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Live Chat

I am curious .. there never seems to be anyone but myself in the beautiful live chat rooms! Am I doing something wrong or are they new or what?

I found this web site because I am going to a new ISP and wanted to continue talk with the acquaintances I have made over there. This is ideal!
Staff Member
The live chat room is not busy yet, but will be as the site grows. Each month about 100 members register so eventually it will pickup. Thank you for joining.
Boy! That wouldnt be a bad idea, especially now, when the rooms are not regularly used.
We'd know when we could go and find someone there!
Staff Member
Problem is that there are members worldwide so the timing is difficult. I was thinking maybe "10 to the hour every hour" type of deal, where you're guaranteed to find people there. Worth a try.
I hope it doesn't go too fast though, that's what
I like about 'posting' replies you can take as long
as it takes, so to speak....
but I'm willing to at least try it anyway, it can only be
good to praise our Lord.
Hey O2BLikeU: It seems the "10 till the hour" may end up working for most of us..I experienced my first chat 10 till 6pm California time and was on for quite awhile and was blessed in the devotions..I was hoping to see you there and wanted to thank you again for your support to the "dark" forum I experienced last weekend..God Bless You and your family, have a great Thanksgiving!
Hey Victoria! I hope you find God's presence here and look forward to fellowshipping with you in the chat forum along with our brothers and sisters in Christ..Have a wonderful holiday with your family! you are in our prayers, sister!
Thank you, Bob!
Sorry I missed you there also, AND it is a blessing to be a support to my dear brother!

We are like family already! One deliberates the growing thing .... Oh! To stay small and be so close .. or to grow. Perhaps we can achieve both: Growing yet retaining the closeness of family!

Remember the Lord in your Thanksgiving tomorrow (and every day)!
( and remember .... Uh oh ... gluttony is sin!)

Love in Christ
buzzboodro (M)

Posts are like news check "livechat" for online conversation
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am always there

am always there but pple dont talk like today have been on en seen pple but wen i say hi the leave dont know wats happening. maybe you shld try and improve its advertisement to the members.