lol, that's my point .
Blessings to you