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I like this one....

This guy always gets up early in the morning and says, "lord, you are my creator. i will not spend my day like any other day. I will surrender my life to you and live according to your will." And in about 2 seconds he adds, "just kidding!" He did this almost his entire life and one day, he got hit by a car and he died.
He stood before God for judgement. Then God said,"my son, I know what you have been doing. But as I am a God of mercy, I forgive you. You can go to heaven."
The guy was like, "really?" and just as he was heading for heaven he heard a voice say, "Just kidding"
This joke is copywrited to a freind of mine
Staff Member
GOD would never joke like that. You would see tears in Jesus' eyes if someone was not going to Heaven and He told them that on Judgment Day.
I know! But the whole point is that you have to LIVE according to his word here on earth! You can't expect to have mercy on Judgement day! and 2, We shouldn't take God's love for us as a weakness! which we usually do.
hey i understand that what you were implying wasnt to hurt or insult anyone. So you are NOT a sick man!
Chad said:
GOD would never joke like that. You would see tears in Jesus' eyes if someone was not going to Heaven and He told them that on Judgment Day.

i agree with chad. jesus never whants to see any people go to hell. god intended hell to be for the devil and hid followers, not his creations.