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Jesus Will Fix You .

This song said that exact same thing to me when I first heard it at the coldplay concert near my home. I had spent so much time with Mum in the Hospice, she insisted I went to the concert and so off I went. She had been talking to the warden who had heard the concert outside the Hospice doors which was 3 miles from the stadium. There had been much excitement about the concert amongst the staff. Mum was proud to announce I had a ticket and was wishing she could come along too. She liked their music too. A funky Mum.

Mum had been getting more and more poorley so rapidly and it was just a couple of weeks before she left her body. I had a heavy heart as I went to the concert but really felt propped up by something. I went and enjoyed my time with friends, relaxed and pushed out some really pent up emotional energy and then this song ......

The words said everything, ALL I felt, All I was going through... I was losing Mum and I knew it, I felt it, It was all so alien, the pain became raw inside and yet this was telling me all was going to be okay and Jesus was telling me he was going to fix me, it really spoke to me... so poignant, there was some HOPE through all the mess.

Funny thing was Coldplay played this song over and over as they wanted to record it for the single video so it was like he was drumming it in my head because I can be a bit forgetful.

And on New Years Day it was on the top 100 music videos by Q magazine. It was No 2 and I could see just where I was standing at the concert ... perhaps a reminder when I was blue that day and now this post .... funny how he works huh ..... because I think I'm waking up to God again after a brief spell alone and it hasn't half felt lonely.

Thank you for posting this... A truly moving song
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