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King James Version


Staff Member
Feb 9, 2004
Does anyone know what the story is behind KJV, how it started? All I was told about was that King James decided to bring this about because the pope at that time would not allow him to divorce his wife??? Is this true?
Chad said:
Does anyone know what the story is behind KJV, how it started? All I was told about was that King James decided to bring this about because the pope at that time would not allow him to divorce his wife??? Is this true?
Hey Chad, The King James Version, KJV, was tranlated in 1611 and at one time was the most widely used translation in the world, almost 100 years after Martin Luther and the reformation of the Catholic Church..The KJV is the "formal equivalence", the attempt to keep as close to the form of the Hebrew or Greek language and transferred to English..

I don't know about the issue of King Jame's marriage and the pope being the reason for the KJV but at that time Western Christianity was growing and there was a need for the English version of the Old and New Testaments..Does anybody have some further insight on this subject of King James? Thanks!
the only thing i know about KJV and New KJV is KJV is harder to read coz the words are abit hard... but new KJV is like a bible for starter. that all i know
Chad said:
Does anyone know what the story is behind KJV, how it started? All I was told about was that King James decided to bring this about because the pope at that time would not allow him to divorce his wife??? Is this true?
I think your source is confusing King James with Henry VIII. Henry VIII was the one who had the issue with the pope who would not allow him to divorce is wife, so he separated the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church.

Here's a link to the history of the KJV.... hope it helps.


As I recall, the KJV is still recognized as one of the most accurate translations of Bible. And even though it's hard to read today because of the old english words, it was translated to a level of english that could be easily understood by the common folks of that time. The only modern translation I know of that attempted the same thing was the Good News for Modern Man version translated by the American Bible Society. It was translated to an 8th grade education level. I think the NIV also comes close.
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pappa said:
I think your source is confusing King James with Henry VIII. Henry VIII was the one who had the issue with the pope who would not allow him to divorce is wife, so he separated the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church.

Here's a link to the history of the KJV.... hope it helps.


As I recall, the KJV is still recognized as one of the most accurate translations of Bible. And even though it's hard to read today because of the old english words, it was translated to a level of english that could be easily understood by the common folks of that time. The only modern translation I know of that attempted the same thing was the Good News for Modern Man version translated by the American Bible Society. It was translated to an 8th grade education level. I think the NIV also comes close.
Thank you, Pappa, for that insight, and the Good News for Modern Man version, the NIV, both "functional equivalence", keeping the meaning Greek or Hebrew but putting their words into what would be the normal way of saying the same thing in English, are both excellent recommendations for studying..My mentors did not recommend using the KJV as a study bible (though they did), and of course there are others who have their preference translation for study.
That was interesting to read, our churches here in Northern Ireland always use the KJV although I read between the two, KJV and NIV some words are easier understood in one than other and visa-versa also.
Maureen said:
That was interesting to read, our churches here in Northern Ireland always use the KJV although I read between the two, KJV and NIV some words are easier understood in one than other and visa-versa also.
Hey Maureen, the KJV, also known as "the Authorized Version" and as Pappa correctly stated, is one of the (if not) the most accurate translation of the bible because of its rigid attempt to keep as close to the form of the Hebrew or Greek language..I did not know that this is the translation widely used in Northern Ireland. Thank you for sharing that interesting note..The first bible I ever read was the Amplified, its text is extended compared to the KJV or NIV but is not recognized as an official translation..It took me 8 years to read..lol!
Question, In Northern Ireland is the KJV translation preferred over the NKJV?

Your brother in Christ Jesus!
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Well, Sometimes When You Read The Kjv You Can Get Really Frustrated If You Can Not Say A Word, Or What Not. That There Alone Can Cause You To Lose The Meaning Of The Message. It Might Be Easier To Understand Hearing Someone Else Read It That Knows The Words. Then All You Have To Focus On Is The Meaning.
bible tanslation

the most inportant thing to do before reading the bible is to pray for a clear interpitation from the holy spirit from the scriptures,then meditate in a spiritual mind on the scripture. this will allow god to fill you with his meaning of the scripture depending what you are going through, some scriptures can be sown in differant meanings depending what god wants to say to a person ! thus is were the spirit will put into 1 a meaning of the scripture.i myself have3 differant bibles 1)KJV Faith Partners Edition 2)HOLY BIBLE by the Gideons International 3)and KJV Baby's First Bible by Thomas Nelson Publishers. it is also good to have a concordinance i realy like STRONGS,it is also good to have a dictionary in your launage to referance to greek and hebrew this will help emencely your understanding of original text.but know this in all your heart that JESUS is god the son who come to earth born in flesh who was mocked and beat to almost the point of death who shed his blood for all who beleive in HIM he forfilled the prophicy and was raised from the dead and lives today and is with the father at this time and he said he'll return so trust in his words and be filled by his spirit whom he left as a gift to us freely for there is 3 that bear wittness on earth that is (water) so be ye baptized (blood) that was shed for forgiveness (spirit) that was left as a free gift, the unction of truth for through the spirit you shall know all things that are revealed unto you, this same spirit gives the true interpitation of the scriptures so first ask in prayer that the scriptures be revealed unto you by his spirit in jesus name faith be with you all Amen
Sorry Bobinfaith for not getting back sooner,
KJV is usually the only Bible used by Clergy
here, sometimes someone will bring their own
to read from, if they are speaking at the meeting
and it maybe NIV NLT but mostly KJV is the main
one used.
I'm not sure about the NKJV what is the differance
between them both?
I haven't come across anyone using it.
At a church service one time a preacher said that only
the KJV should be used and nothing else,
but I think if other versions help the reader to have
a better understanding of God's Word then I see
absolutly nothing wrong in that.
I think it's a matter of choice.
I have KJV NIV NLT and WWJD this last
one being only the New Testament. I love all versions
but I keep going to the KJV for some unknown reason
and if I get stuck I read it in the others.