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I've noticed more but not much publicity over here about ''Intelligent design''

Whats your take on this topic????? The U.K. needs to have at least a summary don't you think.?
laterunner said:
I've noticed more but not much publicity over here about ''Intelligent design''
Whats your take on this topic????? The U.K. needs to have at least a summary don't you think.?

Over your heads??? not interested??? what are they teaching in your schools.??
Does it matter???
Intelligent design was supposed to be used in schools in the U.S... They tried, but the courts turned it down.. so im told. Why? i heard the judges who turned it down said it would only promote religion. The only problem i have with the theory of Intelligent design, if it was placed in schools, is that anything can be the designer... right down to Alien life forms.

God bless
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Well as a philsophy student this area poses some interesting questions. It is based off of logic (a basic philosophical field) and utilizes the law of conservation as expressed: Nemo dat quod non habet (nothing gives what it does not have OR from nothing, nothing comes). So of course, I love it being both a Christian and a phil student, but I do not think I can consider it a scientific theory. This is because it is not testable nor observable as evolution is. Note that I am not supporting evolution, but saying that it is testable in a controlled enviroment where as intellegent design really is not.

Also not that evolution does not disprove God, while Intelligent Design has this as its object. So while it is indeed based on logic, and therefore does fall into the field of mathmatics on some level, it is not able to be counted as a theory and therefore should not be taught in schools as such. I do, however, believe that it should be taught in schools as a different subject all together. But they did not ask me did they?