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Longing for Jesus?

Hey my fellow folks in Christ. Have you ever felt parched and thirsty for a relationship with Jesus? I am longing to be with him. I think that is what is going on inside of me. I think my holy ghost is longing for truth and wanting to lead the way. I feel empty or void. Anyone else ever get an unsettled feeling inside such as this? I post this here because there has got to be some scripture to help me along and reveal some things I don't know. I look forward to your responses!
Hey my fellow folks in Christ. Have you ever felt parched and thirsty for a relationship with Jesus? I am longing to be with him. I think that is what is going on inside of me. I think my holy ghost is longing for truth and wanting to lead the way. I feel empty or void. Anyone else ever get an unsettled feeling inside such as this? I post this here because there has got to be some scripture to help me along and reveal some things I don't know. I look forward to your responses!

Perhaps (Rom. 8:23).

I think this is on point. :smile:
Romans 8 is titled Escape from Bondage in my Amp Study Bible.

And I believe that is an appropriate title. We believers are spiritually alive to God. And so we groan under the burden of this fallen body, this fallen piece of creation that we dwell in. Our spirit desires to be freed from it and joined to the redeemed body waiting for us. And not us only, but the Holy Spirit in us groans though we know not it's verbal pronouncement. We sometimes sense things in our spirit from the Holy Spirit, yet do not know the exact why. (Rom. 8:26)

Sometimes I think it is the product of the spiritual war taking place. Though we cannot see visibly all that is taking place, the Spirit of God in us does. And we share those senses in our spirit, though we can't always explain them. Have you ever been troubled but there is no reason for it? Outwardly there should be no reason for concern or worry, but for some reason you are deeply troubled. That has to be of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we learn later the reason, but sometimes not.

And I believe that is an appropriate title. We believers are spiritually alive to God. And so we groan under the burden of this fallen body, this fallen piece of creation that we dwell in. Our spirit desires to be freed from it and joined to the redeemed body waiting for us. And not us only, but the Holy Spirit in us groans though we know not it's verbal pronouncement. We sometimes sense things in our spirit from the Holy Spirit, yet do not know the exact why. (Rom. 8:26)

Sometimes I think it is the product of the spiritual war taking place. Though we cannot see visibly all that is taking place, the Spirit of God in us does. And we share those senses in our spirit, though we can't always explain them. Have you ever been troubled but there is no reason for it? Outwardly there should be no reason for concern or worry, but for some reason you are deeply troubled. That has to be of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we learn later the reason, but sometimes not.

I know God will deliver me from those troubles within. I think he is working works of the flesh out of me.

This troubling feeling really came on strong after my first fast that I did on the 20th of April.

Joel 2:12-13 really stuck. Then later He showed me what a blessing it is to suffer in the flesh in 1 Peter 4:1. My flesh does not approve of what the Spirit is doing inside me. Amen! Glory be to God!!
Hey my fellow folks in Christ. Have you ever felt parched and thirsty for a relationship with Jesus? I am longing to be with him. I think that is what is going on inside of me. I think my holy ghost is longing for truth and wanting to lead the way. I feel empty or void. Anyone else ever get an unsettled feeling inside such as this? I post this here because there has got to be some scripture to help me along and reveal some things I don't know. I look forward to your responses!

You were so blessed to feel that :) that means the Lord is calling you for you to seek Him with all your heart. Pray and let the Holy Spirit lead you. Before when i was unbeliever a highschool friend of mine that is a Pastor now, who introduces me the love letter of God. He ask me to read the Book of John first. And thats how i first fell in love with HIM.

Be blessed God is with you always.