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[GFA Urgent Prayer] Pray for Oppressed Pastor, Church

Staff Member
Something very bad has happened to one of our churches in India, and I want to ask you to earnestly pray for this very serious situation.

Not long ago, I wrote you about the 60 new believers in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh who were threatened with death if they did not return to Hinduism. And we all thanked God when He answered our prayers and the Christians were spared.

Now, however, the place where that church was meeting has been forcefully taken over by radical Hindus and turned into a temple. It is the first time in the 26-year history of Gospel for Asia that a place of worship has been taken over and defiled as a temple.

The Believers Church pastor, Ramesh Masih Bhatti, and his family have been forced to move from the building, which was their home for the past 25 years, and are now living with relatives. Local officials have done nothing about the take-over, and in fact have apparently sided with the Hindus.

Now the leader of the Hindus in Himachal Pradesh is threatening a massive, village-by-village campaign to force Christians to convert back to Hinduism.
As you can see, Satan is not going to give up easily in the fight for these precious souls. And yet the enemy is no match for the power of prayer.

So please, my faithful prayer partner, now is the time to pray and fast on behalf of Pastor Bhatti and his family and for all of the believers in their church. Please pray that God's protection will be upon them, and that they will stand strong in the face of this horrible persecution. Pray also that these extremists will be stopped in their efforts to deny the people the right to follow Christ.
I encourage you to click on this link to read the entire story so you will be better prepared to pray for these brothers and sisters.

Thank you for standing with our brothers and sisters in Himachal Pradesh, even as the evil one does his worst to try and defeat the strong moving of God.

Yours for the lost of Asia,
K.P. Yohannan
Founder & President
Gospel for Asia
Yes satan indeed are trying to destroy what the Lord has done thus far in India. My pastor and some other pastors from across our country has each November an outreach to India. Great miracles was performed where people got healed. We even saw video footached from these miracles. In the month that they were there over 20 000 people accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior and the missionaries are now doing follow-ups on those new converted Christians.

It was the most awesome site to see how they streamed forward to accept the Lord as their Savior that I sat with tears in my eyes that Sunday evening (2 weeks ago) watching the miracle happening.