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hmmm...something new



Ei! it's good to be here. would you believe it? i haven't been into chatrooms or forums like this. it's actually my first time..honestly. all i do is check my email, browse here and there, and that's it. But then I came across this site
and i said why not..it speaks for itself...thought it would be good to fellowship with fellow believers, maybe meet some friends. and so i think it's good to be here, i think so. tell me :wink:
YAY, you found us, you found us Good Job

Welcome to TalkJesus, a wonderful community of beautiful ppl gathering in Jesus name :love:

God bless you every time you enter :love: Hope to meet you :love:


thanks! u make me feel i belong :) it's always nice to be, as u say, with beautiful ppl gathering in Jesus name.