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jeans, good or not???!!

Well if I can add somethig......I am afraid I live in jeans and trousers and combats!!! I dont think i even have a skirt in my cupboard and I think if i was to wear anything other than trousers people would look at me in disbelief!!! The last time I tried to wear a skirt I had to hurdle a fence after one of my kids and I can assure you, the speed at which I had to do it, was far from ladylike and made me crimson with embarrasment!!!
scooby said:
Well if I can add somethig......I am afraid I live in jeans and trousers and combats!!! I dont think i even have a skirt in my cupboard and I think if i was to wear anything other than trousers people would look at me in disbelief!!! The last time I tried to wear a skirt I had to hurdle a fence after one of my kids and I can assure you, the speed at which I had to do it, was far from ladylike and made me crimson with embarrasment!!!

LOL scooby :shade: that was very refreshing . . .thanx for sharing :love: God bless you

Im very thankful that we can come to our Father as we are :love:
I think He rather has us come and spend time with Him then checking the mirror twice about our clothes and miss minutes of His Godly touch in prayer and spirit :love:
I wear a lot of second hand clothes from relatives and ladies from church who have more then we do and they are sorting out stuff . . . I keep what I like and it really doesnt matter what it is . . im thankful that God knows our situation and provides for our needs :love:
i believe that you can wear whatever you wanna wear to church..if you're comfortable wear it...God will let ya know if it's good or not....plus what if a sinner walks in to a church with a short tank top and short shorts on wanting to get saved for the 1st time in their life, what ay gonna do? turn them away? tell them to go put on more clothes?(could be all they have)
oh well...just something to think about.....
bam32904 said:
God will let ya know if it's good or not....
this says it all bam32904.........
God will let you know if your wearing something you shouldn't......and so many times we just blow it off and don't mind him.
He dealt with me for 2 months that i should wear long sleeve shirts.and i'm glad i finally did.
Good topic of discussion! :)

Deut. 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so [are] abomination unto the LORD thy God.

If the Bible says it, it is Truth. The Bible is the Word of God. Sorry, but comfort is not a justification for denying the Word of God. The verse mentioned above states a "woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man..." Try as I may, because I do wear jeans, I cannot twist this word to excuse myself from going against His Word. I've even tried, in my own mind, to question 'who determines what is or isn't men's clothing' or 'are jeans really a man's garment? If it was made for a woman, doesn't that make it women's clothing?' and 'The verse means that if you dress like a man to look like a man and deceive others'. LoL! But I lie to myself. If I'm being truthful with myself, I have to admit that the garb of Biblical times has to be the determining factor.

Someone please show me where I'm wrong so that I may continue wearing my jeans without guilt. Lol.

Sorry ladies!

Amen! :love:
hello again

so can i waer girls jeans as long as they are made for girls because if they were 'pertainest toa man' the they would be made for a man right?

so dont wear a guys shirt or his trousers or his smalls or shoes or anything. but if is made for a girl you can wear it right?

Also, this means borrow or anything too i think.

Thanks Amen!
excuse me, but didnt guys wear dresses back in biblical times (no offense). also i dont think God is going to punish me if i wear ( and feel comforatble ) in jeans, if guys back in the bibilical times wore dresses (women's clothing) and they dont wear it anymore why cant i wear jeans (sort of men's clothing) ?????
have a blessed day
Like many others I think you should dress how you feel comfortable. God doesn't look at what you wear on the outside but what you are like on the inside. Just like people shoul (but don't always) juge a person from the inside and not how they look or dress.
Jeans, good or not?

I agree that we should dictate what people should or shouldn't wear. But Apostle Paul said in the Word Of God that as women, we should dress appropriately. So we must always know to be classy and holy at the same time.
ok my 2 cents....our bodies are the temple of God after we accept him, and i believe we should dress accordingly....

what that means is....we should not wear clothes that are disrespecting to God...
i never read in the Bible..."Thou shalt not wear jeans!"....
i think we should wear clothes that are not revealing...for example low cut shirts, and that sort of stuff!

but Jeans...Jeans are O.K.!

that was my 2 cents!
Jeans are awesome, i don't think there is any thing wrong with them apart from what people have been saying about them, like people wearing them inappropriately.
Stay Real
I know I already posted here but hey here I go again lol... That bible verse about dressing like a man and vice versa I believe is (partially) talking of cross-dressing ... Just a thought.. I dent know for sure but I can tell you as long as you seek God's will in your life He will let you know if your dress (clothes ) are not correct. Joyfully ~ Jlu
You see what paul said of eating things offered in temples, we got respect our brothers' conscience and so do wisely.

see 1 Cor 8:4-8
Well I think jeans are fine to wear as long as they are appropriate. Tight and reveling cloths are tacky an inappropriate, I wear jeans to church, There is nothing wrong with jeans.
Ok, Seriously, the Rule for Clothing, Dont wear anything that causes your brother to stumble. beyond that, go nuts.

I Preach In Shorts... If need to dress up to treat God with the Respect He desirves, then by all means do. but If you can give God respect in your Tee shirt, thats fine too.
ok, i do not see absolutely anything wrong with wearing jeans. I mean its what you believe i guess and how you were brought up. Now i don't think its right to just walk out of the house wearing some jeans that you can pretty much see every curve of your body. I mean the Bible says that we should be dressed in modest apparel. So in my opinion, just as long as youre dressed modest. ( don't dress like Britney spears or anything lol ) sorry had to say that. lol

God bless
I personally think jeans are okay. Actually, i only wear jeans. i mean, i basically LIVE in them. But, i wear them appropriately. I think that if you wear them really tight or low cut or something like that, it's absolutely disgusting. That's just my personal opinion.