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Do we believe in miracles?

Hi. I wanted just to place my opinion on the topic an then I would like to hear yours.
It is about miracles. Do we believe in them. Which is the condition for a miracle to happen?
We know that one of the most important miracle is the one of the new birth. When the love of God touches someone's life and he repents. This is why Jesus came. There is no doubt this is the most important. But what about physical miracles like healings etc. . We know there are certain denominational movements who are more focused on these kind of miracles and believe in them. Others instead don't. And others are a bit in the middle. Some people would quickly pray for someone who is sick and others instead would say " if it's God's will it will happen ". I am not questioning any one of them, I am just stating what I see. My personal opinion is that there still exist physical miracles, it still happens today. If God gave it to the believers that time, why not today? Now if you ask me, if I can do one, I would say that I don't know, but that doesn't mean that others can not. I am not saying with this that all the miracles and prodigies come from God, because in the last times Jesus said that many would come performing great signs, but that will be just to deceive Matthew 24:24. And if we are not able to do anything extraordinary we mustn't beat ourselves up for it. Maybe our ministry is different. There are multiple gifts and functions of the Spirit in us. It might be because of a lack of faith, but it is very possible to be aswell of the kind of gift and function we've got. Jesus himself said: " An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. " Matthew 12:39
Sometimes it is a question of us, but sometimes also of the other people we are dealing with. He said nothing except the sign of prophet Jonah. And that was a comparison with His death on the cross, which is the most important, because it is for salvation. Many people want just to see, to be able to believe, while He said: " Blessed are those who without seeing have believed ". There is a verse in Acts 17:26,27
" And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth , and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord...." . So here we can see that he has established the times, the dwellings and everything. And what would be the best for the people dwelling there. That explains why in certain nations and places happen more certain miracles than others. He knows the faith of those people and what exactly they need, so that they can seek Him, as is being said in the verse. He knows what kind of ( sound ) ministry with believers can be placed there. All of this for His glory. Even though all of us are humans, still there is difference how we've been brought up, what do we know or think about life etc. So he knows how to work in each one's life. And sometimes the different ministries shouldn't be dividing each other ( unless for something really important ), but should look at each other as different parts from the same body. Obviously even if sometimes we don't have certain gift, it still can be manifested in us only by His Grace.
Let's first clear up a fact many ignore. Namely, we are walking miracles.

Miracle = an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.

As such, life, beauty, senses, two elbows, two eyes, a mouth and much more all point to miracles.

Secondly, let's grasp that miracles can be visual and non-visual.

If we have to hone in on visual miracles. Well, then we need to give thought to the doctrine of cessationism. There is truth to miracles done in Jesus's day, not re-occuring. Jesus had to walk on water and feed five thousand to identify Himself as someone more then just a mere mortal being. This does not mean visual miracles do not occur, it just means for example that Peter, after he had a revelation of Jesus in Matt 16:16-17 never tried to walk on water after that. He did other miracles. Miracles just followed him as they were needed. He did not ''pioneer'' a miracle. A snake bit Paul, the venom had no effect and the snake likely died. Paul did not go out looking for snakes. He did not run a magic show illustrating this power at work.

So, cessationism applies to us being able to perform a miracle for an audience. God does signs and wonders according to His will. He prefers to ''not'' do signs. He prefers all mankind come to Him for who He is and not what He can do.

Not tempting God Matt 4:7, being in sin Psalm 107:17 and 'His will' are the only three limiting factors to seeing a miracle. There is nothing else.

Conclusion: Miracles occur all the time. It is part and parcel of God looking after us.