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Is God Unjust?

Is God Unjust?
Do you ever think God is unfair??? Like when He smote Uzzah for touching the ark to steady it? 2 Samuel 6:7
Or perhaps when He killed Aaron's sons when they were making sacrifice at the alter of incense? Lev 10:1-7
Well God is not nor was He ever unfair!!! If we got what we deserved we would all be dead. Sin's penalty is death. But God sent His son to die in our place (that would have been unfair had Christ not volunteered). Jesus who knew no sin bore all of our sin so we would not be separated from the Father.
Now back to Aaron's sons. They were raised in the tribe of Levi and were priest so they had studied all that God commanded concerning the offerings given by a priest. They put what the Bible calls 'strange fire' on it. This alter of incense was considered holy by a HOLY GOD. They defiled it willingly, knowingly and defiantly. The prescribed punishment was death and they knew this also.
With Uzzah this was also true. With the exception of defiantly perhaps, Uzzah was from a tribe that carried all of the artifacts of the temple (they could not look at them- the priest had to cover them before Uzzah could come carry it) and Uzzah knew all the rules.
If we say God is not just we slander His character and commit sin. Know that all the blessings you have are undeserved and yet God gives them to you anyway. So when something bad happens do not blame God but look for what we need to change.
Do not be offended - or think God OWES you perpetual mercy but be blessed that He has made a way of coming to Him through Jesus Christ His son!!!

Praise El Elyon!!!
Is God Unjust?
Do you ever think God is unfair??? Like when He smote Uzzah for touching the ark to steady it? 2 Samuel 6:7
Or perhaps when He killed Aaron's sons when they were making sacrifice at the alter of incense? Lev 10:1-7
Well God is not nor was He ever unfair!!! If we got what we deserved we would all be dead. Sin's penalty is death. But God sent His son to die in our place (that would have been unfair had Christ not volunteered). Jesus who knew no sin bore all of our sin so we would not be separated from the Father.
Now back to Aaron's sons. They were raised in the tribe of Levi and were priest so they had studied all that God commanded concerning the offerings given by a priest. They put what the Bible calls 'strange fire' on it. This alter of incense was considered holy by a HOLY GOD. They defiled it willingly, knowingly and defiantly. The prescribed punishment was death and they knew this also.
With Uzzah this was also true. With the exception of defiantly perhaps, Uzzah was from a tribe that carried all of the artifacts of the temple (they could not look at them- the priest had to cover them before Uzzah could come carry it) and Uzzah knew all the rules.
If we say God is not just we slander His character and commit sin. Know that all the blessings you have are undeserved and yet God gives them to you anyway. So when something bad happens do not blame God but look for what we need to change.
Do not be offended - or think God OWES you perpetual mercy but be blessed that He has made a way of coming to Him through Jesus Christ His son!!!

Praise El Elyon!!!
God is not unjust but at times there are things in life that don't seem to be fair.