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Jesus has long hair or not?


Feb 11, 2005
somebody asked me the same question. i only can say I saw all the pics about him are with long hair.
can you find describe words from Bible to answer it.
Most likely Jesus had long hair because that was common back in those days. There also must be a reason why all the pictures reflect that (not to say definite proof but more likely).
Well i do not know if Jesus had long hair or not. The scriptures do not say directly if He had long hair or not. But something Paul said leads me to think He had short hair.

1 Corinthian 11
14Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him?

All Praise The Ancient of Days
The bible tells us that Jesus was able to easily blend into a crowd. All the pictures of him with long, flowing hair, blue eyes, tall, good looking, etc. are nothing more than an artist's rendition.

Jesus didn't want people to be drawn to him because he was attractive. He wanted them to come to him because he spoke the truth. So it's only logical to assume that Jesus was of average looks, height, skin color, hair length, etc. for the Jewish men of that period. It's also reasonable to believe he was in excellent athletic condition. This was a man who led a rigorous life and suffered an unbelievably excruciating death. You can toss those ridiculous pictures that depict him as almost effeminate looking (I'm sure most of you have seen them). Jesus was the most loving man that ever walked the earth, but make no mistake...he was tough.
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jesusisthegod said:
somebody asked me the same question. i only can say I saw all the pics about him are with long hair.
can you find describe words from Bible to answer it.

Hey JesusistheGod and brothers and sisters,

Its not scriptural to support its significance. So I really don't know.

I believe Jesus Christ had long hair. Since Jesus was on the road with no place to lay His head and He was busy, amen? So, when did He have time to get a haircut? When did Jesus have time to get a shave? lol!

Your servant in Christ Jesus.
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Dear Brother, God said in Titus 3:9 But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless.

God Bless Youworthless.
Perfect verse Matthew thanks for sharing
matthew said:
Dear Brother, God said in Titus 3:9 But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless.

God Bless Youworthless.

Good scripture Matthew :thumbs_up

But i do not see any quarrels here. I see no bad feelings at all. In fact i think this discussion has been carried out in the right spirit :thumbs_up .

All Praise the Ancient of Days
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Bob, no one said it wasn't ok to ask. My question was one to pose a true thought of relevence in how we should see him as light, truth, and God. Not just Physical appearence in which no one actualy knows for fact. God Bless
SlaveToChrist said:
Bob, no one said it wasn't ok to ask. My question was one to pose a true thought of relevence in how we should see him as light, truth, and God. Not just Physical appearence in which no one actualy knows for fact. God Bless

SlaveToChrist said:
Does it really matter?

Dear SlavetoChrist,

Thank you. You are correct on both accounts, brother, especially your second post in relevence of how we should see Him as light, truth, and God, not just physical appearance in which noone actually knows for fact.
I am in agreement with you.

Your servant in Christ Jesus.
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Jesus with long hair? I don't think there are any descriptions about his appearance in the Bible where it points to his hair being long.

It is also funny to see all those artistic portraits of Jesus -- the long hair and the beard + the good looking features, etc.

"He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him." - Isaiah 53:2

Be careful that those painted images of Jesus don't become your idea of what he looks like. If you focus on those images and pray, it might be interrelated with idolatry. Actually, a graven image which is idolatry. Be clear-minded when you pray.
Does anyone have any idea why Jesus was considered not quite attractive?

My guess would be that he is not lusted after, nor to have His actual splendor beauty as He does in Heaven, to turn people's focus away from His ministry on earth.

Anyone else?
He did lots of things to turn people away from his minstry didn't he?

He told people not to tell about their miraculous healings. He admonished the crowd that followed him for food that they needed to seek food for their souls rather than their stomachs. He warned the disciples that they should tell no one that He was the Christ.

Aside from the quote in from Isaiah, it is logical that his physical appearance would not have drawn attention. I agree with the previous post that said that he would not want people to follow him merely because of his physical appearance. Thinking about him going into the temple and over turning tables without being challenged. He must have been tough as another poster stated.
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jesus didnt need to be , his beauty came from within. being a jew he would of had long black or dark hair a strong nose and im sure sad eyes, sad and yet kind to.god wanted us to love his son for himself for his inner beauty and he didnt want him to appear any different then the average man ,, but you know, jesus was !!!! and is beautiful.
I want to make a few points, 1st I believe he had long hair.
2nd, Each ethnic group draws Jesus as they look, If they're European, He'll be blonde with blue eyes, If they're from Kenya, they'll draw him with dark skin and dark eyes.

But Israel is in the middle east so I'd suspect he looks palestanian, meaning tan skin, dark hair, brown eyes.
I don't think he was blonde at all.

About his attractiveness, I think he just ignored being all cute and attractive, he never cared about it because he was never into women, why would he care!?
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(Isa 53:2) For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.