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How Can I Convince My Parents To Take Me To Church?


I pray, read the Bible, and worship God. However, my parents don’t take our family to church, and I REALLY want them to! My mom keeps saying things like “Maybe next week,” even though she never takes us, and “We’re too busy!” How can I convince them that our family should go?


There are two things I want to address here: Respect for parents and showing them when something is important to you.
The most important thing in this situation is respecting your parents. I can tell that you are very passionate about wanting to attend church but God says, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you” – Exodus 20:12. This is the first commandment listed after the ones that discuss worshiping God and obeying the Sabbath. That tells us that after honoring Him, God expects us to honor our parents.
Honoring our parents, however, doesn’t mean that we can’t show them when something is important to us. We have to do it respectfully. In light of that, these are the things I would suggest:

  • Pray for your family. If you already do this, great! If not, start. It makes a huge difference!
  • Don’t try to force your entire family to go. You may want to go to church but they may not want to. You can always ask them for a ride, but respect their feelings about attending.
  • Give your parent(s) plenty of notice. Parents are really busy and have to plan out their time in advance. The earlier in the week that you ask, the more likely your parents can fit driving to church into their schedule. If they agree to give you a ride Sunday morning, remind them Friday night so that they don’t forget. If they change their minds, don’t get mad.
  • Don’t beg. If your parents say no, respect their answer because that is what God wants – He wants us to honor our parents.
  • If your parents regularly decline to take you to church, ask them if it’s all right for you to ask a friend who goes to the church you want to attend for a ride.
It’s a little hard to explain why, and the reasons vary, but many people feel uncomfortable with the idea of going to church if they don’t go or haven’t been in a long time. Don’t try to force your family members into doing something that they are uncomfortable with. If you continue to pray, ask nicely, wait patiently, and if you find a way to church on your own with a friend, your parents will begin to realize how important this is to you.
Don’t give up!
Let all that you do be done in love. – 1 Corinthians 16:14
Written by Jenn Arman
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when i was about 9-10 mom would take me to church and drop me off ..as i watched her drive off i wished she would come in with me.. we cant convince any body to Go to church unless they want to ..try telling her in a loving way how much it would mean to have her or dad at your side in worship to God ..i spent my offering money going down the street and playing pinball as soon as mom was out of sight ..if shed have been there maybe the story would be differnt ,,,Now i can say this about that..ITS up to you to make sure youre where you need to be either with a friend or someone from church,,,GOD WILL MAKE A WAY if youre heart is right in this ..please dont judge them to hard they are youre parents Good or Bad ,,Honor them for thier posiotion in youre life and watch God move on youre behalf ..oh yeah preach jesus to them every chance you can and if needed use words,,,,,,Rev